Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91 9008401895
Technologies: Elixir, Phoenix, Flutter, Dart, Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS, Javascript, REST, JSON, Git(version control).
I am familiar with continious inetgration, design patterns and test driven devlopment.
Arkneo finance(May 2020 - Present)
- Technologies used: Elixir, Phoenix, Dart, Flutter, HTML, CSS, Javascript.
- Worked as part of a 2 person engineering team, Reporting directly to the CTO.
- Worked on vertically sliced full stack stories which involved, Phoenix server and Flutter mobile app.
- Worked on authentication flow.
- Worked on intigrating 3rd party APIs,
- Karvy(to get mutual funds portfolio details).
- Digio (which intigrates with DigiLocker to perform KYC).
- Razorpay (to provide loan repayment options).
Successfully completed project work on “Home Automation using AI”
- Technologies used: Alexa skill kit, alexa voice service, alexa device, python.
- Using an alexa device we sent web request to the alexa voice service, where we had a skill registered. The using response from amazon, we processed it to toggle switchs on and off.
Successfully completed the Hacktober fest challenge (2019)