TopicalMeSH is a way that use topic model to connect structured label information to the unstructure data. TopicalMeSH representation combines information from topic models and MeSH terms. TopicalMeSH has better document retrieval performance than MeSH TopicalMeSH has better classification performance than MeSH and several alternatives Here is the article:
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Yu, Zhiguo, Elmer Bernstam, Trevor Cohen, Byron C. Wallace, and Todd R. Johnson. "Improving the utility of MeSH® terms using the TopicalMeSH representation." Journal of biomedical informatics 61 (2016): 77-86.
@article{yu2016improving, title={Improving the utility of MeSH{\textregistered} terms using the TopicalMeSH representation}, author={Yu, Zhiguo and Bernstam, Elmer and Cohen, Trevor and Wallace, Byron C and Johnson, Todd R}, journal={Journal of biomedical informatics}, volume={61}, pages={77--86}, year={2016}, publisher={Elsevier} }