The router class takes four arguments:
Name | Type | Description |
root | DOM Element |
The outermost element of where the routes will be rendered |
nav | DOM Element |
The element the links for the routes will be appended to |
display | DOM Element |
The element the routes will be displayed within |
routes | Array of Objects | An array that outlines the routes - to include (optional) sub-routes |
options | Object | Currently only accepts loadScript and topOfPage to inject a script that you want to run when a route has loaded |
Routes object constructor schema:
path: String,
title: String,
view: View Class,
subRoutes: [{
path: String,
title: String,
view: View Class
display?: Boolean (defaults to true),
loadScript?: Function
Options object schema:
loadScript?: Function,
topOfPage: {
top: Number,
left: Number,
behavior: String (scroll behavior)
There are multiple event listeners which are applied to your webpage as a result of this router.
Here is a list of event listeners that you can utilize:
Trigger | Element | Affect |
click | a.internal |
Uses the class's navigate method to load the html provided within the view |
A very simple abstract class
An implementation of the abstract class - takes one argument, title
(document title) - will allow you to inherit baseTitle
using super()
within the constructor of the extended classes.
The extended classes only require one method to be overwritten -> renderHTML
, where you can create the HTML to be rendered per route.