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Backend of the DDP Study Management App (DSM)


  1. Maven 3
  2. OpenJDK 11
  3. gcloud CLI
brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
brew cask install java11

Setting up maven

In addition to the usual public repos, we use github package manager for the older lddp core dependency.

To download this dependency, generate a github token and add it to your ~/.m2/settings.xml:

         <username>...github username...</username>
         <password>...github token...</password>
               <name>GitHub OWNER Apache Maven Packages</name>

DSM uses a single pom.xml but two different profile values for building the backend APIs for GAE and background jobs for Cloud Functions. When building the APIs, use -Papis. To build cloud functions, use Pcloud-function


DSM uses GCP's secret manager (SM) to store credentials.

To read secrets for a specific environment:

gcloud --project=${PROJECT_ID} secrets versions access latest --secret="${CONFIG_SECRETS}" > config/vault.conf

This will put vault.conf into the config dir. DSMServer will look at conf/vault.conf at boot time. Do not commit any generated .conf files!

To seed configuration values for local development, run This will put various *.conf files into the /config dir. Do not commit any generated .conf files!

Running Tests

Point your test configuration at the test-log4j.xml file and set the fallback config file:

export TEST_CONFIG_FILE=config/test-config.conf
java -Dlog4j.configuration=test-log4j.xml ...

Getting something up and running

This repo has a starter DSMServer app. To setup the code in Intellj, click File->New->Project From Existing Sources and then point Intellij at pom.xml.

To run it from Intellij, just right click on the main() method, click debug, and then point your browser at localhost.

Making a single executable jar

mvn -DskipTests package will create target/DSMServer.jar. You can then run this via java -jar ./target/DSMServer.jar

Serving out static files during development

This repo contains backend code, but to serve out static assets, you can use environment variable -Dserver.static_content_source=[full path to static assets] to serve out javascript, html, css, etc. via spark. If you've checked out the front end code at /foo/bar on your local machine, then you can set -Dserver.static_content_source=/foo/bar when running DSMServer and the app should be visible on localhost.

Building and deploying

DSM has two components: the backend APIS and Cloud Functions, which are essentially background tasks.

Building and deploying backend APIS

To deploy to a specific project, just run the build-and-deploy script, which takes two args: the name of a project and the name of the GCP secret to read from said project. To deploy to dev:

cd appengine/deploy
./ broad-ddp-dev study-manager-config

Building and deploying cloud functions

./ project gcp-secret study-manager-schema study-server-schema

Viewing Logs

One way to view logs is via the GCP console. \

For backend API logs, drill into GAE Application -> study-manager-backend -> version.

For could functions, use the resource.type="cloud_function" resource.