Traversy Media
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- traversymedia.com
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Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more
traversypress-ui Public
Dashboard UI built with Next.js, TypeScript and Shadcn/ui
UI to configure Tesla Model Y using HTML, Tailwind and vanilla JavaScript
workopia-laravel Public
Workopia Job Listing Website - Built with Laravel
encore-url-shortener Public
URL shortener service built with Encore.ts
property-pulse-nextjs Public
Real estate website built with Next.js and MongoDB
property-pulse Public
Next.js app for listing and searching rental properties
50projects50days Public
50+ mini web projects using HTML, CSS & JS
modern-html-css-course-files Public
Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning 2.0 files
devconnector_2.0 Public
Social network for developers, built on the MERN stack
pollster_django_crash Public
Polling app built with Django (Django Crash Course)
nodecontactform Public
Node.js app that uses nodemailer to send emails
node_passport_login Public
Node.js login, registration and access control using Express and Passport
expense-tracker-nextjs Public
Next.js app to track income & expenses. Uses Neon database with Prisma and Clerk for authentication
shopping-list Public
Vanilla JS shopping list app from modern JS course
proshop-v2 Public
ProShop ecommerce website built with MERN & Redux Toolkit
chatgpt-chatbot Public
Chatbot written in Node.js that uses the ChatGPT API
traversy-js-challenges Public
Challenges & docs from JS Algorithms & Data Structures course
react-crash-2024 Public
React jobs project from YouTube crash course
javascript-sandbox Public
Sandbox from the Modern JS From The Beginning 2.0 course
simple-tailwind-starter Public
Very simple file structure for Tailwind projects
mern-auth Public
MERN authentication using JWT and HTTP-Only cookie