Canvas API implementation in WebGL2
// const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') // origin canvas 2D context
const ctx = canvas.getContext('webgl2-2d') // WebGL2 implementation
- HTMLCanvasElement
- width/height (TODO: set behavior not same)
- getContext('webgl2-2d'): attributes not supported
- toDataURL(): (TODO: parameters not supported)
- CanvasRenderingContext2D
- canvas
- State
- save()
- restore()
- Transformations
- scale()
- rotate()
- translate()
- transform()
- setTransform()
- Compositing
- globalAlpha
- globalCompositeOperation
- Colors and styles (TODO: need complete colorParser)
- strokeStyle
- fillStyle
- createLinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1) and addColorStop(pos, color)
- createRadialGradient(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1) and addColorStop(pos, color)
- createPattern(image, repetition)
- Line caps and joins
- lineWidth
- lineCap
- lineJoin
- Shadows
- shadowOffsetX
- shadowOffsetY
- shadowBlur
- shadowColor
- Rectangles
- fillRect
- strokeRect
- clearRect
- Paths
- beginPath()
- closePath()
- stroke()
- fill()
- lineTo()
- moveTo()
- rect()
- quadraticCurveTo()
- bezierCurveTo()
- arc()
- arcTo()
- clip() (TODO: not fully supported, bug exists with save/restore and multiple clip)
- isPointInPath() (TODO: specify path support)
- Text
- font
- textAlign
- textBaseline
- fillText()
- strokeText()
- measureText().width
- Drawing Images
- drawImage()
- Pixel manipulation
- ImageData
- createImageData()
- getImageData()
- putImageData()