Yars' Revenge in Rust
Just a small rush code project inspired by Tantan. Implement Yars' Revenge in <12 hours in Rust.
Learning Bevy & Rust! I just discovered this language a few weeks ago.
12 / 12 Hours Complete! Play it here!!
Hour 1:
- Plan
- Basic app setup.
- Yar
Hour 2:
- Yar flight w/ anims.
- Yar bullet.
Hour 3:
- Atari Resolution (Sort of...)
- Clear Color == Black
- Destroy bullet when hit side of screen.
- Prevent Yar from flying offscreen horizontally.
- Wrap Yar when fly offscreen vertically.
- Get screen size and sprite size (roughly) correct relative to 2600.
Hour 4:
- Qotile
- Fix alpha
- Zorlon Cannon
- Collision
- Zorlon Cannon create on collide Qotile.
Hour 5:
- Zorlon Cannon follow Yar.
- Shoot fires Zorlon Cannon.
- Zorlon Cannon despawns if leave world / hit Yar / hit Qotile.
Hour 6:
- Yar Death
- Destroyer Missile
Hour 7:
- Refactor and cleanup based on things learned so far!
Hour 8:
- Neutral Zone
- Neutral Zone provides immunity from Destroyer Missile
Hour 9:
- Swirl
- Swirl fires at Yar
Hour 10:
- Swirl resets Qotile on leave world.
- Swirl kills Yar on collide
- Improve swirl state timing.
- Zorlon Cannon kills Qotile & Swirl
Hour 11:
- Qotile's Shield
- Yar bites/eats Shield on collide.
- Zorlon Cannon create on Eat.
- Bullet damages shield.
- Zorlon Cannon damages shield.
Hour 12:
- Yar cannot shoot while in the Neutral Zone.
- Qotile and Destroyer Missile despawn on Yar death.
- WASM - Wasn't much to do here, Bevy just worked with wasm-pack.
- React Web & Host
Missing Features:
- Scoring / Scoreboard
- Victory / Death Screen
- 4 Lives
- Scoring
- Shifting Shield
- Moving Shield
- Game Modes 2 & 4 (Multiplayer)
- Game Mode 3 - Alternating Shields
- Game Mode 4 - Bouncing Zorlon Cannon
- Game Mode 6 - Ultimate Yars
- VFX: Zorlon Cannon Pulse
- VFX: Qotile Death Transition
- Sounds (need to extract from 2600 by running code slices in enmulator?)