- Brazil
(UTC -03:00) - https://linktr.ee/brenomfviana
- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3441-508X
- in/brenomfviana
minitwitter Public
Mini Twitter Project made with Django REST and React
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 4, 2024 -
brado Public
Brado (BRAzilian DOcs validator) é um pacote Rust para validação de documentos brasileiros
maze-editor Public archive
Maze Editor allows game designers to create maze levels from scratch or sketches generated by PCG algorithms.
C# UpdatedApr 7, 2023 -
alura-flask-game-list Public archive
This is a simple Flask project for listing games. This project was developed during Alura's Flask course.
alura-imersao-dados Public archive
Data analysis algorithms implemented during Alura Data Immersion.
ip-usp Public archive
Codes from the couse of Image Processing (IP) of University of São Paulo (USP).
image-processing image-generator image-restoration image-filtering image-enhancement image-super-resolution image-descriptorPython MIT License UpdatedApr 7, 2023 -
ffiapi-rust Public archive
This repository contains codes for learning to build FFI APIs in Rust for C++ and C#.
learn-unity3d Public archive
This repository contains a simple platform game I made during my learning of Unity3D.
C# Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedApr 7, 2023 -
max-clique Public archive
This project contains solutions for solving the max clique problem.
dodge-the-creeps-rust Public archive
Godot-Rust version of the game Dodge the Creeps!
vjudge-rust Public archive
Rust solutions for CodeChef and UVa problems.
learn-rust Public archive
This repository contains some rust projects.
rust-web-server Public archive
Rust Book Final Project: Building a Multithreaded Web Server.
ies-usp Public archive
Codes from the couse of Introduction of Evolutionary Systems (IES) of University of São Paulo (USP).
minigrep Public archive
A small rust version of grep (*g*lobally search a *r*egular *e*xpression and *p*rint).
rust-by-example Public archive
This repository contais code of the book 'Rust By Example' (https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/rust-by-example/).
mago Public archive
MAGO is a maze generator.
dimap-monography-template Public template
DIMAp Monography Template for LaTeX.
the-plain-academic Public template
Forked from heiswayi/the-plainA minimalist Jekyll theme, ideally designed for your academic site.
hanna Public archive
HANNA is a hexagrid cavern generator (Hexagrid cAverN geNerAtor).
rain Public archive
RAIN is a 3D image renderer running on the CPU made from scratch. This renderer uses Ray Tracing technique and implements KD-Tree and multithreading to optmization.
pope Public archive
Pope is a bot created to play a simplified version of the game "Papers, Please". The name of this AI was given in honor of the game creator Lucas Pope.