Le Fromage de Terreur - Auto-generated Terraform DSL
Collected benchmarks for templating crates written in Rust
Exploratory work-in-progress for a faster + more ergonomic Rust mustache implementation
Templating language with similar syntax and features to Liquid or Jinja2.
A comprehensive Amazon Web Services SDK for Haskell.
A comprehensive Google Services SDK for Haskell.
Miscellaneous articles. The readme is the table of contents.
Type safe interface for working in subcategories of Hask
The low-level, core functionality of boto3 and the AWS CLI.
Multi-process orchestration for development and integration testing
Textual case conversion and word boundary manipulation
An implementation of the Semantic Versioning specification for Haskell
Haskell bindings to the portable system statistics libstatgrab library.
Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
Management UI for disparate/unclustered RabbitMQ instances
Send metrics to Ganglia, Graphite, and statsd
Reference implementation for handling a publish-one, subscribe-many pattern
AMQP logging system for infrastructure components
Nagios monitoring and Ganglia/Graphite HTTP statistics aggregation for RabbitMQ
CLI tool to generate publish-one, subscribe-many Shovel configurations for RabbitMQ
Erlang client for Etsy's statsd statistics aggregator