Laravel Seeder that allows for simple importing/exporting of database state from/to a given environment using a standardized workflow.
Add the following snippet to your Application's composer.json
in repositories
"type": "vcs",
"url": "[email protected]:bythepixel/laravel-source-seeder.git"
Next, run this command:
composer require bythepixel/laravel-source-seeder
php artisan seeder:build {table?}
- Generates .json files for all relevant tables (or as passed in by the table parameter)
- This command will typically be executed on a production environment to export "real" production data
- Once files have been generated they can be committed to the repository allowing new environments to be up to date
- If executed on a remote environment,
is recommended to copy the json filesscp -rp ./database/seeders/Source <user>@<public_ip>:/srv/www/database/seeders/Source
Path: database/seeders/LocationSeeder.php
namespace Database\Seeders;
use LaravelSourceSeeder\SourceSeeder;
class LocationSeeder extends SourceSeeder