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Tags: candelibas/zf2



Toggle release-2.2.1's commit message
Zend Framework 2.2.1

- 3647: Problems in the way Zend\Paginator\Adapter\DbSelect count()s
- 3853: Log formatters shouldn't override referenced values
- 4421: fix docblocks : `Zend_` should be `Zend\\ ` and some typos
- 4452: Zend\Authentication\Result custom result codes not possible
- 4456: can't override Zend\Log\Logger::registerExceptionHandler
- 4457: Zend\Code\Scanner\ClassScanner don't parse constants with docblock
- 4458: Fix for PHP 5.5 unit tests (and XDebug >= 2.2.0)
- 4465: Add ConstantScanner to Zend\Code\Scanner
- 4470: sync ZF1 svn r24807 - ZF-12128: File Upload validator should display file na...
- 4474: Suggest some dependencies in Zend\Mvc
- 4480: fixed Cache\StorageFactory::factory()
- 4494: Add build.xml to .gitattributes/export-ignore
- 4496: Class methods hydrator skips getters with optional parameters
- 4497: Fix name of LoggerAbstractServiceFactory test
- 4498: Update the method level comment to reflect change in signature
- 4499: Add service definition for DateTimeFormatter (related to zendframework#3632)
- 4503: Zend\Session\Storage\AbstractSessionArrayStorage::fromArray() can receive a string causing a fatal error on shutdown
- 4509: `DateTimeFormatter` Format DateTime values correctly
- 4516: CollectionInputFilter should respect the keys of collectionData
- 4518: Update PhpDoc comment
- 4522: Remove unknown invokables from FilterPluginManager
- 4524: Add zend-json as a required dependency
- 4526: Fill SharedEventManager events with identifiers
- 4528: Fix priority not handled in AggregateHydrator
- 4529: Allow Zend\Form\Element\Checkbox to return real value instead of always a boolean
- 4530: Fix for unmatched routes in navigation
- 4535: Update RoleInterface.php
- 4538: Zend\Crypt\Password\Bcrypt does not report inability to generate hash
- 4539: Update StrategyInterface.php
- 4542: Adds ability to specify a template for exceptions retrieved from Exception::getPrevious
- 4543: soapVersion key is not reachable
- 4546: View: correctly validate input in PartialLoop
- 4552: Wincache unexpected return value on internalGetItem
- 4553: Remove private variables from AbstractControllerTestCase.
- 4561: Fix the controller plugin PostRedirectGet wrong redirection (in MVC)
- 4562: Validator Messages Tests
- 4566: Fix generating array with unsorted keys
- 4568: Cast Parameters
- 4571: INI reader breaks when mbstring function overloading is in place
- 4572: Zend\Form Should throw exception if try to get() an element that does not exist
- 4576: Redis Cache Adapter Config - setLibOptions is broken
- 4577: Fix issue with Redis Cache adapter whereby setOption was being called before connecting to Redis server
- 4581: Hostname route ignore `HTTP_HOST` and give `SERVER_NAME` precedence
- 4582: Fix Nested form element wrapping (relative: zendframework#4383)
- 4588: set 0 as header value (issue zendframework#4583)
- 4590: Zend paginator dbselect count
- 4595: Missing invokable fo Redis Cache Storage, problem with setting password
- 4596: Missing french translations, and wrong class name
- 4597: Zend\Validate\Hostname doesn't handle IDN for .UA
- 4599: `InputFilter` Input merge should copy over the `continue_if_empty` flag
- 4602: Remove needless check
- 4603: Redis Storage won't behave correctly after libOptions were set
- 4605: Possibility to use camelCase for all soap client options
- 4608: Allow the `gc_probability` option to be set to zero.
- 4609: Logger: Error/Exception Handler: fixed 3853 & 4456
- 4615: Fix zendframework#4579 `day_attributes` could not be passed in construct
- 4616: fixed 4614: infinite loop in Zend\Log\Formatter::normalize
- 4617: Zend\Code: Docblock generates empty line under @tags if docblock was read from existing code
- 4618: Missed method findRealpathInIncludePath() in Zend\Code\Reflection\FileReflection
- 4621: Update 'Missing captcha fields' translation
- 4622: Ensure router factory is used by SM factory
- 4624: Notification thrown in Zend\Mvc\Service\ViewHelperManagerFactory
- 4628: Fix misstake detect is active Page\Mvc in IndexController
- 4629: Zend\Cache\Pattern\CallbackCache doesn't work with NULL
- 4630: Allow selecting the TranslatorAwareTreeRouteStack via configuration
- 4632: fixed zendframework#4552: Wincache::getItem() have to return NULL in cases of missing items
- 4633: removed checks of not existing class Zend\Math\BigInteger
- 4634: Navigation\Page\Mvc Can't return false whithout call parent::isActive
- 4636: Punycode decoding fails if encoded string has not hyphen
- 4641: Zend\Paginator\Adapter\DbSelect alternative solution to count, with subselect


