AssetKit is designed for PHP's performance, all configuration files are compiled into PHP source code, this makes AssetKit loads these asset configuration files very quickly.
AssetKit is a powerful asset manager, provides a simple command-line interface and a simple PHP library with simple API, there are many built-in filters and compressors in it.
To improvement the asset loading performance, we register these wanted asset manifest files into an assetkit configuration file, which contains the asset source directory and other manifest file information. the config file is converted into PHP source.
When one asset is required from a web page, the asset can be quickly loaded through the AssetLoader, then the asset will be filtered through the filters and compiled/squashed to the front-end output. If the environment is production, the
will cache the url manifest for you, so you don't have to compile these assets everytime. -
In production mode, the asset compiler squashes the loaded asset files to the minified files.
In development mode, the asset compiler simply render the include paths.
You may define different required assets in each different page with a page id (target).
The page id (target) is also used for caching results.
So that in your product page, you may include
assets together with a page id "yourapp-products". And in your main page, you may includejquery
assets with a page id "youapp-mainpage" -
One asset can have multiple file collections, the file collection can be css, scss, sass, coffee-script, live-script or javascript collection.
Each file collection may have its own filters and compressors. so that a CSS file collection can use "cssmin" and "yuicss" compressor, and a SASS file collection can use "sass" filter and "cssmin" compressor to generate the minified output.
A "target" is consist of many assets, which is something like "page", we usually includes many assets in one single page, so called "target".
Why do we separately loading the different assets and define the asset manifest ? Because in the modern web application, most compononents are modularized, so in one application, there are many different plugins, modules, libraries, some plugins might provide its own assets, but some don't. some assets need to be compiled with some specific filters, but some don't. some assets need to be compressed through compressors like 'CSSMin' or 'JSMin', but some don't.
When developing front-end files, we usaually need to re-compile these asset files again and again, and at the end, we still need to re-compile them into one single squashed file to improve the front-end performance. And to re-compile these files, some people use Makefile, some people use Grunt.js, but it's still hard to configure, manage and distribute.
To give PHP applications a better flexibility, we designed a better archtecture to organize these asset files. that is, AssetKit.
- Centralized asset configuration.
- Automatically fetch & update your asset files.
- AssetCompiler: Compile multiple assets into one squashed file.
- AssetRender: Render compiled assets to HTML fragments, stylesheet tag or script tag.
- Command-line tool for installing, register, precompile assets.
- CSSMin compressor, YUI compressor, JSMin compressor, CoffeeScript, SASS, SCSS filters.
- APC cache support, which caches the compiled manifest, so you don't need to recompile them everytime.
- Twig Extension support. (see below)
- yaml extension.
Install the requirements:
$ gem install compass sass # for sass/compass filter
$ npm install coffee-script # for coffee-script filter
Install library from composer:
"require": {
"corneltek/assetkit": "~3"
Get the command-line assetkit:
$ curl -O
$ chmod +x assetkit
$ sudo mv assetkit /usr/bin
git clone
cd demo
php -S localhost:3000
// open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to see the sample app in production mode.
// http://localhost:3000/index.php?force=1 to force the asset compilation
To define file collections, you need to create a manifest.yml file in your asset directory, for example, the backbonejs manifest.yml file:
- js:
- backbone.js
- css:
- app.css
- sass:
- home.sass
You can also define the resource, assetkit would fetch it for you. currently assetkit supports svn, git, hg resource types.
Once you got assetkit
, you can initialize it with your public path (web root):
$ assetkit init --baseDir "public/assets" --baseUrl "/assets" assetkit.yml
The config is stored at assetkit.yml
Then fetch anything you want:
$ assetkit add assets/jquery
Submodule 'src/sizzle' () registered for path 'src/sizzle'
Submodule 'test/qunit' () registered for path 'test/qunit'
Submodule 'src/sizzle' () registered for path 'src/sizzle'
Submodule 'test/qunit' () registered for path 'test/qunit'
Checking jQuery against JSHint...
JSHint check passed.
jQuery Size - compared to last make
252787 (-) jquery.js
94771 (-) jquery.min.js
33635 (-) jquery.min.js.gz
jQuery build complete.
Saving config...
And your assetkit.yml
file will be updated, these asset files will be installed into public/assets
NOTE: To install asset files with symbol link, use --link option, Which is convenient for asset development.
If someone wants to clone your project, you can add assetkit.yml
file to the repository, then B can
do update
command to update assets:
$ assetkit update
To use assetkit in your application, just few lines to write:
// load the autoload.php from composer
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// load your asset config file, this contains asset manifest and types
$config = new AssetKit\AssetConfig( '../assetkit.yml', array(
'root' => APP_ROOT // the absolute path where you run "assetkit" command.
