Note that you'll need updated VDSL firmware since the boxes were manufactured for this to work. Mine shipped with this so I haven't had to chase it up, but there are conversations on whirlpool about it if you need. You'll want to identify your VDSL firmware file with show controller vdsl 0
and sub the filename in place of vdsl.bin
in the script. Some of those whirlpool conversations helped cobble this config together, so thanks to those people.
To configure from a Mac using Aten UC-232A USB to serial convertor:
Install latest Mac OS driver for Aten UC-232A
Allow kernel extension in security preferences, run the installer again, reboot again (tested with Mojave and Catalina).
GNU screen works as a serial terminal which is handy. It's in MacPorts.
% ls -l /dev|grep 232
crw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 18, 1 21 Oct 13:28 cu.UC-232AC
crw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 18, 0 21 Oct 13:30 tty.UC-232AC
% screen /dev/tty.UC-232AC
If that seems like a good idea.
router > enable
router# write erase
Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove or format all configuration files! Continue? [confirm] < Press Enter key >
router# reload
'no' to initial setup configuration
power off and cold boot to default
crisco#configure terminal
crisco#write mem
You can reboot here.
A few handy commands:
crisco#show controller vdsl 0
crisco#show ip int bri
crisco#show run brief
show controller vdsl 0
should let you know how the modem sync is going. It takes 5-10 mins with VDSL2.
Forward to your router's WAN input from any of the FastEthernet ports. Except FastEthernet2 which should allow router admin access via telnet on
20191021 800m line length from the green box:
Attainable Rate: 54379 kbits/s 13212 kbits/s
No thanks to the hacks who dreamt up "MTM".