Releases: btobers/RAGU
Releases · btobers/RAGU
cmap parameter added to configuration file
Added user-defined cmap option to configuration file.
Note, the config.ini file is initialized the first time ragu is run on a computer, so if you've previously run ragu, you'll need to do one of three things to implement this change:
- add the following two lines directly under the 'param' key
# str cmap: Matplotlib colormap to use (default = seismic)
cmap =
- Regenerate your config file
import os
from ragu import config
# get configuration file
basedir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'RAGU')
- Remove your existing configuration file, and then a new one will be generated upon running ragu
Several small changes since last release
Release incorporates all changes from ragu-0.1.27->ragu-0.1.40
RAGU is pypi installable
Several changes since last release.
- RAGU has been slightly been restructured so that it can be installed via pypi
$ pip install ragu - All pyproj coordinate transformations updated to pyproj2 format
RIMFAX ingester added
RAGU can now ingest RIMFAX data from the MARS 2020 rover - however PDS datafiles must be first parsed into separate files for the shallow, surface, and deep modes. Example code below and included in ingest/
# data files should first be split up into separate files for each mode of active sounding - use the following commented code to do this:
for fn in glob.glob('rimfax*.csv'):
f = pd.read_csv(fn, header=0)
for m,n in zip(mode,name):
f_ = f.loc[(f["record_type"]==0) & (f["config_id"]==m)]
MARSIS PDS ingester
Multiple updates since last release.
Multiple changes since last release
Since last release there have been multiple changes, including:
- Notepad UI for entering per-file notes
- RAGU project files
- Lots of bug fixes
- And more
output figure fontsize setting, figure clip, sim output
v1.5 .gitignore update