This is a responsive weather web app that tells today's weather and temperature, and a weekly forecast using a weather API.
How I did the app:
I built this using Javascript along with JSON data from an open data weather app. For this I used promises and the fetch() function. I also had artworks made by one of technigos collaborators as a model because I wanted to implement someone elses design in this project. The artworks and designs I implemented can be found under Design Design#2 in the Git-hub file.
The designs did only contain three weather-types (cloudy, rainy and sunny) so I had to solve any other weather in some way. So if there is any other weather the text Stockholm will come up along with the weather-info. If I had more time I would of asked for more designs to cover other types of weather such as snow or clear skies. I also would of worked more on accessability.
The live project can be found here: