Survivor is a CBS show currently airing its 38th season. It is known for its fast gameplay and ruthlessness, as well as heartwarming instances of altruism. With 37 complete seasons underneath its belt, Survivor has a lot of fascinating data that we can explore to see if there are trends in contestants who win and those who don't. There are three different areas you must succeed in to become the Sole Survivor (and thus win $1,000,000): Outwit, Outplay, and Outlast. Using immunity idols cleverly, winning tribal and individual challenges, and of course outlasting the other 19 contestants will ultimately land you that coveted title. This project revolves around these three areas.
Thank you to Dave Kwiatkowski for compiling the contestant data, which can be found here. The immunity idol data was obtained from Jeff Pitman as of March 2019 from here.
Navigate via the top-level tab bar. Make sure you click "display" in the data explorer tab!
Created for GOV 1005, a data science course taught by Preceptor David Kane at Harvard University.