A simple space-optimized trie written in Rust
flowchart TB
id1(m) --> id2 & id3 & id6 & id7
id3(u) --> id4 & id5
id4(ave eraser)
id5(scle cars)
id6(exican sombrero)
id7 --> id8 & id9 & id10
id9(n) --> id11 & id12
id10(u) --> id13 & id14
id13(s) --> id15 & id16
id16(y brown hair dye)
use radix_trie::trie::{Trie, LabelsIter};
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
fn main() {
// Radix Trie Example
println!("Search suggestions");
// Search terms is a trie,
// K is AsRef<[u8]> which &str is and u16 fits into any generic V
let search_terms: Trie<&str, u16> =
[("mobile", 10),("mandala", 67),("mousy brown hair dye", 23),("moneypot", 45),
("mexican sombrero", 27), ("muscle cars", 11), ("mouthguard", 8),
("monitor", 7),("mousepad", 2361), ("muave eraser", 98)]
let set = labels_helper(search_terms.labels());
// Check the label of the static tree (see picture diagram)
assert_eq!(set, BTreeSet::from(["andala", "ave eraser", "bile", "epad", "exican sombrero", "eypot",
"itor", "m", "n", "o", "s", "scle cars", "thguard", "u", "y brown hair dye"]));
let mut keys = search_terms.all_keys("me");
assert_eq!(vec!["mexican sombrero"], flatten_keys(keys.as_ref()));
keys = search_terms.all_keys("mu");
assert_eq!(vec!["muave eraser", "muscle cars"], flatten_keys(keys.as_ref()));
let searched_word = "mouse".bytes();
let mut user_typed = vec![];
// Simulate user typing in a search query and
// viewing the dropdown box of potentially matching results
// as user is typing in the searched_word
for (i, b) in searched_word.enumerate() {
user_typed.push(b); // add each character (byte in this case) to user_typed
// retrieve list of matching keys from trie
keys = search_terms.all_keys(std::str::from_utf8(&user_typed).unwrap_or_default());
let v: Vec<&str> = flatten_keys(keys.as_ref());
println!("Search results, for typed text: {:?} ---> {:?}",
match i {
0 => assert_eq!(v, vec!["mandala", "mexican sombrero", "mobile", "moneypot",
"monitor", "mousepad", "mousy brown hair dye",
"mouthguard", "muave eraser", "muscle cars"]),
1 => assert_eq!(v, vec!["mobile", "moneypot", "monitor", "mousepad",
"mousy brown hair dye", "mouthguard"]),
2 => assert_eq!(v, vec!["mousepad", "mousy brown hair dye",
3 => assert_eq!(v, vec!["mousepad", "mousy brown hair dye"]),
4 => assert_eq!(v, vec!["mousepad"]),
_ => (),
pub fn flatten_keys<'a>(keys: Option<&'a Vec<Vec<u8>>>) -> Vec<&'a str> {
keys.map_or(vec![], |k| {
let mut v = k.iter()
.map(|bytes| std::str::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap_or_default())
fn labels_helper<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a>(labels: LabelsIter<'a, K, V>) -> BTreeSet<&'a str> {
labels.map(|bytes| std::str::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap()).collect::<BTreeSet<&str>>()
Search suggestions
Search results, for typed text: "m" --->
["mandala", "mexican sombrero", "mobile", "moneypot", "monitor", "mousepad",
"mousy brown hair dye", "mouthguard", "muave eraser", "muscle cars"]
Search results, for typed text: "mo" --->
["mobile", "moneypot", "monitor", "mousepad", "mousy brown hair dye", "mouthguard"]
Search results, for typed text: "mou" --->
["mousepad", "mousy brown hair dye", "mouthguard"]
Search results, for typed text: "mous" --->
["mousepad", "mousy brown hair dye"]
Search results, for typed text: "mouse" --->
Upon deletion handles a combination of unmarking, pruning, and compression Picture taken from Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures by Marcello La Rocca
Thanks! Bibek
PS (with love)
Some tests ;)
flowchart LR;
id1(an) ---> id2 & id3
id2(t) --> id4 & id5
id4(hem) --> id6
fn search_basic() {
let trie: Trie<_, _> = [("anthem", 1), ("anti", 2), ("anthemion", 7), ("and", 77)].iter().cloned().collect();
assert_eq!(&1, trie.search("anthem").unwrap());
assert_eq!(None, trie.search("ant"))
fn search_with_remove() {
let mut trie: Trie<_, _> = [("anthem", "one"), ("anti", "two"), ("anthemion", "seven"), ("and", "seventy-seven")].iter().cloned().collect();
assert_eq!(&"two", trie.search("anti").unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some("two"), trie.remove("anti"));
assert_eq!(None, trie.search("anti"));
fn search_with_replace_insert() {
let mut trie: Trie<_, _> = [("anthem", 1), ("anti", 2), ("anthemion", 7), ("and", 77)].iter().cloned().collect();
assert_eq!(&1, trie.search("anthem").unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some(1), trie.insert("anthem", 98));
assert_eq!(&98, trie.search("anthem").unwrap());
fn search_with_replace_insert_w_reference_values() {
let important: u16 = 42;
