The dataset consists of 12 CSV files, each representing different aspects of a music store database. These files are used for data exploration and querying. Below is the list of CSV files used:
- album.csv
- album2.csv
- customer.csv
- employee.csv
- genre.csv
- invoice.csv
- invoice_line.csv
- media_type.csv
- playlist.csv
- playlist_track.csv
- track.csv
- artist.csv
Senior Manager Query:
Who is the senior manager based on their job title?select * from employee where title like '%Senior%'
Countries with Most Invoices:
Which countries have the highest number of invoices?select top 5 billing_country,COUNT(invoice_id) invoice_amount from invoice group by billing_country order by 2 desc
Top 3 Invoices by Total Value:
What are the top 3 invoices with the highest total value?select top 3 * from invoice order by total desc
City with Most Revenue:
Which city generates the most revenue based on invoices?select top 1 billing_city total_revenue from invoice group by billing_city order by sum(total) desc
Customer Who Spends the Most Money:
Which customer has spent the most money?select top 1 c.first_name +' '+ c.last_name NAMEOFCUSTOMER from (select customer_id,billing_city,total total_revenue from invoice) A join customer c on A.customer_id=c.customer_id group by c.first_name,c.last_name order by sum(A.total_revenue) desc
Rock Music Listeners:
List the email, first name, last name, and genre of all Rock music listeners, ordered alphabetically by email starting with 'A'.select c.first_name,c.last_name, from customer c join invoice i on i.customer_id=c.customer_id join invoice_line il on il.invoice_id=i.invoice_id join track t on il.track_id = t.track_id join genre g on g.genre_id=t.genre_id where like 'Rock' group by c.first_name,c.last_name,, order by
Top Rock Bands:
Identify the top 10 rock bands based on the total track top 10 from artist ar join album a on a.artist_id=ar.artist_id join track tr on tr.album_id=a.album_id join genre g on g.genre_id=tr.genre_id where like '%Rock' group by order by COUNT(tr.album_id) desc
Tracks Longer Than Average:
Return all track names that have a song length longer than the average song length, ordered by,tr.milliseconds from artist ar join album a on a.artist_id=ar.artist_id join track tr on tr.album_id=a.album_id join genre g on g.genre_id=tr.genre_id where LEN(>(select SUM(LEN(trim(name)))/COUNT(name) AVG_length from track) group by,tr.milliseconds order by len( desc
Customer Spending on Artists:
Find out how much each customer has spent on artists. Return customer name, artist name, and total c.first_name CUSTOMER_NAME,c.last_name CUSTOMER_SURNAME, ARTIST_NAME,sum( TOTALSPEND from customer c join invoice i on c.customer_id=i.customer_id join invoice_line il on il.invoice_id=i.invoice_id join track t on il.track_id=t.track_id join album a on a.album_id=t.album_id join artist ar on ar.artist_id = a.artist_id group by c.first_name,c.last_name, order by 3 des
Most Popular Genre by Country:
Determine the most popular music genre for each country based on total revenue from purchases.drop table if exists #temptable --In case i want to use table later create table #temptable(country varchar(100),genre_name varchar(100),total_revenue float) -- I do not want to write same querry thats why i created temp table insert into #temptable select,,SUM( total_revenue from customer c join invoice i on c.customer_id=i.customer_id join invoice_line il on il.invoice_id=i.invoice_id join track t on il.track_id=t.track_id join genre g on g.genre_id=t.genre_id join album a on a.album_id=t.album_id join artist ar on ar.artist_id = a.artist_id group by, WITH Ranked_Genres as (select country,genre_name,total_revenue, row_number() over(partition by country order by total_revenue desc) as rank_ from #temptable) select country,genre_name from Ranked_Genres where rank_=1
Top Customer per Country:
Identify the top customer who has spent the most on music in each country, including their spending amount.drop table if exists #temptable2 create table #temptable2(country varchar(100),Customer_name varchar(100),Customer_Surname varchar(100),Revenue float) insert into #temptable2 select,c.first_name,c.last_name,SUM( total_revenue from customer c join invoice i on c.customer_id=i.customer_id join invoice_line il on il.invoice_id=i.invoice_id join track t on il.track_id=t.track_id join genre g on g.genre_id=t.genre_id join album a on a.album_id=t.album_id join artist ar on ar.artist_id = a.artist_id group by,c.first_name,c.last_name, WITH RANKED_CUSTOMER as ( select country,Customer_name,Customer_Surname,Revenue,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by country order by Revenue desc) as rank_ from #temptable2) select country,Customer_name,Customer_Surname,Revenue from Ranked_Customer where rank_=1