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Christian Bender committed May 11, 2018
1 parent 499ce40 commit ad22f7e
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Pythonic Data Structures and Algorithms

In diesem Repository finden Sie eine große Auswahl an Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen implementiert in Python 3.

## Beteiligen

Sie können sich gerne auch an diesem Projekt beteiligen. Zum Beispiel selbst Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen beisteuern, oder bereits bestehende Implementierungen verbessern, oder auch dokumentieren. Fühlen Sie sich frei und machen Sie einen Pull-Request. Alternativ können Sie auch den Issue-Tracker benutzen um auf Probleme (Bugs) in bereits bestehenden Implementierungen hinzuweisen.

In diesem Projekt halten wir uns an die [PEP8]( Codestyle Konventionen.

## Tests

### Benutzen der Unittests

Um alle Tests laufen zu lassen, tippen Sie die unten stehende Befehlzeile in die Kommandozeile:

$ python3 -m unittest discover tests

Um einen besonderen Test laufen zu lassen, tippen Sie folgendes:

$ python3 -m unittest tests.test_sort

### Benutzen von pytest

Zum ausführen aller Tests:

$ python3 -m pytest tests

## Install

Wenn Sie das Projekt installieren wollen, um es als Module in Ihren Projekten nutzen zu können. Dann tippen Sie unten stehende Befehlzeile in die Kommandozeile:

$ pip3 install git+

Sie können die Installation testen in dem Sie unten stehenden Code in eine Datei packen und ausführen.

from sort import merge_sort

if __name__ == "__main__":
my_list = [1, 8, 3, 5, 6]
my_list = merge_sort.merge_sort(my_list)

## Uninstall

Um das Projekt zu deinstallieren tippen Sie folgendes:

