A light weight ftp server. Support multiple connection and command line management.
The program is executable, but requires more perfection and standardization.
cd to the root directory, and run
$make server
$make client
$make daemon
$make clean
the runnable file 'client' and 'server(ftpdaemon)' is the executable file.
place them any directory you want, the program will use it as service directory.
--for server--
# run the ftpdaemon to make the server run as a service
# the server is running on starting
start : start a stopped server
stop : stop the running server
exit : shutdown all connection and exit the program
--for client--
dir : list files on the server
ls : list local files, supporting arguments
cd : change to the directory on server
get : download file from server
put : put local file onto server
del : delete file on server
bye : close the connection and exit the program
terminal.*: control server status
command.* : interact with client, exchange commands
server.* : server which can interact with you when debug
daemon.* : make the ftp server run in daemon
client.* : client actions all here
lib/netcmd.*: network commnads shared by both client and server