This project reproduce the popular ride-sharing platform Uber.
Our team develop the infrastucture and website to accommodate both drivers and riders. Drivers can view a map and wait to accept nearby riders in real-time. Conversely,riders can submit requests and be assigned to a driver. Riders should be able to complete their request in a timely manner. .
This web app includes authentication and uses Mapbox services to fetch users real time location, calculate driving distances and get driving instructions.
We also have a database to store users ride-sharing history and their ratings.
Build with:
- MongoDB
- Express
- React
- Node
- Heroku
- Alan Kashiwagi
- Branden Lee
- Ngan Nguyen
- Sara Ngo
- Shaoyue Liu
Start the node server using: nodemon server
Start the React app by changing directory to /frontend and using: npm start
.env requires MONGO_URI variable
Remember to install packages
First add the .env file to the directory
cd "UberClone"
npm install
npm start
cd "UberClone\frontend" #windows path :(
npm install
npm start
Go to frontend/constants.js and change the variables:
export const AUTHENTICATION_SERVER = "";
export const CHAT_SERVER = "";
export const MAP_SERVER = "";