Toggle release-2.2.0's commit message
Zend Framework 2.2.0

- [2865: (Enhancement) Add an easier way to use i18n view helpers.](zendframework#2865)
- [2903: add AdapterManager in to Zend\Db\Adapter namespace](zendframework#2903)
- [2984: Add full stop at end of validator messages (fixes zendframework#2966)](zendframework#2984)
- [3490: Added support for callable credential validator](zendframework#3490)
- [3580: Feature/context aware hydrator strategies](zendframework#3580)
- [3632: New DateTimeFormatter Filter (zendframework#3617)](zendframework#3632)
- [3646: Zend\I18n\View\Helper\NumberFormat param to set the number of decimals](zendframework#3646)
- [3693: Add RBAC support for navigation helper.](zendframework#3693)
- [3709: Redis cache storage](zendframework#3709)
- [3710: Allow to remove delimiters for DateSelect and fix bugs with some locales](zendframework#3710)
- [3747: Add getFilename() to Zend\Cache\Pattern\CaptureCache](zendframework#3747)
- [3754: Update library/Zend/Stdlib/Hydrator/ClassMethods.php](zendframework#3754)
- [3792: Sets specific attributes (as class,title...) to "Zend\Form\Select" options](zendframework#3792)
- [3812: Zend\Form\FormInterface causes Di to attempt to instantiate Interface](zendframework#3812)
- [3814: Improve module manager to accept instance](zendframework#3814)
- [3818: Invalid instantiator of type “NULL” for “Zend\Form\FormInterface”](zendframework#3818)
- [3844: Added new option to fix a little issue originated from last PR](zendframework#3844)
- [3876: Implementing and re-utilizing an abstract aggregate listener](zendframework#3876)
- [3877: HeadTitle renderTitle returns rendered title without title tags](zendframework#3877)
- [3878: Created an adapter Zend Paginator instance using TableGateway](zendframework#3878)
- [3879: Feature CollectionInputFilter](zendframework#3879)
- [3896: Added ability to ignore namespaces to classmap generator](zendframework#3896)
- [3919: WSDL Generation rewrite (with new tests also) as a base for future changes.](zendframework#3919)
- [3922: Added the ability to disable the getValidator input specification on Select Elements](zendframework#3922)
- [3930: Added abstract service factory for logger component to provide several loggers for application.](zendframework#3930)
- [3931: Added ability to configure MvcEvent listeners.](zendframework#3931)
- [3933: Added database adapter abstract service factory.](zendframework#3933)
- [3942: Feature/zend test load module](zendframework#3942)
- [3944: Enable ExceptionStrategy to return json](zendframework#3944)
- [3949: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()](zendframework#3949)
- [3951: Deprecate Zend\Stdlib\DateTime and use \DateTime constructor internally instead](zendframework#3951)
- [3958: Oci8 Driver generating "Fetch out of sequence warning"](zendframework#3958)
- [3965: Add removeMethod method in ClassGenerator](zendframework#3965)
- [3979: Fixes zendframework#3978](zendframework#3979)
- [3990: Zend\Filter\File\RenameUpload - Added possibility to maintain original file extension](zendframework#3990)
- [3999: Chain route](zendframework#3999)
- [4011: extend HeadMeta view helper to allow microdata zendframework#3751](zendframework#4011)
- [4016: Hydrator aware interface](zendframework#4016)
- [4032: Class was supporting limit + offset or limit, but only offset does not support](zendframework#4032)
- [4048: Moved ext-intl to suggest instead of require to avoid silent fallback.](zendframework#4048)
- [4050: Translable routing segments](zendframework#4050)
- [4073: Fixed issue zendframework#3064](zendframework#4073)
- [4098: fix php docblock : boolean should be bool](zendframework#4098)
- [4099: fix (bool) casting : add space and use (bool) instead of (boolean) to cast](zendframework#4099)
- [4104: Allow to change option creations for plugin manager](zendframework#4104)
- [4120: (Validator) Only return unique messages](zendframework#4120)
- [4127: Added I18n PhoneNumber validator based off of country](zendframework#4127)
- [4137: View helpers cleanup](zendframework#4137)
- [4139: Service manager performance optimized](zendframework#4139)
- [4145: Delegate factories](zendframework#4145)
- [4146: Lazy services](zendframework#4146)
- [4155: Move Identity closure to separate factory](zendframework#4155)
