A tool for calculating the similarity of two chars.
- PinYin edit distance
- Stroke counts difference
- Sijiao Encoding edit distance
- Character images differences ratio
- tone:
- Flag for tone similarity computing. (default: True)
- Type: Bool
- shape:
- Flag for shape similarity computing. (default: True)
- Type: Bool
- wpy:
- Weight of PinYin similarity. (default: 0.4)
- Type: Float
- Range: 0.0 - 1.0
- wst:
- Weight of stroke count similarity. (default: 0.1)
- Type: Float
- Range: 0.0 - 1.0
- wsj:
- Weight of Sijiao encoding similarity. (default: 0.3)
- Type: Float
- Range: 0.0 - 1.0
- wmatrix:
- Weight of character image matrix similarity. (default: 0.2)
- Type: Float
- Range: 0.0 - 1.0
In [1]: import CharSimilarity
In [2]: ch1 = '侯'
In [3]: ch2 = '候'
In [4]: tone_similarity = CharSimilarity.similarity(ch1,ch2,tone=True,shape=False)
In [5]: print(tone_similarity)
In [6]: shape_similarity = CharSimilarity.similarity(ch1,ch2,tone=False,shape=True,wpy=0.0,wst=0.33,wsj=0.33,wmatrix=0.34)
In [7]: print(shape_similarity)
In [8]: tone_shape_similarity = CharSimilarity.similarity(ch1,ch2,tone=True,shape=True,wpy=0.4,wst=0.1,wsj=0.3,wmatrix=0.2)
In [9]: print(tone_shape_similarity)
- pypinyin Document: http://pypinyin.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/master/index.html
- Pillow Document: https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/5.1.x/
- 基于音形码的中文字符串相似度算法 - 数据中国: https://blog.csdn.net/chndata/article/details/41114771
- SimilarCharactor - contrl4: https://github.com/contr4l/SimilarCharactor
- 使用Python脚本将文字转换为图片的实例分享 - 老杰: http://www.jb51.net/article/71708.htm