Nagira -- Nagios RESTful API
Version {include:file:version.txt}
Light-weight web services API for fetching status of Nagios application objects:
Objects file: hosts, services, contacts,
, escalations, etc. -
Status file: hoststatus, servicestatus, etc.
Source code available from Github
See {file:INSTALL.rdoc}
- Run Sinatra application
bundle exec ./nagira.rb
- Use HTTP client to get information:
curl http://localhost:4567/objects/contact/list
curl http://localhost:4567/status/list
or to send check result to Nagios:
curl -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json;" \
-d @host_check.json
"plugin_output" : "ping OK"
See more in {file:FEATURES.rdoc}
YARD documentation included with the project, run yardoc
in project root directory. Generated YARD docs are available at
- Provide read-only access to the object configuration and object states by reading Nagios data files:
, andobjects.cache
file keeps information about Nagios configuration (lists of servers, services, groups etc);status.dat
file is file that stores information about current state of the objects (hosts and services) and Nagios process itself;- Nagios configuration information is in
file, by reading and parsing this file all other configuration can be obtained.
- provide check result submission interface (similar to Nagios NSCA and for setting/updating Nagios configuration.
If necessary at a later stages this could be implemented using Nagios' NEB interface, but the disadvantage of the NEB API is that it could block Nagios process and introduce latencies in Nagios.
File parsing obviously takes resources for each single parse, however if application -- Rails, Sinatra or similar -- is able to keep state of the parser, is not a problem. IF application can keep track of file parse times and file modification time it is possible to parse file only if it was changed and infrequently enough.
When implemented API could provide foundation for development of well-defined, modular, distributed Nagios monitoring: distributed Nagios nodes communicating with each other, retrieving status and submitting check results, distributed, load-balanced, fault tolerant configuration.
Web GUI (IMHO weakest part of the Nagios) could be completely de-coupled from Nagios core and is not required to run on the Nagios core host.
Note: Implemented in version 0.1
Read-only (GET) routes to access lists of monitored objects and states of the objects.
There are examples of various Nagios interfaces: NDOUTILS, IdoUtils, MK_Livestatus. This is an attempt to do similar things using web services API.
Note: Implemented starting from v0.2.
Implement NCSA passive checks submission functionality using HTTP(S) web service.
Starting version v0.2 two Nagios external commands implemented PROCESS_HOST_CHECK_RESULT
. This allows submitting passive check results for hosts and services, and implements accordingly functionality NSCA.
Use POST/PUT/DELETE HTTP methods to control Nagios - automatically change configuration, control notifications, contacts; in many cases this requires Nagios process restarts/reloads.
There are 157 external commands in Nagios 3, compared to 2 implemented, so this is still far away...
Dmytro Kovalov, [email protected]
2011, Dec, 26th - started
MIT, see {file:LICENSE.rdoc}