🎬 Introducing "Movies": A Seamless Flutter Application Experience! 📱
Embark on a cinematic journey with our latest mobile application, "Movies," meticulously crafted to offer a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for movie enthusiasts.
🌐 Our collaborative efforts among a team have been instrumental in bringing "Movies" to life, each member contributing their expertise to different facets of the application.
This app was developed using the Flutter Framework and employs the "Provider" package for effective management of the application's state using MVVM architecture.
1. Home.
2. Search.
3. Browse Categories.
4. Watchlist.
Home page:
Here you see Popular, New Releases and Recommended movies.
Search page:
You can search for any movie by name.
Browse Categories page:
It shows all movies' categories.
Wishlisht page:
Here you find movies which you favorite before and you can remove movies.