- [4165: Validate empty with context](zendframework#4165)
- [4169: Fixed error in adapter paginator DbTableGateway](zendframework#4169)
- [4170: Hydrator aware interface](zendframework#4170)
- [4175: AbstractRestfulController uses wrong action for id=0](zendframework#4175)
- [4178: Allow passing objects to the url helper](zendframework#4178)
- [4181: Make identifier name configurable for AbstractRestfulController](zendframework#4181)
- [4187: Add event manager as soft dependency to translator](zendframework#4187)
- [4202: Zend\Log has dependency on Zend\ServiceManager](zendframework#4202)
- [4204: Hotfix for zendframework#4202](zendframework#4204)
- [4206: Added sequence name for PostgreSQL](zendframework#4206)
- [4215: Bugfix for redirection handling in Zend\Http\Client](zendframework#4215)
- [4219: Custom validators registered through ValidatorProviderInterface not found](zendframework#4219)
- [4231: (Form) Get Elements for Collection](zendframework#4231)
- [4238: ValueGenerator constant detection](zendframework#4238)
- [4247: Added Brazilian IBAN format to IBAN validation](zendframework#4247)
- [4250: (zendframework#4249) Override 'ServiceManager::has' to do not use peering service managers](zendframework#4250)
- [4251: Create factories for selected view collaborators](zendframework#4251)
- [4252: Auto-upgrading and then displaying composer version](zendframework#4252)
- [4253: Create AbstractFactory for Cache](zendframework#4253)
- [4254: Use prefix in Logger abstract factory](zendframework#4254)
- [4259: Hotfix: Changed array\_walk to foreach in Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ArraySerializable](zendframework#4259)
- [4260: Validator\Explode can take option validator as array](zendframework#4260)
- [4262: Fixed console routes when using same name for group and parameter](zendframework#4262)
- [4263: Remove superfluous indentation from one line of code](zendframework#4263)
- [4268: Session service factories](zendframework#4268)
- [4269: Hotfix: cs fixer check](zendframework#4269)
- [4276: allow default http responses to be sent in mvc stack](zendframework#4276)
- [4279: Remove needless is\_object check](zendframework#4279)
- [4282: fix getHref strategy in PageMvc](zendframework#4282)
- [4284: Main framework composer.json is incorrectly configured](zendframework#4284)
- [4285: Fix for a problem with Service Manager and Abstract Factories](zendframework#4285)
- [4288: Reset URI parts before parse](zendframework#4288)
- [4289: Minor CS fix](zendframework#4289)
- [4293: Better fix for zendframework#4284](zendframework#4293)
- [4294: BaseInputFilter not populating InputFilters of Element\Collection](zendframework#4294)
- [4295: Console route defaults should be overridden by entered values](zendframework#4295)
- [4296: illegal usage of array\_walk in ObjectProperty, ClassMapAutoloader](zendframework#4296)
- [4298: View\Helper\Navigation\Menu: add flag to set page class to <li>](zendframework#4298)
- [4299: Suggestion: Don't render empty module console information](zendframework#4299)
- [4300: Maestro detection improvements in Zend\Validator\CreditCard](zendframework#4300)
- [4301: remove extra semicolon](zendframework#4301)
- [4303: Method annotations of Zend\Validator\Hostname constructor](zendframework#4303)
- [4311: DDL support for Zend\Db](zendframework#4311)
- [4312: POP3 protocol "return;" is needed after APOP request](zendframework#4312)
- [4313: update docblock for ZendTest : /Db/, /Code/ , /Di/, /Log/, Mvc/](zendframework#4313)
- [4317: Fix zendframework#4315 - Console routes with dashes are not understood.](zendframework#4317)
- [4319: Add various plugin manager](zendframework#4319)
- [4321: Hotfix/cs fixer installation](zendframework#4321)
- [4326: Add zh\_TW translations ](zendframework#4326)
- [4328: Fix 4294](zendframework#4328)
- [4330: Remove SM-Aware requirement from Forward plugin](zendframework#4330)
- [4331: Changed default version service to Zend.](zendframework#4331)
- [4336: Use is\_int() instead of is\_integer()](zendframework#4336)
- [4337: Fix alignment of values, add trailing comma](zendframework#4337)
- [4339: Remove @return annotation from constructor doc-block](zendframework#4339)
- [4341: Docblocks do not match](zendframework#4341)
- [4344: Add missing file level doc-block](zendframework#4344)
