You need Qt already installed. Download Qt here
Then you need :
- PowerShell script. You can download it here: Microsoft PowerShell
- 7Zip.
- MinGW 5.3.0 (downloaded with Qt online installer)
Open this script with an text editor and change these lines at your convenience:
- At line 79: Choose the Qt source URL (Example: "").
All versions of Qt are available here : - At line 80: Set path where Qt will be installed (Example: "C:\Qt\Static").
- At line 81: Set the Qt folder name of the static version (Example: "5.11.0", this is optional).
- At line 82: Set the directory of MinGW, by default path is "C:\Qt\Tools\mingw530_32".
- At line 254 and 256: Set the path of "7z.exe" (Example: "C:\7-Zip\7z.exe").
The archive file will be stored in "src" folder into your Qt path (Example: "C:\Qt\Static\src\")
After that, launch the modified script by right-clicking the file and select "Execute with PowerShell". This process may take several hours.
When Qt Static build is finished, open Qt Creator. Go to options and go to "Build and run". Go to "Qt Versions" and click "add" button, go to the Qt Static path (Example: "C:\Qt\Static\5.11.0\bin") and select "qmake.exe". Go to "Kits" section and add Qt Static Build the Qt Version.
Now you can build static apps!
For more informations, please visit Build a Qt static