├── README.md
├── app_code
│ └── 311_metrics_adjustment.py
│ └── 311_metrics_amr1059.py
│ └── metricCalc_CP.py
│ └── valuation_analytic.py
├── data_ingest
│ └── 311_data_ingest_command.txt
│ └── DOB_ingestcode.txt
│ └── valuation_data_ingest.txt
├── etl_code
│ └── 311-file-loader.py
│ └── cleanfile_CP.py
│ └── dfcoordsmR.csv
│ └── mapCoordtoZip.ipynb
│ └── mergzip_CP.py
│ └── valuation_cleaning.py
├── profiling_code
│ └── 311_profiling_commands.txt
│ └── readfile_CP.py
│ └── Valuation_Profiling_codeonly.py
│ └── Valuation_Profiling_txtversion.txt
├── screenshots
└── 311_ETL.png
└── 311_metrics_calculation.png
└── 311_metrics_df_transpose.png
└── file_merge.png
└── Screenshoot_cleanfile_CP.docx
└── Screenshoot_mergzip_CP.docx
└── Screenshoot_metricCalc_CP.docx
└── Screenshoot_readfile_CP.docx
└── valuation_analytic.png
└── valuation_cleaning.png
└── valuation_profiling.png
- /app_code
: python script that reads 311 parquet, runs queries for metrics using SparkSQL311_metrics_adjustment.py
: python script that transposes, aggregates, and reduces dimensions from above metrics through SparkSQLmetricCalc_CP.py
: calculates summary DOB permit datavaluation_analytic.py
: calculates year over year valuation growth data by zip, calculates categorizations, and saves final data files for merging step
- /data_ingest
: terminal command for ingesting 311 service request data to/scratch/amr1059
: terminal commands for ingesting DOB permit datavaluation_data_ingest.txt
: terminal commands for ingesting valuation data
- /etl_code
: code to clean the DOB permit datadfcoordsmR.csv
: data for lat/long to zip mappingmapCoordtoZip.ipynb
: code to map lat/long to zip codemergzip_CP.py
: code to add zip code to DOB permit data311-file-loader.py
: python script that read in 311 service data, converts strings to appropriate types, and drops unused columns and rowsvaluation_cleaning.py
: python script that reads in, cleans, and saves cleaned valuation data
- /profiling_code
: contains various SparkSQL commands used for profiling data, i.e. seeing distribution of values and consistency of datareadfile_CP.py
: contains code used to profile DOB permit dataValuation_Profiling_codeonly.py
: contains python commands used to clean valuation dataValuation_Profiling_txtversion.txt
: contains commands used to clean valuation data that are in Valuation_Profiling_codeonly.py file as well as the resulting data outputs
- /screenshots
: displays ETL of 311 service data successfully running311_metrics_calculation.png
: displays initial 311 service metrics calculation through SparkSQL successfully running311_metrics_df_transpose.png
: displays transpose and dimension reduction of above 311 metrics successfully runningfile_merge.png
: displays successful merging of real estate valuation, DOB job, and 311 service requests datamapCoordtoZip_screenshot.pdf
: displays successful screenshot for mapping lat/long coordinates to zip code for DOB permit dataScreenshoot _cleanfile_CP.pdf
: displays successful screenshot for cleaning DOB permit dataScreenshoot _mergzip_CP.pdf
: displays successful screenshot for adding zip code to DOB permit dataScreenshoot _metricCalc_CP.pdf
: displays successful screenshot for DOB permit analytic codeScreenshoot _readfile_CP.pdf
: displays successful screenshot for DOB permit profiling codevaluation_profiling.png
: sample screenshot for valuation profilingvaluation_cleaning.png
: screenshot of full valuation cleaning codevaluation_analytic.png
: sample screenshot for valuation analytic code
Real Estate Valuation data from Open Data NYC, data has been downloaded from the web and uploaded to HDFS. Original dataset can be accessed at hdfs:/user/ctd299/Property_Valuation_and_Assessment_Data.csv
"valuation_cleaning.py" cleans the data and saves to a new file at hdfs:/user/ctd299/cleaned_data_2.csv "valuation_analytic.py" calculates year over year valuation growth and categorizations, and saves 2 files:
- Zip code average yearly valuation growth over entire time range hdfs:/user/ctd299/valuation_growth_byzip.csv
- Zip code average yearly valuation growth for each year in dataset hdfs:/user/ctd299/valuation_yearly_growth_byzip.csv
These are the final files used to merge with datasets #2 and #3.
sourced from Open Data NYC. Available at https://nycopendata.socrata.com/Social-Services/311-Service-Requests-from-2010-to-Present/erm2-nwe9 The following alias commands were used.
alias mods='module load python/gnu/3.6.5 && module load spark/2.4.0'
alias spark-submit='PYSPARK_PYTHON=$(which python) spark-submit'
When starting in the terminal, prior to submiting any spark jobs it is important to first run the mods
command; it is only necessary to run once. This is done to load python and spark.