- [4347: Add empty line after namespace declaration](zendframework#4347)
- [4349: Alphabetically order use statements (related to zendframework#4338)](zendframework#4349)
- [4350: Remove comma before value in array initialization](zendframework#4350)
- [4351: fix the constructor's type-autodetection accepts wrong parameters](zendframework#4351)
- [4352: Fix doc blocks consistency and coding standards PSR2](zendframework#4352)
- [4353: Glob::glob() should throw an exception on error](zendframework#4353)
- [4354: Corrected wrong year](zendframework#4354)
- [4355: fix docblock : @throw should be @throws](zendframework#4355)
- [4356: FormSelect translate optgroup label fix](zendframework#4356)
- [4358: Form abstract factory](zendframework#4358)
- [4361: Ldap Ldif Decoder bug fix](zendframework#4361)
- [4364: AbstractFactory consistency](zendframework#4364)
- [4365: Use InputFilterPluginManager in InputFilter\Factory](zendframework#4365)
- [4366: Fix for issue zendframework#3945, and fix for PUT with request content](zendframework#4366)
- [4367: Remove reference to root namespace (fixes zendframework#4363)](zendframework#4367)
- [4372: Ability to load custom form classes from FormElementManager in Mvc.](zendframework#4372)
- [4373: PHP Warning:  call\_user\_func() expects…when Weakref enabled](zendframework#4373)
- [4374: CollectionInputFilter returns always valid for empty collections](zendframework#4374)
- [4376: Fix get with body in ClientStatic](zendframework#4376)
- [4378: Add patchList method to AbstractRestfulController](zendframework#4378)
- [4379: Fix for zendframework#4175](zendframework#4379)
- [4380: Decouple I18n\View\Helper\AbstractTranslatorHelper from ext\intl](zendframework#4380)
- [4382: Fix conflict InputFilter::type with Input::name in InputFilter factory](zendframework#4382)
- [4383: ensure the wrapElements option in Zend\Form\Form::prepareElement](zendframework#4383)
- [4389: Remove cache and log abstract factories from MVC](zendframework#4389)
- [4391: Segregated interfaces for Translator dependency of Validator component](zendframework#4391)
- [4392: Remove Version dependency from Feed component](zendframework#4392)
- [4393: 2.2RC1 BC Break: DateTimeFormatter sets blank data to today's date](zendframework#4393)
- [4394: Ensure that DateTimeFormatter doesn't format an empty string](zendframework#4394)
- [4396: Make ServiceManager dependency optional in Feed component](zendframework#4396)
- [4398: Allow DateTimeFormatter to format zero.](zendframework#4398)
- [4405: 2.2.0RC1 Form\View\Helper\FormRow "partial view" messed up](zendframework#4405)
- [4408: Optimize MutableCreationOptionsInterface capability](zendframework#4408)
- [4410: Fix conflict between translator service in ZF2 and skeleton app](zendframework#4410)
- [4411: Fix BC break in HTTP client resetParameters signature](zendframework#4411)
- [4412: FormRow: enable partial rendering](zendframework#4412)
- [4415: Remove URI dependency and make HTTP dependency optional in Feed](zendframework#4415)
- [4417: add docblock to I18n\Validator\PhoneNumber\{Code\}.php](zendframework#4417)
- [4418: remove @Package docblock from demos files](zendframework#4418)
- [4420: sync svn r23693 - (ZF-11002) ehancement implemented as proposed](zendframework#4420)
- [4423: Minor param overflow](zendframework#4423)
- [4424: Edit config composer.json](zendframework#4424)
- [4425: Fix FormElementManagerFactory breaks csrf validation (in Mvc)](zendframework#4425)
- [4431: sync svn r24702 - support application/x-zip in Validator\File\IsCompressed](zendframework#4431)
- [4432: code concistency : update Zend\Mvc\Application::bootstrap](zendframework#4432)
- [4435: Di compatibility (zendframework#4434)](zendframework#4435)
- [4437: I18n currencyFormat helper: add the currencyPattern attribute and extend the unittest](zendframework#4437)
- [4441: Fixed unnecessary error rendering in form row helper.](zendframework#4441)
- [4444: Issues found by hphp static analysis](zendframework#4444)
- [4447: typo fixes](zendframework#4447)
- [4448: Aggregate hydrator ](zendframework#4448)
- [4450: Fix iterating over empty result set with buffering enabled](zendframework#4450)
- [4451: Form InputFilterSpecification: incorrect propagation](zendframework#4451)
- [4454: Fix for expiration value](zendframework#4454)

