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RPN calculator app for TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus inspired by HP-42S


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RPN calculator app for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus inspired by the HP-42S.

RPN83P is an RPN calculator app for the TI-83 Plus series and the TI-84 Plus series calculators. The app is inspired mostly by the HP-42S calculator, with some significant features from the HP-12C and the HP-16C. RPN83P also hopes to be the easiest and cheapest gateway app that introduces new users to the beauty and power of RPN calculators.

RPN83P is a flash application written in Z80 assembly language that consumes 3 pages (48 kiB) of flash memory. Since it is stored in flash, it is preserved if the RAM is cleared. It consumes about 1025 to 2535 bytes of TI-OS RAM through 4 AppVars, depending on the number of storage registers: RPN83REG (500 to 1925 bytes), RPN83SAV (140 byte), RPN83STA (272 bytes), and RPN83STK (120 to 196 bytes).

Summary of features:

  • traditional RPN stack (X, Y, Z, T), with LASTX register
    • configurable stack levels between 4 and 8: SSIZ, SSZ?
  • input edit line with scrollable cursor using arrow keys
  • 8-line display showing 4 stack registers
  • hierarchical menu system similar to HP-42S
  • quick reference HELP menu
  • auto-start capability using the Start-Up app
  • storage registers and variables
    • store and recall:STO nn, RCL nn
    • storage arithmetics: STO+ nn, STO- nn, STO* nn, STO/ nn, RCL+ nn, RCL- nn, RCL* nn, RCL/ nn
    • up to 100 numerical storage registers (nn = 00..99, default 25)
    • 27 single-letter variables (nn = A..Z,Theta)
    • configurable number of storage registers: RSIZ, RSZ?
  • all math functions with dedicated buttons on the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus
    • arithmetic: /, *, -, +
    • algebraic: 1/X, X^2, SQRT, ^ (i.e. Y^X)
    • transcendental: LOG, 10^X, LN, e^X
    • trigonometric: SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN
    • constants: PI and E
  • additional menu functions
    • arithmetic: %, %CH, GCD, LCM, PRIM (prime factor), IP (integer part), FP (fractional part), FLR (floor), CEIL (ceiling), NEAR (nearest integer), ABS, SIGN, MOD, MIN, MAX
    • rounding: RNDF, RNDN, RNDG
    • algebraic: X^3, 3ROOTX
    • transcendental: XROOTY,2^X, LOG2, LOGB, E^X- (e^x-1), LN1+ (log(1+x))
    • trigonometric: ATN2
    • hyperbolic: SINH, COSH, TANH, ASNH, ACSH, ATNH
    • probability: PERM, COMB, N!, RAND, SEED
    • angle conversions: >DEG, >RAD, >HR, >HMS, >REC, >POL
    • unit conversions: >C, >F, >hPa, >inHg, >km, >mi, >m, >ft, >cm, >in, >um, >mil, >kg, >lbs, >g, >oz, >L, >gal, >mL, >floz, >kJ, >cal, >kW, >hp, >Lkm, >mpg, >kPa, >psi, >ha, >acr
  • statistics and curve fitting, inspired by HP-42S
    • statistics: Σ+, Σ-, SUM, MEAN, WMN (weighted mean), SDEV (sample standard deviation), SCOV (sample covariance), PDEV (population standard deviation), PCOV (population covariance)
    • curve fitting: Y>X, X>Y, SLOP (slope), YINT (y intercept), CORR (correlation coefficient)
    • curve fit models: LINF (linear), LOGF (logarithmic), EXPF (exponential), PWRF (power)
  • base conversion and bitwise operations, inspired by HP-16C and HP-42S
    • base conversions: DEC, HEX, OCT, BIN
    • bitwise operations: AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NEG, REVB (reverse bits), CNTB (count bits)
    • integer arithmetics: B+, B-, B*, B/, BDIV (divide with remainder)
    • shift and rotate: SL, SR, ASR, RL, RR, RLC, RRC, SLn, SRn, RLn, RRn, RLCn, RRCn
    • carry flag and bit masks: CCF, SCF, CF?, CB, SB, B?
    • word sizes: WSIZ, WSZ?: 8, 16, 24, 32 bits
  • time value of money (TVM), inspired by HP-12C, HP-17B, and HP-30b
    • N, I%YR, PV, PMT, FV
    • P/YR, C/YR, BEG, END, CLTV (clear TVM)
  • complex numbers, inspired by HP-42S and HP-35s
    • stored in RPN stack registers (X, Y, Z, T, LASTX) and storage registers R00-R99
    • result modes: RRES (real results), CRES (complex results)
    • display modes: RECT, PRAD (polar radians), PDEG (polar degrees)
    • linking/unlinking: 2ND LINK (convert 2 reals to 1 complex, same as COMPLEX on HP-42S)
    • number entry: 2ND i (rectangular), 2ND ANGLE (polar degrees), 2ND ANGLE 2ND ANGLE (polar radians)
    • extended regular functions: +, -, *, /, 1/X, X^2, SQRT, Y^X, X^3, 3ROOTX, XROOTY, LOG, LN, 10^X, E^X, 2^X, LOG2, LOGB
    • complex specific functions: REAL, IMAG, CONJ, CABS, CANG
    • unsupported: trigonometric and hyperbolic functions (not supported by TI-OS)
  • date functions
    • date, time, datetime, timezone, and hardware clock
    • proleptic Gregorian calendar from year 0001 to 9999
    • add or subtract dates, times, datetimes
    • convert datetime to different timezones
    • convert between datetime and epochseconds
    • support alternative Epoch dates (Unix, NTP, GPS, TIOS, Y2K, custom)
    • set and retrieve datetime from the hardware clock (84+/84+SE only)
    • display time and date objects in RFC 3339 (ISO 8601) format
  • various modes (MODE)
    • floating display: FIX, SCI, ENG
    • trigonometric: RAD, DEG
    • complex result modes: RRES, CRES
    • complex display modes: RECT, PRAD, PDEG
    • SHOW (2ND ENTRY): display all 14 internal digits

