- Waikato, New Zealand
- https://christensen.co.nz
- @BradC
blueprint Public
Forked from palantir/blueprintA React-based UI toolkit for the web
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 21, 2022 -
heritage-food-crops Public archive
A charitable trust researching the prevention and treatment of disease through the medicinal properties of natural plant-based food.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 12, 2020 -
encode-xav-68bt Public
A command line ffmpeg wrapper for encoding videos in a format suitable for playback on the Sony XAV-68BT head unit
JavaScript UpdatedSep 19, 2017 -
youtube-dedupe Public
Remove duplicate videos from a downloaded YouTube playlist
JavaScript UpdatedJul 8, 2017 -
gulp-name-modules Public archive
A gulp stream that defines names for anonymous AMD modules based on file paths
JavaScript UpdatedAug 19, 2015 -
gulp-cache-stream Public archive
A simple gulp stream that applies transforms only to files that have been modified since the last invocation, useful for significantly speeding up incremental build times
webui-aria2 Public
Forked from ziahamza/webui-aria2The aim for this project is to create the worlds best and hottest interface to interact with aria2. Very simple to use, just download and open index.html in any web browser.
cecanyway Public
Forked from mkulke/cecanywayA small tool to help control xbmc by cec.
C GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedNov 12, 2014 -
6lbr Public
Forked from cetic/6lbrA deployment-ready 6LoWPAN Border Router solution based on Contiki
C Other UpdatedAug 31, 2014 -
contiki Public
Forked from contiki-os/contikiThe official git repository for Contiki, the open source OS for the Internet of Things
C Other UpdatedJun 29, 2014 -
TapToRotate Public
An Android app that uses the accelerometer to display a 'tap to rotate' button (useful back when Android didn't support this out of the box)