sudo add-apt-repository ppa:camtisocial/p2p-chess
sudo apt update
sudo apt install p2p-chess
wget -O p2p-chess.deb
sudo apt install ./p2p-chess.deb
git clone
cd p2p-chess/src
g++ std=c++17 -pthread -o /usr/bin/p2p-chess ./*.cpp -I.
- Just run p2p-chess in your terminal and navigate with your choice of wasd, arrows, or hjkl.
- use /commands in game (/help, /resign, /draw, /t, etc.)
- run with the -c flag to see the color options for your terminal
- adjust options in usr/share/p2p-chess/settings.ini
- if p2p-chess is crashing on startup, its likely an issue with the filepath for stockfish. Try:
which stockfish
and make sure it is the same path as what's in /usr/share/p2p/chess/settings.ini if not, install it with:
sudo apt install stockfish
Otherwise, please make a bug report and I will address it as fast as I can