Turbine UI is a Laravel Blade & Tailwind CSS UI component library that helps you build elegant and responsive user interfaces that'll make your pages pop. Say goodbye to designer's block forever.
Turbine UI is free and can be downloaded via composer:
composer require brandymedia/turbine-ui-core
- MUST be using at least Laravel 10
- MUST be using at least PHP 8.1
- MUST be using Tailwind CSS
Once you've installed Turbine UI you'll need to update your tailwind.config.js file.
In the 'content' section, add ./vendor/brandymedia/turbine-ui-core//*.php** as a new line:
content: [
You'll also need to make sure you're using the Tailwind Forms plugin in your tailwind.config.js file. This is normally included by default when using a starter kit such as Laravel Breeze.
import forms from '@tailwindcss/forms';
export default {
plugins: [forms],
Then in development run:
npm run dev
Or in production run:
npm run build
Turbine UI comes with 2 themes by default with further themes in development:
- Kinetic (default)
- Primal (Pro)
You can switch themes by adding the TURBINE_UI_THEME key to your .env file:
You can also edit themes by publishing the packages assets:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=turbine-ui-themes
This makes local copies of the themes in the ./resources/views/vendor/turbine-ui/themes directory which can then be edited to meet your requirements.
To use local themes, you will need to update your tailwind.config.js file.
In the 'content' section, add ./resources/views//*.php** as a new line:
content: [
Think of variants as colour palettes. The default themes already come with several predefined variants but you can create your own, or even overwrite existing one.
To create a new variant, run the following command in your CLI:
php artisan turbine:create-variant
You will then be prompted to enter the variants name. To overwrite an existing theme level variant, use the same name for example primary.
Once the new variant has been created you will find it here ../resources/views/vendor/turbine-ui/variants.
To use local variants, you will need to update your tailwind.config.js file.
In the 'content' section, add ./resources/views//*.php** as a new line:
content: [
You can now use your new variant on your components using kebab-case formatting.
Some of the Turbine UI components require JavaScript to function properly.
You'll need to first publish the js files:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=turbine-ui-js
Then add the Turbine UI blade directive to your head:
You can view the documentation for each of the components here