Missing features (partial list):

  • vectors and matrices
  • keystroke programming

Version: 1.0.0 (2024-07-19)


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User Guide:

Table of Contents


RPN83P is a flash application that is packaged as a single file named rpn83p.8xk. Detailed instructions are given in the RPN83P User Guide, but here is the quick version:

  • Download the rpn83p.8xk file from the releases page.
  • Upload the file to the TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus calculator. Use one of following link programs:
  • Run the program using the APPS button:
    • Press APPS
    • Scroll down to the RPN83P entry
    • Press ENTER
  • Exiting:
    • Quit app: 2ND QUIT
    • Turn off device: 2ND OFF

The RPN83P app starts directly into the calculator mode, like this:

RPN83P Initial Start Screen

Supported Hardware

This app was designed for TI calculators using the Z80 processor:

  • TI-83 Plus (6 MHz Z80, 24 kB accessible RAM, 160 kB accessible flash)
  • TI-83 Plus Silver Edition (6/15 MHz Z80, 24 kB accessible RAM, 1.5 MB accessible flash)
  • TI-84 Plus (6/15 MHz Z80, 24 kB accessible RAM, 480 kB accessible flash, hardware clock)
  • TI-84 Plus Silver Edition (6/15 MHz Z80, 24 kB accessible RAM, 1.5 MB accessible flash, hardware clock)
  • TI-Nspire with TI-84 Plus Keypad (32-bit ARM processor emulating a Z80, 24 kB accessible RAM, 1.5 MB accessible flash, hardware clock)
    • Note: When uploading the rpn83p.8xk file from the PC to the Nspire, you need to select "TI-84 Plus" as the calculator model on the PC instead of "TI-Nspire". That's because the Nspire is emulating a TI-84+ and the PC cannot tell the difference.

