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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 15, 2024. It is now read-only.

Tags: cabinetjs/web-client-obsolete



Toggle v1.0.0-dev.3's commit message
chore(📦): 1.0.0-dev.3

## [1.0.0-dev.3](v1.0.0-dev.2...v1.0.0-dev.3) (2023-07-01)

### Features ✨

* **home:** implement home route with card based statistical data view ([72232ce](72232ce))


Toggle v1.0.0-dev.2's commit message
chore(📦): 1.0.0-dev.2

## [1.0.0-dev.2](v1.0.0-dev.1...v1.0.0-dev.2) (2023-06-29)

### Bug Fixes 🐞

* **attachment:** fix a bug attachment preview could not following mouse pointer position ([69b648a](69b648a))
* **attachment:** now media preview popup will not overflow the viewport ([282ff62](282ff62))
* **layout:** prevent re-rendering side bar data source list in every time navigated ([2b24145](2b24145))
* **media-viewer:** media viewer will closed only if page component is unmounted ([cb2322f](cb2322f))
* now api server url can be specified with envrionment variables ([c7ac775](c7ac775))
* **threads:** fix a bug that reversed switch on thread toolbar does not show checked status properly ([5e06df7](5e06df7))

### Internal 🧰

* **layout:** now side bar data source list will be loaded on server-side ([def463c](def463c))
* prevent SSR due to layout conflicting by responsive styles ([e52afde](e52afde))
* **threads:** apply loading skeleton animations into post list of thread ([de8d347](de8d347))
* **threads:** make thread list order settings to be persisted ([7946e1b](7946e1b))
* update default animation of skeleton component to wave instead of blinking ([767ac22](767ac22))


Toggle v1.0.0-dev.1's commit message
chore(📦): 1.0.0-dev.1

## 1.0.0-dev.1 (2023-06-28)

### Features ✨

* add refresh button into refetchable pages ([8ba4e31](8ba4e31))
* **attachment:** implement hover-to-preview feature on thumbnails ([785b309](785b309))
* **attachment:** implement video player volume control feature ([a750b3d](a750b3d))
* **attachment:** make video playback time stored and synced with preview and enlarged player ([94aa729](94aa729))
* **attachment:** media volume control with mouse wheel now also works on thumbnails ([d1682c4](d1682c4))
* **boards:** implement board thread list page ([9b0e057](9b0e057))
* **data-source:** implement data sources page ([b14c543](b14c543))
* **data-source:** implement data-source boards page ([1e30398](1e30398))
* **layout:** implement base layout system ([60047a9](60047a9))
* **layout:** make app layout responsive ([049288f](049288f))
* **media-viewer:** implement media viewer ([f86b4fe](f86b4fe))
* **media-viewer:** now video or image element on media viewer can be expanded to fit screen ([2eb7818](2eb7818))
* **thread:** implement thread page ([f3bd5ef](f3bd5ef))
* **threads:** implement data source threads page ([480f58e](480f58e))
* **threads:** implement thread sorting feature ([c87fc6a](c87fc6a))

### Bug Fixes 🐞

* **attachment:** now media preview and viewer will be closed when navigated ([6633034](6633034))
* fix type errors ([d81c5cb](d81c5cb))
* fix type errors conflicting card description nullable status ([29d1b0a](29d1b0a))
* **layout:** prevent layout content overflowing ([cc9ed5e](cc9ed5e))
* **media-viewer:** prevent media index navigation occurring in wrong conditions ([86fcd6f](86fcd6f))

### Internal 🧰

* **boards:** make description field for boards nullable ([6d82e33](6d82e33))
* correct link urls ([3f95dc1](3f95dc1))
* **design:** redesign common layout ([2ede58f](2ede58f))
* **image-board:** add author information on image board post component ([f3a0338](f3a0338))
* **image-board:** improve post list rendering performance through virtualized list ([88132e2](88132e2))
* **layout:** make card list responsible instead of flex list ([c406736](c406736))
* **media-viewer:** use `<Modal />` instead of implementing from scratch ([990fce0](990fce0))
* **post:** add attachment metadata on post view ([1cc018f](1cc018f))
* **thread:** enlarge thread post list width ([3405039](3405039))