University of California San Diego
- brianhempel.com
- @brianhempel
Experiment on how to bootstrap the OCaml compiler
Jenkins campfire plugin
Atomically incrementing sequences in MongoDB. Useful for auto-incrementing id's or other counters that can't collide.
EXPERIMENTAL password management app. Don't use this.
Rails session store class implemented for MongoMapper and Mongoid or any other MongoDB ODM
Rails session store class implemented for MongoMapper and Mongoid or any other MongoDB ODM
brianhempel / fuzzy-string
Forked from deepfryed/fuzzy-stringfuzzy string matching alorithms
Rails session store class implemented for MongoMapper and Mongoid or any other MongoDB ODM
Rails session store class implemented for MongoMapper and Mongoid or any other MongoDB ODM
Pseudo-shell hack with Rails environment preloaded for faster tests and faster generators and faster rake commands. Go go go go!
Atomically incrementing sequences in MongoDB. Useful for auto-incrementing id's or other counters that can't collide.
Rails session store class implemented for MongoMapper and Mongoid or any other MongoDB ODM
Rails session store class implemented for MongoMapper and Mongoid or any other MongoDB ODM
brianhempel / plucky
Forked from mongomapper/pluckyFancy query magic for the mongo ruby driver
In goes a hash, out comes hidden fields. Great for preserving Rails parameters without abusing the session.
Finally, simple mean, median, mode, sum, and frequencies for Ruby arrays and enumerables!
Find a needle (a document or record) in a haystack using string similarity and (optionally) regular expression rules. Uses Dice's Coefficient (aka Pair Similiarity) and Levenshtein Distance interna…
Practical, daily benchmarks of Ruby implementations.
brianhempel / dragonfly
Forked from markevans/dragonflyA Ruby Rack-based gem for on-the-fly processing - suitable for image uploading in Rails, Sinatra and much more!
Rails session store class implemented for MongoMapper and Mongoid or any other MongoDB ODM
Gem to download chromedriver so Chrome can be used with selenium-webdriver
Rails session store class implemented for MongoMapper and Mongoid
ckald / jquery-pjax
Forked from defunkt/jquery-pjaxjQuery PJAX with old-school hashes support
Rails session store class implemented for MongoMapper and Mongoid
ericxtang / sunspot
Forked from sunspot/sunspotForked to extend spatial search for Solr 3.1
Logging of query time and load time for MongoMapper (Works through MongoMapper 0.9.0, broken on 0.9.1)
brianhempel / mongomapper
Forked from mongomapper/mongomapperA Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo
Keep The Records - Awana Record Keeping