LumaCode Public
Definition of the "LumaCode" signal standard with reference implementation
A-VideoBoard Public
FPGA board to create a component video signal for vintage computers.
Amiga-Digital-Video Public
Add a digital video port to vintage Amiga machines
C64-Video-Enhancement Public
Component video modification for the C64 8-bit computer
ZX-Spectrum-Component-Video Public
Component video (YPbPr) output for the ZX Spectrum computer
SIO2SD Public
An Arduino-based floppy drive emulator for the atari 8 bit computers.
c0pperdragon.github.io Public
Public web resources for Sapphire Yours and other github based projects
D-Video Public
Interface to pump digital video out of vintage home computers
RetroMouse Public
Adapter to attach PS/2 compatible mice to retro computers
SingleBreadboardComputer Public
A 6502-based computer squeezed onto a single bread board.
VIC20-Video-Amplifier Public
Modify the analog video circuit of a VIC 20 to use modern parts
BreadBin Public
A CPU made of 7400 logic on breadboards - inside a bread bin ;-)
Atari2600Module Public
Game module board for Atari 2600 that can hold 16 games.
ArduinoGameConsole Public
A minimal solution to create audio and video with an Arduino Nano
CubeSpinner Public
Rubik's Cube solving robot using a Lego Mindstorms EV3 Kit.
EV3Basic Public
A basic compiler to target the Lego Mindstorms EV3 intelligent brick.
CubeTwister Public
Rubik's Cube solving robot using 2 Lego Mindstorm EV3 kits and additional hardware
CubeSolver Public
Rubik's Cube solving robot based on the Lego Mindstorms NXT kit.