// initialize an asset loader
$loader = new AssetKit\AssetLoader( $config );
// load the required assets (of your page, application or controller)
$assets = $loader->loadAssets(array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui' ));
// Use AssetRender to compile and render the HTML tag
$render = new AssetKit\AssetRender($config, $loader);
$targetName = 'demo-page';
$render->renderAssets($assets, $targetName); // pipe html tags to output buffer, the targetName is optional.
Now just load the script from your browser, it should work.
You may simply check example script in the example
Assets can be registered offline, this is to reduce the online overhead. Once
you have an AssetLoader object, you can call the register
method to register
an asset from the asset manifest file path:
$loader = new AssetKit\AssetLoader($config);
$asset = $loader->register("tests/assets/jquery-ui");
The registered assets will be added to the asset entry storage and will be cached.
When you want to render an asset, or compile a collection of asset, you need to load the asset from the entry storage:
$asset = $loader->load("jquery-ui");
Sometimes you just want to load a part of the asset, you can append a
string to filter out the collections you want:
$asset = $loader->load("jquery-ui:stylesheet"); // Asset with stylesheet collections only
$asset = $loader->load("jquery-ui:javascript"); // Asset with javascript collections only
To find a specific collection in the asset, you can predefine an ID to the collection, and use the ID to look up the collection in the runtime:
$asset = $loader->load("jquery-ui#darkness"); // Asset with darkness theme stylesheet collections only
This creates and initializes the assetkit.yml
$ assetkit init --baseUrl=/assets --baseDir=public/assets --dir=private/assets assetkit.yml
Where the --baseDir
option is the assets will be installed to.
Where the --baseUrl
option is the assets can be loaded from front-end browser.
Where the --dir
option is the location that you store your private asset files.
is your config file, it's in YAML format, you can also modify it directly.
Register the assets you need:
$ assetkit add app/assets/jquery
$ assetkit add plugins/foo/assets/jquery-ui
$ assetkit add plugins/bar/assets/bootstrap
Then install asset resources into the --baseDir
that you've setup:
$ assetkit install
There are two modes for installation, link and copy, to simply copy assets files
into the baseDir
, we use default asset installer.
To symbol link assets to the baseDir
, you may pass the --link
Then integrate the AssetKit API into your PHP web application,
there are just few lines to write (you may check the public/index.php
use AssetKit\AssetConfig;
// Please install php-fileutil extension for beter performance,
// To use AssetCompiler, AssetLoader or AssetRender, we need to initialize AssetConfig object.
$config = new AssetKit\AssetConfig( 'config/assetkit.yml',array(
// the application root, contains the assetkit.yml file.
'cache' => new UniversalCache\ApcCache(array( 'namespace' => 'myapp_' ));
$loader = new AssetKit\AssetLoader( $config );
$compiler = new AssetKit\AssetCompiler($config, $loader);
$compiler->defaultJsCompressor = 'uglifyjs';
$compiler->defaultCssCompressor = 'cssmin';
$assets = $loader->loadAssets(array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui') );
$render = new AssetKit\AssetRender($config,$loader, $compiler);
The rendered result:
<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/demo/d95da0fbdccc220ccb5e4949a41ec796.min.js" ></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/demo/3fffd7e7bf5d2a459cad396bd3c375b4.min.css"/>
To update asset resource from remote (eg: git, github, hg or svn) if needed.
$ assetkit update
Once you've done, you can precompile the asset files to a squashed javascript/stylesheet files:
$ assetkit compile --target demo-page jquery jquery-ui
Notice: You may enable apc.enable_cli option to precompile production files from command-line.
Compiling assets to target 'demo-page'...
MD5: 9399a997d354919cba9f84517eb7604a
URL: assets/demo-page/9399a997d354919cba9f84517eb7604a.min.css
File: /Users/c9s/git/Work/AssetKit/public/assets/demo-page/9399a997d354919cba9f84517eb7604a.min.css
MD5: 4a09100517e2d98c3f462376fd69d887
URL: assets/demo-page/4a09100517e2d98c3f462376fd69d887.min.js
File: /Users/c9s/git/Work/AssetKit/public/assets/demo-page/4a09100517e2d98c3f462376fd69d887.min.js
You can also do:
$ assetkit compile --target main --html-output head.php jquery
So that in your application, you can simple drop a line:
<?php require "head.php"; ?>
You can also use the Twig Extension in your template:
{% assets "jquery", "jquery-ui" as "my-home-page" %}
To check all compiled target, you may simply run:
$ assetkit target
To add assets to a target, you can run:
$ assetkit target add demo-page jquery jquery-ui bootstrap
To remove a target, you can run:
$ assetkit target remove demo-page
Note that we've built-in uglifyjs compressor.
$compiler->defaultJsCompressor = 'uglifyjs';
$compiler->defaultCssCompressor = 'cssmin';
$compiler->registerCompressor('uglifyjs', function() {
return YourCompressor;
YUI_COMPRESSOR_BIN=utils/yuicompressor-2.4.7/build/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar \
assetkit add assets/test/manifest.yml
$filter = new AssetKit\Filter\CoffeeScriptFilter;
$config = new AssetKit\AssetConfig('assetkit.yml',array(
'cache' => true,
'cache_id' => 'your_app_id',
'cache_expiry' => 3600
$baseDir = $config->getBaseDir(true); // absolute path
$baseUrl = $config->getBaseUrl();
$root = $config->getRoot();
$compiledDir = $config->getCompiledDir();
$compiledUrl = $config->getCompiledUrl();
$assetStashes = $config->all();
$loader = new AssetKit\AssetLoader($config);
// load asset from a directory that might contains a manifest file,
// Note: Since you're going to put the assetkit.yml file
// In your VCS, you should use relative path instead of
// absolute path.
$asset = $loader->register("tests/assets/jquery");
// load asset from a manifest file directly,
$asset = $loader->loadManifestFile("tests/assets/jquery/manifest.yml");
// load multiple asset at one time
$assets = $loader->loadAssets(array('jquery','jquery-ui'));
$jquery = $loader->load('jquery');
$jqueryui = $loader->load('jquery-ui');
// get all loaded asset objects
$assets = $loader->all();
// get all loaded asset objects by pairs.
// array( 'name' => [asset object], ... )
$assetMap = $loader->pairs();
// check if we've loaded the asset by asset name
if( $loader->has('jquery') ) {
// do something here.
$updater = new ResourceUpdater;
$installer = new AssetKit\Installer;
$installer->install( $asset );
$installer->uninstall( $asset );
$installer = new AssetKit\LinkInstaller;
$installer->install( $asset );
$installer->uninstall( $asset );
$asset = $loader->registerAssetFromPath("tests/assets/jquery-ui");
$compiler = new AssetKit\AssetCompiler($config,$loader);
$files = $compiler->compile($asset);
echo $files['js_url']; // outputs /assets/compiled/jquery-ui.min.js
echo $files['css_url']; // outputs /assets/compiled/jquery-ui.min.css
When in production mode, the compiled manifest is cached in APC, to make AssetCompiler recompile your assets, you need to restart your HTTP server to clean up these cache.
We don't scan file modification time by default, because too many IO operations might slow down your application.
To auto-recompile these assets when you modified them, you can setup an option to make your PHP application scan the modification time of asset files to recompile assets:
$render = new AssetKit\AssetRender($config,$loader);
$compiler = $render->getCompiler();
To enable builtin filters, compressors:
To register filters, compressors:
$compiler->registerCompressor('jsmin', '\AssetKit\Compressor\JsMinCompressor');
$compiler->registerCompressor('cssmin', '\AssetKit\Compressor\CssMinCompressor');
$compiler->registerFilter( 'coffeescript','\AssetKit\Filter\CoffeeScriptFilter');
$compiler->registerFilter( 'css_import', '\AssetKit\Filter\CssImportFilter');
$compiler->registerFilter( 'sass', '\AssetKit\Filter\SassFilter');
$compiler->registerFilter( 'scss', '\AssetKit\Filter\ScssFilter');
This is the top level API to compile/render asset HTML tags, which operates AssetCompiler to compile loaded assets.
$render = new AssetKit\AssetRender($config,$loader);
Include specified asset:
{% assets 'jquery' %}
Include multiple assets:
{% assets "jquery", "jquery-ui" %}
Include multiple assets to the target:
{% assets "jquery", "jquery-ui" as "jquery-all" %}
Install deps:
$ git clone git://
$ cd AssetKit
$ composer install
Install some extensions to boost the speed:
phpbrew ext install github:sqmk/pecl-jsmin
phpbrew ext install github:c9s/cssmin
Make sure all staff work:
... Hack Hack Hack ...
Run tests again:
$ phpunit
Make sure command runs fine:
$ php bin/assetkit init --base-dir .... --base-url ....
$ php bin/assetkit compile --target mainpage jquery jquery-ui
Re-Compile the command-line binary:
$ scripts/compile
Test the compiled binary, simply type:
$ ./assetkit
- watch command (fork filter process to watch asset files or directories)
You should install the xhprof extension from
Then setup hostname to your xhprof_html directory.
Then run:
pear install -f phpunit/PHPUnit_TestListener_XHProf
phpunit -c phpunit-xhprof.xml
The manifest.yml file:
git: [email protected]:blah/blah.git
- filters: [ "css_import" ]
- css/*.sass
- coffee:
- js/*.coffee
- js:
- js/*
- js/javascript.js