The app configures itself to run at 15 MHz on supported hardware, while remaining at 6 MHz on the TI-83+.

I have tested it on the following calculators that I own:

  • TI-83 Plus (OS v1.19)
  • TI-83 Plus Silver Edition (OS v1.19)
  • TI-84 Plus Silver Edition (OS v2.55MP)
  • TI-Nspire with TI-84 Plus Keypad (OS v2.46)

Community members have verified that it works on the following variants:

  • TI-84 Plus
  • TI-84 Plus Pocket SE
  • TI-84 (French version of the Pocket SE?)

The following calculators are not supported because their internal hardware and firmware are too different:

  • TI-73, 80, 81, 82, 85, 86
  • TI-83 (without Plus)
  • TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition
  • TI-84 Plus CE
  • TI-83 Premium CE (French version of the TI-84 Plus CE)
  • TI-89, 89 Titanium, 92, 92 Plus, Voyage 200

Quick Examples

Example 1

Let's compute the volume of a sphere of radius 2.1. Recall that the volume of a sphere is (4/3) pi r^3. There are many ways to compute this in an RPN system, but I tend to start with the more complex, inner expression and work outwards. Enter the following keystrokes:

  • Press 2 button
  • Press . button
  • Press 1 button
  • Press X^2 button
  • Press 2ND ANS button (invokes the LASTX functionality)
  • Press * button (r^3 is now in the X register)
  • Press 2ND PI button (above the ^ button)
  • Press * button (pi r^3)
  • Press 4 button
  • Press * button (4 pi r^3)
  • Press 3 button
  • Press / button (4 pi r^3 / 3)
  • the X register should show 38.79238609

Here is an animated GIF that shows this calculation:

RPN83P Example 1 GIF

(Note that the RPN83P provides a X^3 menu function that could have been used for this formula, but I used the LASTX feature to demonstrate its use.)

Example 2

The RPN83P supports most of the base conversion and logical operators found on the HP-42S and the HP-16C calculators.

Let's calculate the bitwise-and operator between the hexadecimal numbers B6 and 65, then see the result as an octal number (base-8), a binary number (base-2), then right shift the result 3 bits which sets the Carry Flag, then view the final result as a decimal number:

  • Press the MATH button to reset the menu to the home row.
  • Navigate the menu with the DOWN arrow to get to ROOT MenuRow 2
  • Press BASE menu to get to BASE Menu DEC
  • Press HEX menu to get to BASE Menu HEX
  • Press ALPHA B buttons
  • Press 6 button
  • Press ENTER button (X shows 00 00 00 B6)
  • Press 6 button
  • Press 5 button
  • Press DOWN arrow to get to the menu row with the AND menu item BASE MenuRow AND
  • Press AND menu, the X register should show 00 00 00 24
  • Press UP arrow to go back to BASE Menu HEX
  • Press OCT menu, the X register should show 00 000 000 044 with the menu showing BASE Menu OCT
  • Press BIN menu, the X register should show 0000 0000 0010 0100 with the menu showing BASE Menu BIN
  • Press DOWN DOWN (twice) to the menu row with the shift right SR item BASE MenuRow SR
  • Press SR SR SR (three times) to show 0000 0000 0000 0100 and the Carry Flag C set
  • Press UP UP (twice) to reach the base conversion menu row BASE Menu BIN
  • Press DEC menu, the X register should show 4 with the menu showing BASE Menu DEC

Here is the animated GIF that shows this calculation:

RPN83P Example 2 GIF

Example 3

The RPN83P supports the Time Value of Money functionality of the HP-12C calculator.

In this example:

  • We calculate the monthly payment of a $500,000 mortgage over 30 years at 8%, then,
  • We recalculate the payment at 7%, then,
  • We fix the monthly payment at $3000/month and calculate the interest rate that is needed for that monthly payment.