Corresponding python scripts:
First, load the data to HDFS scratch folder
scp -r ~/Downloads/311_Service_Requests_from_2010_to_Present.csv [email protected]:/scratch/amr1059
The following command loads the 311 file, converts columns to appropriate types, creates additional columns, and drops extraneous/unused columns.
spark-submit BDAD-loader.py file:///scratch/amr1059/311_Service_Requests_from_2010_to_Present.csv 311_service_requests.parquet
For example, dates were originally parsed as strings. In order to accomplish any calculations date columns, created_date
, such as needed to be converted to timestamps. Additionally, there was the creation of the year
column, which is integer type and indicates the year the service request was placed. This was particularly crucial for any grouping and filtering. Lastly, job_time
was a column created by subtracting created_date
from closed_date
. This computation alone returns number of seconds elapsed. To get the number of days elapsed between a service request being placed and when it is resolved, divide by the number of seconds in a day (86,400).
Output file is saved to hdfs:/user/amr1059/
The following command takes the output parquet file from the pre-processing phase and calculates several metrics through sql queries. These dataframes are then written to parquet files.
spark-submit 311_metrics_amr1059.py hdfs:/user/amr1059/311_service_requests.parquet
contains the five most occurring 311 service complaints for each zipcode, broken down by yearaverage_completion_time.parquet
contains the average completion time for a 311 service request for each zipcode, broken down by yearaverage_completion_time_by_incident
contains the average completion time for a specified 311 service request complaint, e.g. Indoor Sewage or Animal Abuse, for each zipcode, broken down by year
Output files are saved to hdfs:/user/amr1059/
For the purposes of merging our three distinct data sets, the 311 service data needs to be transposed such that each zipcode appears once per row. Every additional column corresponds to a specific year and the associated metric. For example, incidents_per_zip
transposed contains a 2011_incident_count
column for the tally of incidents recorded in a zipcode for 2011. The following command transposes the output parquet files from the previous step.
spark-submit 311_metrics_adjustment.py hdfs:/user/amr1059/average_completion_time.parquet hdfs:/user/amr1059/average_completion_time_by_incident.parquet hdfs:/user/amr1059/incidents_per_zip.parquet
is the transpose ofaverage_completion_time.parquet
is the transpose ofaverage_completion_time_by_incident.parquet
is the transpose ofincidents_per_zip.parquet
Output files are saved to hdfs:/user/amr1059/
New Construction Permit Application Data from Open Data NYC script files:
- `readfile_CP.py
- `cleanfile_CP.py
- `mergzip_CP.py
- `metricCalc_CP.py
additional csv files for input:
output file:
- `DOBsumcostbyzip_job_type.csv
- `dfDOBall.csv
i) The data has already been downloaded from https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/ic3t-wcy2/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD to hdfs directory "hdfs:/user/cp2530/DOB_raw" the file format is csv
ii) To read the data, run:
module load python/gnu/3.6.5
module load spark/2.4.0
alias spark-submit='PYSPARK_PYTHON=$(which python) spark-submit'
spark-submit readfile_CP.py
these commands will read in the file and save it into this directory 'hdfs:/user/cp2530/DOBraw.parquet'
iii) to clean the data, run:
module load python/gnu/3.6.5
module load spark/2.4.0
alias spark-submit='PYSPARK_PYTHON=$(which python) spark-submit'
spark-submit cleanfile_CP.py
the clearnfile_CP.py script will read in the hdfs:/user/cp2530/DOBraw.parquet, truncate the data to the desired date range, create the job description keywords field
iv) to add the zipcode columns to the dataset, the dfcoordsmR.csv already saved in directory 'hdfs:/user/cp2530/dfcoordsmR.csv' where the mergzip_CP.py will access the file, run:
module load python/gnu/3.6.5
module load spark/2.4.0
alias spark-submit='PYSPARK_PYTHON=$(which python) spark-submit'
spark-submit mergzip_CP.py
this step will write its output to this directory "hdfs:/user/cp2530/DOBcleanzip.parquet"
v) to calculate the metrics that will be used in the final visualization, run:
module load python/gnu/3.6.5
module load spark/2.4.0
alias spark-submit='PYSPARK_PYTHON=$(which python) spark-submit'
spark-submit metricCalc_CP.py
hdfs dfs -getmerge hdfs:/user/cp2530/sumcostbyzip_job_type DOBsumcostbyzip_job_type.csv
the output files will be DOBsumcostbyzip_job_type.csv and dfDOBall.csv in your current directory
In order to properly visualize our data through Tableau, we needed to join three distinct data sets--valuation data, job construction data, and 311 service data. The following command can be used to merge the aforementioned files spark-submit file-merger.py hdfs:/user/ctd299/valuation_growth_byzip.csv hdfs:/user/ctd299/valuation_yearly_growth_byzip.csv hdfs:/user/amr1059/dfDOBall.csv hdfs:/user/amr1059/avg_comp_time_transpose.csv
What file-merger.py
does is execute left joins to the valuation data as it contains the zipcodes for which we have property value growth measures for.