This bot is created with the help of NodeJS and uses Baileys
This is a highly customisable simple whatsapp bot with group management features and few media commands and chatgpt courtesy of openai APIs.
You will need an openai API key for AI features to work.
- Get openAi key Here and paste it in the environmental variables section named AI.
- Fork this repo by tapping here
- Change repository value in app.json to yours. Tap here
- Change repository value in heroku deploy button in to yours. Tap here
Alternatively, connect your fork to your heroku account and manually add the environmental variables.
Run Repl and scan QR Code.
If successful your login credentials (creds.json) will be sent to your number.
Upload the creds.json in dreaded1 folder.
Connect your fork to any suitable cloud host and deploy.
Deploy Via Heroku. You will be required to fill all the required environmental variables before deploying.
You can alternatively connect this repo to other cloud host deployment services like koyeb and manually add the environmental variables.
Install Via Termux locally✅
$ pkg install git nodejs -y
$ git clone
$ npm install
Running the bot
$ node index.js
Copyright (c) 2023 Dreaded AI-ChatGpt