Hardware document for the nyan keys keyboard
DIY-friendly 60% Bluetooth PCB using the nRF52840. MX, ALPS and SMK versions.
Laser for control mosquito, weed, and pest
Forum for discussing Internet censorship circumvention
The indoor room sensor firmware based on the Particle IoT platform
Ray is an AI compute engine. Ray consists of a core distributed runtime and a set of AI Libraries for accelerating ML workloads.
breaking cycles in noisy hierarchies
Run, compile and execute JavaScript for Scientific Computing and Data Visualization TOTALLY TOTALLY TOTALLY in your BROWSER! An open source scientific computing environment for JavaScript TOTALLY i…
automated censorship evasion for the client-side and server-side
反中共政治宣传库。Anti Chinese government propaganda. 住在中国真名用户的网友请别给星星,不然你要被警察请喝茶。常见问答集,新闻集和饭店和音乐建议。卐习万岁卐。冠状病毒审查郝海东新疆改造中心六四事件法轮功 996.ICU709大抓捕巴拿马文件邓家贵低端人口西藏骚乱。Friends who live in China and have real name on…
A censorship circumvention tool to evade detection by authoritarian state adversaries
An unidentifiable mechanism that helps you bypass GFW.
EDA tool for characterizing the metastability resolution time constant (Tau) of bistable circuits
ABC: System for Sequential Logic Synthesis and Formal Verification
SystemVerilog 2017 Pre-processor, Parser, Elaborator, UHDM Compiler. Provides IEEE Design/TB C/C++ VPI and Python AST & UHDM APIs. Compiles on Linux gcc, Windows msys2-gcc & msvc, OsX
Live Hardware Development (LiveHD), a productive infrastructure for Synthesis and Simulation
Showcase examples for EPFL logic synthesis libraries
Needs to generate some texts to test if my GUI rendering codes good or not. so I made this.
The-OpenROAD-Project-Attic / abc
Forked from berkeley-abc/abcImplementing physical synthesis and SDC support into ABC
A High-performance Timing Analysis Tool for VLSI Systems
A General-purpose Task-parallel Programming System using Modern C++
A simple library that lets you control slave thread from master thread