pylbm is an all-in-one package for numerical simulations using Lattice Boltzmann solvers.
This package gives all the tools to describe your lattice Boltzmann scheme in 1D, 2D and 3D problems.
We choose the D'Humières formalism to describe the problem. You can have complex geometry with a set of simple shape like circle, sphere, ...
pylbm performs the numerical scheme using Cython, NumPy or from the scheme and the domain given by the user. Pythran and Numba wiil be available soon. pylbm has MPI support with mpi4py.
You can install pylbm in several ways
conda install pylbm -c conda-forge
pip install pylbm
pip install pylbm --user
You can also clone the project and install the latest version
git clone
To install pylbm from source, we encourage you to create a fresh environment using conda.
conda create -n pylbm_env python=3.6
As mentioned at the end of the creation of this environment, you can activate it using the comamnd line
conda activate pylbm_env
Now, you just have to go into the pylbm directory that you cloned and install the dependencies
conda install --file requirements-dev.txt -c conda-forge
and then, install pylbm
python install
For more information about what you can achieve with pylbm, take a look at the documentation