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The router class takes four arguments:

Name Type Description
root DOM Element The outermost element of where the routes will be rendered
nav DOM Element The element the links for the routes will be appended to
display DOM Element The element the routes will be displayed within
routes Array of Objects An array that outlines the routes - to include (optional) sub-routes
options Object Currently only accepts loadScript and topOfPage to inject a script that you want to run when a route has loaded

Routes object constructor schema:

    path: String,
    title: String,
    view: View Class,
    subRoutes: [{
        path: String,
        title: String,
        view: View Class
    display?: Boolean (defaults to true),
    loadScript?: Function

Options object schema:

    loadScript?: Function,
    topOfPage: {
        top: Number,
        left: Number,
        behavior: String (scroll behavior)

There are multiple event listeners which are applied to your webpage as a result of this router.

Here is a list of event listeners that you can utilize:

Trigger Element Affect
click a.internal Uses the class's navigate method to load the html provided within the view


A very simple abstract class An implementation of the abstract class - takes one argument, title (document title) - will allow you to inherit baseTitle using super() within the constructor of the extended classes.

The extended classes only require one method to be overwritten -> renderHTML, where you can create the HTML to be rendered per route.


Utilities to be re-usable by Vanilla JavaScript







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