This repo contains the source for the Bosh deployment manifest and deployment pipeline for the Postfix deployment. requires a mail relay to send outbound mails from internal tooling.
This pipeline will deploy:
- Production
- 1 mail relay
- cg-provision will have allocated an IP (terraform_outputs.production_smtp_private_ip) and set up security groups with terraform.
- The postfix deployment will be deployed to the tooling bosh.
- Services will contact the postfix server and auth using SASL.
- Mail will be relayed to the configured mail relay.
- 1 mail relay
- Create production-postfix.yml:
Replace all
cp bosh/secrets.example.yml /tmp/production-postfix.yml bosh int bosh/manifest.yml --vars-store /tmp/production-postfix.yml > /dev/null
es in/tmp/production-postfix.yml
with proper values. Then encrypt that file and upload it to s3. - Create cg-deploy-postfix.yml:
copy ci/concourse-defaults.yml to cg-deploy-postfix.yml, edit the file and uncomment all the lines with
es in them, fill in proper values. Be sure to upload the file to the concourse secrets bucket so that others can use it. - The pipeline under
deploys to production:fly -t cloud-gov-govcloud sp -p deploy-postfix -c ci/pipeline.yml -l /tmp/cg-deploy-postfix.yml
To test the deployment out, you should be able to do this:
bosh int bosh/manifest.yml --vars-store /tmp/pfvars.yml > /tmp/pfmanifest.yml
bosh update-cloud-config bosh-lite-cloud-config.yml
bosh deploy -d postfix /tmp/pfmanifest.yml -l bosh/varsfiles/bosh-lite.yml -l /tmp/pfvars.yml
This assumes that the release has been created and uploaded already. If you do not have that, then you will probably need to clone that repo, cd into it, and then bosh create-release ; bosh upload-release
to get it there.