Here are two ROP-Examples which I use in the CPENT course and leave it to you to practice with. I included a compiled version (with symbols) and the sourcecode.
NOTE: Disable the ALSR with the following command before trying these:
echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
NOTE2: Make rop1b a SUID binary with root as the owner
chown root:root rop1b
chmod u+s rop1b
Approach is usually as follows:
- Fuzzing (finding out, whether a buffer overflow exists)
- Calculate offset when EIP gets overwritten (e.g. using pattern_create and pattern_offset from gdb PEDA)
- Overwrite the stack with addresses to the gadgets (REMEMBER to use little endian format (write the hex codes in reverse!))
Here we simply try to run the functions rop1(), rop2(), rop3() and then use exit() to leave gracefully.
A small variation of the above. Try to run the shellnotcalled
function to get a rootshell.
b main - breakpoint at beginning of function
delete # - delete breakpoint
clear - delete all breakpoints
p main - value / address of function or $register or &variable
r "params" - run
c - continues until next breakpoint or error
s - step / next instruction
f - runs until current function is finished
disassemble main - disassemble named function or current location
info functions
info registers
x/10x $esp - display 10 elements of the stack