A simple wrapper for native file dialogs on Windows/Mac/Linux/Web.
- Works in editor and runtime.
- Open file/folder, save file dialogs supported.
- Multiple file selection.
- File extension filter.
- Mono/IL2CPP backends supported.
- Linux support by Ricardo Rodrigues.
- Basic WebGL support.
Example usage:
// Open file
var paths = StandaloneFileBrowserHelper.GetFileBrowser().OpenFilePanel("Open File", "", "", false);
// Open file async
StandaloneFileBrowserHelper.GetFileBrowser().OpenFilePanelAsync("Open File", "", "", false, (string[] paths) => { });
// Open file with filter
var extensions = new [] {
new ExtensionFilter("Image Files", "png", "jpg", "jpeg" ),
new ExtensionFilter("Sound Files", "mp3", "wav" ),
new ExtensionFilter("All Files", "*" ),
var paths = StandaloneFileBrowserHelper.GetFileBrowser().OpenFilePanel("Open File", "", extensions, true);
// Save file
var path = StandaloneFileBrowserHelper.GetFileBrowser().SaveFilePanel("Save File", "", "", "");
// Save file async
StandaloneFileBrowserHelper.GetFileBrowser().SaveFilePanelAsync("Save File", "", "", "", (string path) => { });
// Save file with filter
var extensionList = new [] {
new ExtensionFilter("Binary", "bin"),
new ExtensionFilter("Text", "txt"),
var path = StandaloneFileBrowserHelper.GetFileBrowser().SaveFilePanel("Save File", "", "MySaveFile", extensionList);
// Open file directly
StandaloneFileBrowserHelper.GetFileIO.OpenFileAsync(contents => { });
// Save file directly
string contents = "{}";
StandaloneFileBrowserHelper.GetFileIO.SaveFileAsync("path/to/file.json", contents);
- Requires .NET 2.0 api compatibility level
- Async dialog opening not implemented, ..Async methods simply calls regular sync methods.
- Plugin import settings should be like this;
- Sync calls are throws an exception at development build after native panel loses and gains focus. Use async calls to avoid this.
- Basic upload/download file support.
- File filter support.