Telegram bot (telebot-based) for teaching any stuff with support for tutor feedback. This bot was originally made for engligram blog (teaching English for Russians).
Now I decided to make it open-source and free to use for any education purposes. I kept 1st lesson content as an example how to configure lessons and which media formats are supported.
How to use:
- there is a working instance of this bot, you can check it out at @EngligramBot and decide whether the functionality suits your needs.
- add your telegram id into englibot_admins.json
- set up cron or somwthing like that to re-launch bot when it crahes ^__________^ It's rare thing but sometimes telebot lib crashes due to some connectivity.
- get familiar with commands: !max_score_count !repeat !repeat_for !tell !ping !start_lesson !skip_lesson !restart !add_user !remove_user !get_file !set_plan !previous !go_msg
thanks to:
telebot lib
Nadia & Anya - the brilliant english teachers, authors of the original idea and lots of help with testing the app.