$ pip3 uninstall -y algorithms

## Liste von Implementierungen

- [arrays](arrays)
- [delete_nth](arrays/
- [flatten](arrays/
- [garage](arrays/
- [josephus_problem](arrays/
- [longest_non_repeat](arrays/
- [merge_intervals](arrays/
- [missing_ranges](arrays/
- [plus_one](arrays/
   - [rotate_array](arrays/
- [summary_ranges](arrays/
- [three_sum](arrays/
- [two_sum](arrays/
- [move_zeros_to_end](arrays/
- [backtrack](backtrack)
- [](backtrack/)
- [anagram](backtrack/
- [array_sum_combinations](backtrack/
- [combination_sum](backtrack/
- [expression_add_operators](backtrack/
- [factor_combinations](backtrack/
- [generate_abbreviations](backtrack/
- [generate_parenthesis](backtrack/
- [letter_combination](backtrack/
- [palindrome_partitioning](backtrack/
- [pattern_match](backtrack/
- [permute](backtrack/
- [permute_unique](backtrack/
- [subsets](backtrack/
- [subsets_unique](backtrack/
- [bfs](bfs)
- [shortest_distance_from_all_buildings](bfs/
- [word_ladder](bfs/
- [bit](bit)
- [bytes_int_conversion](bit/
- [count_ones](bit/
- [find_missing_number](bit/
- [power_of_two](bit/
- [reverse_bits](bit/
- [single_number](bit/
- [single_number2](bit/
- [single_number3](bit/
- [subsets](bit/
- [add_bitwise_operator](bit/
- [bit_operation](bit/
- [swap_pair](bit/
- [find_difference](bit/
- [has_alternative_bit](bit/
- [insert_bit](bit/
- [remove_bit](bit/
- [calculator](calculator)
- [math_parser](calculator/
- [dfs](dfs)
- [all_factors](dfs/
- [count_islands](dfs/
- [pacific_atlantic](dfs/
- [sudoku_solver](dfs/
- [walls_and_gates](dfs/
- [dp](dp)
- [buy_sell_stock](dp/
- [climbing_stairs](dp/
- [coin_change](dp/
- [combination_sum](dp/
- [egg_drop](dp/
- [house_robber](dp/
- [job_scheduling](dp/
- [knapsack](dp/
- [longest_increasing](dp/
- [matrix_chain_order](dp/
- [max_product_subarray](dp/
- [max_subarray](dp/
- [min_cost_path](dp/
- [num_decodings](dp/
- [regex_matching](dp/
- [rod_cut](dp/
- [word_break](dp/
- [fibonacci](dp/
- [graph](graph)
- [strongly_connected](graph/
- [clone_graph](graph/
- [cycle_detection](graph/
- [find_all_cliques](graph/
- [find_path](graph/
- [graph](graph/
- [markov_chain](graph/
- [minimum_spanning_tree](graph/
- [satisfiability](graph/
- [tarjan](graph/
- [traversal](graph/
- [heap](heap)
- [merge_sorted_k_lists](heap/
- [skyline](heap/
- [sliding_window_max](heap/
- [binary_heap](heap/
- [linkedlist](linkedlist)
- [add_two_numbers](linkedlist/
- [copy_random_pointer](linkedlist/
- [delete_node](linkedlist/
- [first_cyclic_node](linkedlist/
- [is_cyclic](linkedlist/
- [is_palindrome](linkedlist/
- [kth_to_last](linkedlist/
- [linkedlist](linkedlist/
- [remove_duplicates](linkedlist/
- [reverse](linkedlist/
- [rotate_list](linkedlist/
- [swap_in_pairs](linkedlist/
- [is_sorted](linkedlist/
- [remove_range](linkedlist/
- [map](map)
- [hashtable](map/
- [separate_chaining_hashtable](map/
- [longest_common_subsequence](map/
- [randomized_set](map/
- [valid_sudoku](map/
- [maths](maths)
- [base_conversion](maths/
- [extended_gcd](maths/
- [gcd/lcm](maths/
- [generate_strobogrammtic](maths/
- [is_strobogrammatic](maths/
- [next_bigger](maths/
- [next_perfect_square](maths/
- [nth_digit](maths/
- [prime_check](maths/
- [primes_sieve_of_eratosthenes](maths/
- [pythagoras](maths/
- [rabin_miller](maths/
- [rsa](maths/
- [sqrt_precision_factor](maths/
- [summing_digits](maths/
- [matrix](matrix)
- [sudoku_validator](matrix/
- [bomb_enemy](matrix/
- [copy_transform](matrix/
- [count_paths](matrix/
- [matrix_rotation.txt](matrix/matrix_rotation.txt)
- [rotate_image](matrix/
- [search_in_sorted_matrix](matrix/
- [sparse_dot_vector](matrix/
- [sparse_mul](matrix/
- [spiral_traversal](matrix/
- [queues](queues)
- [max_sliding_window](queues/
- [moving_average](queues/
- [queue](queues/
- [reconstruct_queue](queues/
- [zigzagiterator](queues/
- [search](search)
- [binary_search](search/
- [first_occurance](search/
- [last_occurance](search/
- [search_insert](search/
- [two_sum](search/
- [search_range](search/
- [find_min_rotate](search/
- [search_rotate](search/
- [set](set)
- [randomized_set](set/
- [set_covering](set/
- [sort](sort)
- [bubble_sort](sort/
- [comb_sort](sort/
- [counting_sort](sort/
- [heap_sort](sort/
- [insertion_sort](sort/
- [meeting_rooms](sort/
- [merge_sort](sort/
- [quick_sort](sort/
- [selection_sort](sort/
- [sort_colors](sort/
- [topsort](sort/
- [wiggle_sort](sort/
- [stack](stack)
- [longest_abs_path](stack/
- [simplify_path](stack/
- [stack](stack/
- [valid_parenthesis](stack/
- [stutter](stack/
- [switch_pairs](stack/
- [is_consecutive](stack/
- [remove_min](stack/
- [is_sorted](stack/
- [strings](strings)
- [fizzbuzz](strings/
- [delete_reoccurring_characters](strings/
- [strip_url_params](strings/
- [validate_coordinates](strings/
- [domain_extractor](strings/
- [merge_string_checker](strings/
- [add_binary](strings/
- [breaking_bad](strings/
- [decode_string](strings/
- [encode_decode](strings/
- [group_anagrams](strings/
- [int_to_roman](strings/
- [is_palindrome](strings/
- [license_number](strings/
- [make_sentence](strings/
- [multiply_strings](strings/
- [one_edit_distance](strings/
- [rabin_karp](strings/
- [reverse_string](strings/
- [reverse_vowel](strings/
- [reverse_words](strings/
- [roman_to_int](strings/
- [word_squares](strings/
- [tree](tree)
- [bst](tree/tree/bst)
- [array2bst](tree/bst/
- [bst_closest_value](tree/bst/
- [BSTIterator](tree/bst/
- [delete_node](tree/bst/
- [is_bst](tree/bst/
- [kth_smallest](tree/bst/
- [lowest_common_ancestor](tree/bst/
- [predecessor](tree/bst/
- [serialize_deserialize](tree/bst/
- [successor](tree/bst/
- [unique_bst](tree/bst/
- [depth_sum](tree/bst/
- [count_left_node](tree/bst/
- [num_empty](tree/bst/
- [height](tree/bst/
- [red_black_tree](tree/red_black_tree)
- [red_black_tree](tree/red_black_tree/
- [segment_tree](tree/segment_tree)
- [segment_tree](tree/segment_tree/
- [traversal](tree/traversal)
- [inorder](tree/traversal/
- [level_order](tree/traversal/
- [zigzag](tree/traversal/
- [trie](tree/trie)
- [add_and_search](tree/trie/
- [trie](tree/trie/
- [binary_tree_paths](tree/
- [bintree2list](tree/
- [deepest_left](tree/
- [invert_tree](tree/
- [is_balanced](tree/
- [is_subtree](tree/
- [is_symmetric](tree/
- [longest_consecutive](tree/
- [lowest_common_ancestor](tree/
- [max_height](tree/
- [max_path_sum](tree/
- [min_height](tree/
- [path_sum](tree/
- [path_sum2](tree/
- [pretty_print](tree/
- [same_tree](tree/
- [tree](tree/
- [union-find](union-find)
- [count_islands](union-find/

## Contributors

Das Projekt wird von folgenden Personen betreut.

* [Keon Kim](
* [Rahul Goswami](
* [Christian Bender](
* [Ankit Agarwal](
* [Hai Hoang Dang](
* [Saad](

Und danke an alle [Contributors](
die geholfen haben das Projekt aufzubauen!

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