Declare your vhosts, exchanges & queues in C# using a fluent interface.
- Install the latest version of EasyNetQ.Migrations from NuGet -
Install-Package EasyNetQ.Migrations
- Declare your migrations somewhere inside your project.
- Migrations must have an incremental version number (it could also be a unix timestamp).
namespace MyProject.RabbitMigrations {
public class ExampleMigration1 : Migration {
public override void Apply() {
public class ExampleMigration2 : Migration {
public override void Apply() {
public class ExampleMigration3 : Migration {
public override void Apply() {
And then run them with the included migration runner!
EasyNetQ.Migrations.Runner.exe -hostUrl localhost -username guest -password guest MyProject.RabbitMigrations.dll
The migrations runner is located in the 'tools' folder of the Nuget package.
21:47:14.3068 Declaring vhost 'Test'
21:47:15.4943 Finished declaring vhost 'Test'
21:47:15.4943 Declaring permission for user 'guest' on vhost 'Test'
21:47:15.4943 Read Regex = .*
21:47:15.4943 WriteRegex = .*
21:47:15.4943 ConfigureRegex = .*
21:47:15.5255 Finished declaring permission for user 'guest' on vhost 'Test'
21:47:15.5412 Declaring exchange 'myExchange' on 'Test'
21:47:15.5412 Type = Topic
21:47:15.5412 AutoDelete = False
21:47:15.5412 Durable = True
21:47:15.5412 Internal = False
21:47:15.5724 Finished declaring exchange 'myExchange' on 'Test'
21:47:15.5724 Declaring queue 'myQueue' on 'Test'
21:47:15.5724 AutoDelete = False
21:47:15.5724 Durable = True
21:47:15.6037 Finished declaring queue 'myQueue' on 'Test'
21:47:15.6037 Declaring binding from 'myExchange' to 'myQueue'
21:47:15.6037 RoutingKey = #
21:47:15.6193 Finished declaring binding from 'myExchange' to 'myQueue'
21:47:15.6349 Deleting queue 'myQueue' from 'Test'
21:47:15.6506 Finished deleting queue 'myQueue' from 'Test'
21:47:15.6506 Deleting exchange 'myExchange' from 'Test'
21:47:15.6506 Finished deleting exchange 'myExchange' from 'Test'
21:47:15.6662 Deleting vhost 'Test'
21:47:15.6974 Finished Deleting vhost 'Test'
Successive migrations should be executed with the -version ###
switch. In this case only migrations with a version number greater than the specified value will be applied.
You can also add the -dryrun
switch. In this case EasyNetQ.Migrations.Runner
will log its actions but will not make any changes to your RabbitMQ broker.
- Requires Ruby v2.1.7 (not compatible with 2.2.3). If you need to run multiple Ruby versions use RVM ( On Windows use RubyInstaller (
- Requires Bundler (
gem install bundler
bundler install
bundle exec rake build [configuration=Debug|Release]