Dost is a Discord bot for viewing currencies.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
Dost requires Python v3.6 or above. To install python3 package write the command below to your terminal.
sudo apt install python3
sudo pacman -S python3
sudo dnf install python3
To install dost to your system, you need to enter the commands below to your terminal.
git clone ; cd dost ; pip install -r requirements.txt ;
To use dost, You first need to create a discord bot from Discord Developer Portal. After you create the bot, you need to copy the token of your bot and paste it to the token variable at If you're a developer and you want to improve this project, you can copy your server's Id and paste it to the default_enabled_guilds variable at Dost works with Slash commands that you enter in Discord. The available commands are listed in the Available Commands Section
`help`- Prints the help message.
`dollar` - Prints out the usd to try currency.
`dost` - Gives you the choice to select the currency and the base.
Hikari Lightbulb
Coinbase API
To report bugs and suggest new feature use the issue tracker. If you have some code which you would like to be merged, then open a pull request.
Baran Gokalp
This project is licensed under the MPL-2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details