Many businesses have leftover food at the end of the day. The Replate app makes it easy and inexpensive to get those leftovers to worthy partner organizations through a network of delivery volunteers.
Route | Input Data | Expected Return |
POST /api/auth/register/volunteer | { email* password* name* phone* } |
Status: 201 (Created) { name phone JWT token } |
POST /api/auth/register/business | { email* password* name* address* description* phone* } |
Status: 201 (Created) { name address description phone JWT token } |
Route | Input Data | Expected Return |
POST /api/auth/login/volunteer | { password } |
Status: 200 (OK) { name phone token: JWT token } |
POST /api/auth/login/business | { password } |
Status: 200 (OK) { name address description phone token: JWT token } |
{ Authorization: [JWT] }
must be sent in the header
Route | Input Data | Expected Return |
GET /api/requests | Status: 200 (OK) [{ request objects }] (for current business/volunteer only) |
GET /api/requests/all | Status: 200 (OK) All [{ request objects }] |
GET /api/requests/:id | Status: 200 (OK) { object } |
DELETE /api/requests/:id | Status: 200 (OK) No body |
{ Authorization: [JWT] }
must be sent in the header
Route | Input Data | Expected Return |
POST /api/auth/register/business | {email* password* name* address* description* phone* } |
Status: 201 (Created) { name address description phone JWT token } |
PUT /api/businesses/:id | { any field(s) } | Status: 200 (OK) { business object } |
DELETE /api/businesses/:id ** | Status: 200 (OK) No body |
**Warning: Deleting businesses may render associated delivery requests invalid.
{ Authorization: [JWT] }
must be sent in the header
Route | Input Data | Expected Return |
POST /api/auth/register/volunteer | { email* password* name* phone* } |
Status: 201 (Created) { name phone JWT token } |
PUT /api/volunteers/:id | { any field(s) } | Status: 200 (OK){ volunteer object } |
DELETE /api/volunteers/:id | Status: 200 (OK) No body |