Here are the steps:

  • Press the MATH button to reset the menu to the home row.
  • Navigate the menu with the DOWN arrow to get to ROOT MenuRow 2
  • Press the TVM menu to get to TVM MenuRow 1
  • Press the DOWN arrow to get to TVM MenuRow 2
  • Press the CLTV button to clear the TVM variables.
  • Press the UP arrow to get back to TVM MenuRow 1
  • Press 360 N (30 years * 12 months = 360 payments)
  • Press 8 I%YR (interest percent per year)
  • Press 500000 PV (present value)
  • Press 0 FV (future value)
  • Press PMT (payments)
    • You should see -3668.822869 ($3668.82)
  • Press 7 I%YR
  • Press PMT
    • You should see -3326.512476 ($3326.51)
  • Press -3000 PMT
  • Press I%YR
    • After a slight delay, you should see 6.006990008 (6%).

Here is the animated GIF that shows this calculation:

RPN83P Example 3 GIF

Example 4

Let's add 4 complex numbers, divide by 4 to get their average, view the result in rectangular, polar radian, and polar degree modes, then extract the complex magnitude of the result. The following complex numbers were chosen to illustrate the 4 ways that complex numbers can be entered into RPN83P:

  • 100 - i/(2*pi*60*(1e-5)) using 2ND LINK
  • 100 + 250i using 2ND i
  • 200 ∠ 10° using 2ND ANGLE
  • 300 ∠ 0.1 using 2ND ANGLE 2ND ANGLE

The keystrokes are:

  • (optional) Press CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR to clear the RPN stack.
  • Press MODE button, downarrow, RECT: MODE MenuRow 2
  • Press 100 ENTER
  • Press 2 PI * 60 * 1 EE 5 (-) * 1/X (-) (X: -265.26)
  • Press 2ND LINK (X: 100 i -265.26)
  • Press 100 2ND i 250 + (X: 200 i -15.26)
  • Press 200 2ND ANGLE 10 + (X: 396.96 i 19.47)
  • Press 300 2ND ANGLE 2ND ANGLE 0.1 + (X: 695.46 i 49.42)
  • Press 4 / (X: 173.89 i 12.35)
  • Press PRAD (X: 174.30 ∠ 0.07)
  • Press PDEG (X: 174.30 ∠° 4.04)
  • Press MATH button CPLX: CPLX MenuRow 1
  • Press CABS (X: 174.30)

RPN83P Example 4 GIF

Exiting the Menu


  • ON button (ESC/EXIT) multiple times to back to the home menu, or
  • MATH button (HOME) to go back directly.

ROOT MenuRow 1


Compiling from Source

I use Ubuntu Linux 22.04 for my development. The following instructions have been verified only on my dev machine.

  • Clone this repo:
    • $ git clone [email protected]:bxparks/rpn83p.git
    • develop branch (default) contains the active development
    • master branch contains the stable release
  • Install spasm-ng.
    • I use the static binary zip file, because the .deb file would not resolve dependencies.
    • Unpack the zip file so that the spasm directory is a sibling to the rpn83p directory. (See the SPASM_DIR variable inside the Makefile).
  • $ cd src
  • $ make
  • Should produce a file named rpn83p.8xk.

Tools and Resources

Here are the tools and resources that I used for development on Ubuntu Linux 22.04:


MIT License

Feedback and Support

If you have any questions, comments, bugs, or feature requests for this application, you can file a ticket in the GitHub Issues. They will be handled on a best-effort basis. Remember that this software comes with no warranties and no guarantees of support.

Most of the discussions on the internet are occurring in the RPN83P thread on the Museum of HP Calculators. That's another option for feedback and support.

For feature requests, I recommend scanning through the Future Enhancements document and verifying that your feature is not already there.

Please refrain from emailing me directly unless the content is sensitive. The problem with email is that I cannot reference the email conversation when other people ask similar questions later.


Created by Brian T. Park ([email protected]).