JS antlr4 based trig to graph/statements.
npm i js-trig-parser
umd module included built with webpack
loader.fromFile(filename) //nodejs env only
Outputs the following trig document
prefixes: {prefixKey : prefix},
graphs: [graph],
macros: [macroResult],
errors: [errorResult],
allGraphs: this.graphs + [defaultGraph],
defaultGraph: { graph },
getStatements(): [triple]
iri: String,
uri: String,
pos: {line: int, column: int},
_graph: { ExpandedParseObject },
getStatements(): [triple]
name: String,
value: String,
pos: {line: int, column: int}
This is a trimmed down and flattened version of the ANTLR parse token
pos: {line: int, column: int},
start: {},
stop: {},
type: String, //antlr rule name
token: String,
children: [ExpandedParseObject]
pos: {line: int, column: int},
start: {},
stop: {},
type: String, //antlr rule name
token: String
subject: String,//prefix expanded form/URI
predicate: String,
object: Value(String | Number | boolean),
iriSubject: String, //original form found in the document
iriPredicate: String,
iriObject: String,
_s: { ExpandedParseObject },
_p: { ExpandedParseObject },
_o: { ExpandedParseObject },
_g: { ExpandedParseObject },
graph: { graph }
XSD literals are converted to their corresponding types when possible.
Special XSD integer types(i.e. non-negative postitive) are bit validated.
Non-standard IRIed literals("some literal"^^some:iri) are treated like strings but the original parser tokens can be retrieved by looking at the _o object on the statement. Planning to clean this up/simply this in a later version.
DateTime/Date parsed by moment format strings:
DateTime: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z'
xsd:decimal or decimal literal are converted using parseFloat.
Anything else is converted to Number using parseInt.
expressions: [ExpandedParseObjects],
terminals: [ExpandedParseObjects],
errors: [ParseObjects]
Raw result of running the ANTLR4 parser using the trigDoc rule on the provided trig file.
tree: ANTLR parser trig doc/root rule,
parser: antlrParser
For the profiler to work you need to install devutils(chromium nodejs debugging)
npm test
npm profile