Ansible role to install and configure NGINX
No further requirements besides bash.
Variable defaults
# repo url - either deb or ppa (e.g "ppa:bytepark/nginx-mainline")
nginx_repo: "deb bionic nginx"
# repo key - when repo needs signing key (e.g.
nginx_repo_key: ""
# package name to install (can allso be nginx-full e.g)
nginx_package: "nginx"
# optional config in nginx.conf
nginx_extra_conf_options: ""
# optional config in nginx.conf http block
nginx_extra_http_options: ""
# number of nginx worker connections
nginx_worker_connections: 1024
# number of nginx worker processes
nginx_worker_processes: 2
# hash bucket size
nginx_server_names_hash_bucket_size: 64
# upload custom files to reference later. files can be in "files/" directory in your project
nginx_extra_files: []
# list of vhosts with following keys
# type - static/fastcgi/proxy - which type to use
# hostname - main server name
# additional_server_names - alias domains
# is_default - whether this vhost is the default listener
# default_redirect_to - where to redirect all requests to
# docroot - document root for vhost
# docroot_fastcgi - optional document root for fastcgi php location
# logfile_separate - true/false - for separate log file for this vhost
# logfile_format - name of a different logfile format defined in nginx.conf
# enable_ssl - true/false - whether to enable SSL
# ssl_certificate - location of SSL cert
# ssl_certificate_key - location of SSL key
# ssl_trusted_certificate - location of SSL trusted chain certs
# disable_try_files - don't add a predefined try_files directive to location
# auth - passwort used for htpasswd
# auth_basic_file - path of the basic auth file
# auth_satisfy - satisfy mode used for authentication (any/all)
# auth_allowed_ips - list of allowed ips
# cache_enable - true/false - whether to enable caching (fastcgi/proxy only)
# cache_time - e.g. 30s - how long to cache valid responses
# cache_types - dicts with entries code and time for individual caching times
# proxy_headers - dicts with entries key and value for individual proxy_headers
# enable_websocket - true/false - for proxy setups, enable websocket listening
# naxsi_enable - true/false - whether to include NAXSI WAF
# naxsi_mode_learning - true/false - whether to enable learningmode
# naxsi_denied_url - url for cases of denied requests
# naxsi_whitelist_file - path for a naxsi whitelist file
# extra_server_options - extra nginx server conf options
# Example:
# extra_server_options: |
# include /etc/nginx/y.conf;
# include /etc/nginx/x.conf;
nginx_vhosts: []
# nginx_ssl_type - modern/intermediate - cipher config from mozilla server configurator
nginx_ssl_type: "modern"
# nginx_enable_hsts - whether to enable HSTS
nginx_enable_hsts: false
nginx_dhparam_path: "/etc/ssl/dhparam.pem"
nginx_dhparam_encryption_size: 2048
nginx_naxsi_enable: - true/false
nginx_naxsi_rules_file: ""
No dependencies.
- hosts: servers
- { role: bytepark.nginx }
bytepark / 2018.