let i = &important;
let vip: u16 = 98;
let mut trie: Trie<_, _> = [("anthem", i), ("anti", i), ("anthemion", i), ("and", i)].iter().cloned().collect();
assert_eq!(&i, trie.search("anthem").unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some(i), trie.insert("anthem", &vip));
assert_eq!(&&vip, trie.search("anthem").unwrap());
fn check_all_keys() {
let trie: Trie<_, _> = [("anthem", 1), ("anti", 2), ("anthemion", 7), ("and", 77)].iter().cloned().collect();
let mut keys = trie.all_keys("ant").unwrap();
let nested = vec![
vec![97, 110, 116, 104, 101, 109],
vec![97, 110, 116, 104, 101, 109, 105, 111, 110],
vec![97, 110, 116, 105]
let flattened: Vec<u8> = nested.iter().flat_map(|v| v.iter()).cloned().collect();
let keys_flattened: Vec<u8> = keys.iter().flat_map(|v| v.iter()).cloned().collect();
assert_eq!(flattened, keys_flattened);
let result = keys_helper(Some(keys.as_ref()));
assert_eq!(vec!["anthem", "anthemion", "anti"], result);
fn check_longest_prefix() {
let trie: Trie<_, _> = [("anthem", 1), ("anti", 2), ("anthemion", 7), ("and", 77)].iter().cloned().collect();
let result = trie.longest_prefix("anthemio").unwrap().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>();
assert_eq!("anthem", std::str::from_utf8(&result).unwrap());
fn passthru_removes() {
let mut trie: Trie<_, _> = [("anthem", 1), ("anti", 2), ("anthemion", 7), ("and", 77)].iter().cloned().collect();
let keys = trie.all_keys("an");
let result = keys_helper(keys.as_ref());
assert_eq!(vec!["and", "anthem", "anthemion", "anti"], result);
// remove passthru that is followed by a pruned edge
assert_eq!(2, trie.remove("anti").unwrap());
assert_eq!(None, trie.search("anti"));
assert_eq!(&1, trie.search("anthem").unwrap());
// remove passthrough that has a child
assert_eq!(1, trie.remove("anthem").unwrap());
let keys = trie.all_keys("an");
let result = keys_helper(keys.as_ref());
assert_eq!(vec!["and", "anthemion"], result);
fn delete_all() {
let mut trie: Trie<_, _> = [("anthem", 1), ("anti", 2), ("anthemion", 7), ("and", 77)].iter().cloned().collect();
let keys = trie.all_keys("an");
let result = keys_helper(keys.as_ref());
assert_eq!(vec!["and", "anthem", "anthemion", "anti"], result);
// skip the first &str "and" then delete it after the loop
for (i, k) in result.iter().skip(1).enumerate() {
let keys = trie.all_keys("an");
let v: Vec<&str> = keys_helper(keys.as_ref());
match i {
0 => assert_eq!(v, vec!["and", "anthemion", "anti"]),
1 => assert_eq!(v, vec!["and", "anti"]),
2 => assert_eq!(v, vec!["and"]),
_ => (),
assert_eq!(trie.remove("nonexistent1"), None);
assert_eq!(trie.remove("and").unwrap(), 77);
assert_eq!(trie.all_keys("an"), None);
assert_eq!(trie.remove("nonexistent2"), None);
assert_eq!(trie.is_empty(), true);
fn check_compressed_labels() {
let mut trie: Trie<_, _> = [("anthem", 1), ("anti", 2), ("anthemion", 7), ("and", 77)].iter().cloned().collect();
let keys = trie.all_keys("an");
let keys_vec = keys_helper(keys.as_ref());
assert_eq!(vec!["and", "anthem", "anthemion", "anti"], keys_vec);
// skip the first &str "and" then delete it after the loop
for (i, k) in keys_vec.iter().enumerate() {
let set = labels_helper(trie.labels());
// Through each delete iteration, check the labels of the trees
// Since the deletion causes labels to be compressed/deleted expect number of labels to reduce
match i {
0 => assert_eq!(set, BTreeSet::from(["an", "d", "hem", "i", "ion", "t"])),
1 => assert_eq!(set, BTreeSet::from(["ant", "hem", "i", "ion"])),
2 => assert_eq!(set, BTreeSet::from(["ant", "hemion", "i"])),
3 => assert_eq!(set, BTreeSet::from(["anti"])),
_ => (),
fn check_values_iter() {
let mut trie: Trie<_, _> = [("anthem", 1), ("anti", 2), ("anthemion", 7), ("and", 77)].iter().cloned().collect();
let _ = trie.values_mut().map(|v| { *v = *v * 5; v } ).collect::<BTreeSet<&mut i32>>();
assert_eq!(5, trie.remove("anthem").unwrap());
let set2 = trie.values().collect::<BTreeSet<&i32>>();
assert_eq!(BTreeSet::from([&10, &35, &385]), set2)
fn check_values_into_iter() {
let trie: Trie<_, _> = [("anthem", 1), ("anti", 2), ("anthemion", 7), ("and", 77)].iter().cloned().collect();
let vec1 = trie.into_iter().map(|mut v| { v = v + 1; v } ).collect::<BTreeSet<i32>>();
assert_eq!(vec1, BTreeSet::from([2, 3, 8, 78]));
fn check_leafpairs_iter() {
let trie: Trie<_, _> = [("anthem", 1), ("anti", 2), ("anthemion", 7), ("and", 77)].iter().cloned().collect();
let set = trie.iter().collect::<BTreeSet<(&[u8], &i32)>>();
assert_eq!(BTreeSet::from([("d".as_bytes(), &77), ("hem".as_bytes(), &1), ("i".as_bytes(), &2), ("ion".as_bytes(), &7)]), set)