AutoRT is a peptide retention time prediction tool using deep learning. It supports peptide retention prediction for tryptic peptides (global proteome experiments), MHC bound peptides (immunopeptidomics experiment) and PTM peptides (such as phosphoproteomics experiment, ubiquitome or acetylome experiment).
- The performance of models trained using more than 100,000 peptides: Figure 1a; Supplementary Figure 1.
- The performance of models trained using 700~10,000 peptides with transfer learning strategy: Figure 1b; Supplementary Figure 3; Supplementary Figure 8-10;
- The performance of models trained using label free, iTRAQ or TMT data: Figure 1a; Figure 1b; Supplementary Figure 3; Supplementary Figure 8-10.
- The performance of models trained using immunopeptidomics data: Supplementary Figure 6;
- The performance of models trained using public iRT data: Figure 1a; Supplementary Figure 1.
$ git clone
AutoRT is a python3 package. TensorFlow (>=2.6) is supported. Its dependencies can be installed via
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
AutoRT has been tested on both Linux and Windows systems. It supports training and prediction on both CPU and GPU, but GPU is recommended for model training. Multiple GPUs are also supported.
AutoRT can also be used through docker:
docker pull proteomics/autort
AutoRT supports training models from scratch as well as transfer learning. We recommend to train models using GPU.
$ python train -h
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Input data for training
-o OUT_DIR, --out_dir OUT_DIR
Output directory
-e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
The number of epochs, default is 40.
-b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size for training, default is 64.
-r2 MAX_RT, --max_rt MAX_RT
The maximum retention time. If the value is 0 (default), the maximum retention time will be automatically infered from the input training data.
-l MAX_LENGTH, --max_length MAX_LENGTH
The length of the longest peptide to consider for modeling. If the value is 0 (default), it will be automatically infered from the input model file.
-u UNIT, --unit UNIT The unit of retention time in training data, s: second, m: minute (default).
-sm SCALE_METHOD, --scale_method SCALE_METHOD
Scaling method for RT tranformation: min_max (default), mean_std and single_factor. This is used in training. Default is 'min_max'. The default method works well in most of cases. This should not be
changed unless users know well about the meaning of these methods.
-sf SCALE_FACTOR, --scale_factor SCALE_FACTOR
This is only useful when 'single_factor' is set for '-sm'.
-m MODEL_FILE, --model_file MODEL_FILE
Trained model file. Only useful when perform transfer learning and RT prediction.
-r, --add_reverse Add reversed peptide in peptide encoding. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
Number of epochs with no improvement after which training will be stopped.
-rlr, --add_ReduceLROnPlateau
Reduce learning rate when a metric has stopped improving.
-g GPU, --gpu GPU Set gpu IDs that can be used. For example: 1,2,3.
-d, --do_evaluation_after_each_epoch
Do evaluation after each epoch during model training.
The percentage of data (outlier) will be removed from the training data using a two-step training.
$ python predict -h
usage: [-h] [-t TEST] [-o OUT_DIR] [-p PREFIX] [-s ENSEMBLE] [-a]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TEST, --test TEST Input data for testing
-o OUT_DIR, --out_dir OUT_DIR
Output directory
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
-s ENSEMBLE, --ensemble ENSEMBLE
-a, --radam
An example training data is available in the example/data
folder as shown below. The training data should have at least 2 columns x
and y
in a tab-delimited text format
. The x
column contains peptide sequences and y
column contains retention time. The unit of retention time can be minute or second. If the unit of retention time is minute, users should set "-u m" and if the unit of retention time is second, users should set "-u s".
$ head example/data/PXD006109_Cerebellum_rt_add_mox_all_rt_range_3_train.tsv
x y
AAAAADLANR 18.85030769230769
AAAAALSGSPPQTEK 27.125375000000002
For a peptide with modification(s) (modified peptide), it must be formatted as described below:
Each of the modified amino acids must be represented using a different integer number (0-9) in the peptide sequence and keep consistent in both training and testing (or prediction) data. For example, if there are four modifications in a dataset: oxidation on M, phosphorylation on S,T and Y, then we can use 1 represents oxidation of M, 2 represents phosphorylation of S, 3 represents phosphorylation of T and 4 represents phosphorylation of Y.
Then a peptide like this:
must be formatted as
An example testing data is available in the data folder as shown below. The first column "x" is required. The second column "y" is optional.
$ head example/data/PXD006109_Cerebellum_rt_add_mox_all_rt_range_3_test.tsv
x y
LGLDEYLDK 57.118833333333335
FNGAQVNPK 20.01075
AVTISGTPDAIIQCVK 66.29124999999999
SSPVEYEFFWGPR 81.73833333333333
AIPSYSHLR 29.95825
An example to show how to train a highly accurate RT model using a small dataset from a global proteome experiment:
Please note that the length of the longest peptide in the training data must be <= 60 which is the maximum length supported by the based models in the github folder models/general_base_model/.
$ cd example
$ cat
## training
python ../ train -i data/28CPTAC_COprospective_W_VU_20150810_05CO037_f01_normal_train.tsv -o tf_model/ -e 40 -b 64 -u m -m ../models/general_base_model/model.json -rlr -n 10
## prediction
python ../ predict -t data/28CPTAC_COprospective_W_VU_20150810_05CO037_f01_normal_test.tsv -s tf_model/model.json -o tf_prediction/ -p test
The training took less than 15 minutes using one Titan Xp GPU on a Linux server.
The parameter setting for -e, -b, -sm, -rlr and -n for the above examples worked well for many data.
cd example
## training
python ../ train -e 100 -b 64 -m ../models/base_model/model.json -u m -i data/PXD006109_Cerebellum_rt_add_mox_all_rt_range_3_train.tsv -sm min_max -rlr -n 20 -o PXD006109_models/
After the training is finished, the trained model files are saved in the folder PXD006109_models/
. If users want to train a model to support peptides longer than 60 (e.g., 100 amino acids), set the parameter -l to a number longer than 60, for example, -l 100.
Then we can use the trained models for prediction as shown below:
## prediction:
python ../ predict -t data/PXD006109_Cerebellum_rt_add_mox_all_rt_range_3_test.tsv -s PXD006109_models/model.json -o PXD006109_prediction/ -p test
The prediction result will be saved in file PXD006109_prediction/test.csv
and looks like below. The column y_pred
contains the predicted retention time.
$ head PXD006109_prediction/test.csv
x y y_pred
LLDLYASGER 51.07025 51.25605
EMPQNVAK 16.787 17.024113
GSPTGSSPNNASELSLASLTEK 62.60036363636364 61.83924
LGLDEYLDK 57.11883333333334 57.66608
FNGAQVNPK 20.01075 19.809322
AVTISGTPDAIIQCVK 66.29124999999999 68.5102
SSPVEYEFFWGPR 81.73833333333333 82.20954
AIPSYSHLR 29.95825 31.344095
The training took less than 12 hours using one Titan Xp GPU on a Linux server.
Example: example/Experiment_specific_RT_prediction_using_AutoRT.ipynb
Example: example/Phosphorylation_experiment_specific_RT_prediction_using_AutoRT_Colab.ipynb
Wen, B., Li, K., Zhang, Y. et al. Cancer neoantigen prioritization through sensitive and reliable proteogenomics analysis. Nature Communications 11, 1759 (2020).
A list of applications of AutoRT could be found at: AutoRT applications.