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This is the repo for the code of my website,

License and Contributing

The current license for this project is Don't Be a Dick (DBAD). You can see the official license here

The current license means:

You can basically do whatever you want with the code, just don't be a dick. By that it means, don't perform copyright infringement (redistributing under a different name), selling the code on this repo without authorisation, modifying the code with malicious/harmful content.

If you don't do the above, your version of said software can be removed without notice as it violates the license.

If you would like to contribute, please use your common sense. Make sure you submit working code and credit will be given. If there's an issue and you don't know how to fix it, use the GitHub Issues page on this repository so I can attempt to fix it myself. All feedback (negative or positive) is appreciated and can be given via the Issues page or via the Support links at the bottom of this ReadMe.


You can also help me, the project out and future projects out by contributing by buying me a "coffee".
Donations will help fund things like hosting but may also fund an occasional coffee whilst working on projects.


Discussion, Support and Issues

Need support with this project, have found an issue or want to chat with others about contributing to the project?

Please check the project's issues page first for support & bugs!

Not found what you need here?

  • If you have an issue, please create a GitHub issue here to report the situation, include as much detail as you can!
  • or, You can join my Discord server and talk to one of the support team (or me) in order to get help with this project and other projects on my GitHub.