- Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- http://bsmyth.net
pam-watchid Public
Forked from insidegui/pam-watchidPAM plugin module that allows the Apple Watch to be used for authentication
vim-textobj-python Public archive
Text objects for Python.
elovation Public
Forked from elovation/elovationSimple rails app to track your game results with elo and trueskill ratings
Python interface to Amazon Web Services
Python Other UpdatedAug 19, 2014 -
vader.vim Public
Forked from junegunn/vader.vimA simple Vimscript test framework
Vim Script UpdatedJun 21, 2014 -
vim-exchange Public
Forked from tommcdo/vim-exchangeEasy text exchange operator for Vim
Vim Script UpdatedFeb 4, 2014 -
CSS to display and compose Gmail in a fixed width typeface.
CSS MIT License UpdatedDec 19, 2013 -
homebrew Public
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrewPackaging system for Mac OS X 10.5 and above; heavy optimisations, no redundant packages and a bonus beer theme
vim-colors-solarized Public
Forked from altercation/vim-colors-solarizedprecision colorscheme for the vim text editor
vim-tshark Public archive
A Vim plugin to make it easy to read pcap dumps.
scrobblepod Public archive
Mac OS X Last.fm scrobbler for iTunes and iPod