python-auto-bid-sniper-for-ebay- Public
Forked from makeitjustin/python-auto-bid-sniper-for-ebay-Python script I wrote for biding for me , I always lose track of time and forget to bid so this help me out. hope you injoy
markers Public
Markers is a node module for programmatic markdown generation.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 12, 2016 -
cherrypicker Public
This script creates a match thread and auto-updates via home-team's twitter account.
Headshot-Exports Public
These scripts streamline the process of editing, cropping, and exporting headshots in Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.
Projects Public
Forked from karan/Projects📃 A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language.
MIT License UpdatedMar 23, 2016 -
gethelplex Public
Forked from openlexington/gethelplexSubstance abuse treatment locator for Kentucky
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 1, 2016 -
Cloud-Seeder Public
A Chrome extension that helps you download freely available songs. (SoundCloud only for now)
JavaScript UpdatedJan 28, 2016 -
GOP-Whackamole Public
Whack-a-Mole with the 2016 GOP Candidates and CSS Flexbox
CSS UpdatedDec 21, 2015 -
PoS-Paint Public
A POS version of MS Paint made with HTML, CSS, and JQuery
JavaScript UpdatedDec 9, 2015 -
Basic-Attendance Public
Homework for Udacity's Javascript Design Patterns course. Tiny MV* web app in OO javascript. (Rebuilt/refactored)
JavaScript UpdatedSep 8, 2015 -
Cat-Clicker Public
Homework for Udacity's Javascript Design Patterns course. Tiny MV* web app in OO javascript.w
JavaScript UpdatedSep 7, 2015 -
recipes-with-angular-js-examples Public
Forked from fdietz/recipes-with-angular-js-examplesRecipes with Angular.js
JavaScript UpdatedJun 6, 2015 -
hashtag-squirrels Public
Collects tweets about squirrels and sticks them on a map -- made for and thanks to MapTimeLex
Ruby UpdatedJun 1, 2015 -
Snake Public
Forked from Trombonifide/Snakebasic game of snake in js
JavaScript UpdatedMar 26, 2015 -
HeraldSkipper Public
A stupid-simple chrome extension that sticks it to my local lamestream media outlet by auto-skipping their ad-serving "welcome" page.
wrfl_playlist_logger Public
Initial commit. Logs in, inputs nil. Todo: create playlist loading MVC structure, abstract methods for submitting plays.
Ruby UpdatedFeb 15, 2015 -
jadensmarkov Public
a twitter bot that posts markov-chain tweets generated from a library of actual shit jaden smith has said.
Lex_to_LIVES Public
Forked from openlexington/Lex_to_LIVESLexington Health Dept. Health Inspection data to LIVES format
Ruby UpdatedNov 19, 2014 -