`Zend\Validator` was altered to remove the dependency on `Zend\I18n` by creating
[Segregated Interfaces](
The practical upshot is that `Zend\Validator\AbstractValidator` no longer
implements `Zend\I18n\Translator\TranslatorAwareInterface`, but rather
`Zend\Validator\Translator\TranslatorAwareInterface`, which now typehints on
`Zend\Validator\Translator\TranslatorInterface` instead of
`Zend\I18n\Translator\Translator`. This means you cannot pass a
`Zend\I18n\Translator\Translator` instance directly to a validator any longer.

However, we have included a new class, `Zend\Mvc\I18n\Translator`, that extends
the i18n Translator class and implements the Validator TranslatorInterface. This
class may be used as a drop-in replacement. In fact, by default,
`Zend\Validator\ValidatorPluginManager` is now using the `MvcTranslator`
service, which utilizes this new class, making the change seamless for most

The above change will only affect you if you were manually injecting a
translator instance into your validators.


Toggle release-2.2.0rc3's commit message
Zend Framework 2.2.0rc3

- [2865: (Enhancement) Add an easier way to use i18n view helpers.](zendframework#2865)
- [2903: add AdapterManager in to Zend\Db\Adapter namespace](zendframework#2903)
- [2984: Add full stop at end of validator messages (fixes zendframework#2966)](zendframework#2984)
- [3490: Added support for callable credential validator](zendframework#3490)
- [3580: Feature/context aware hydrator strategies](zendframework#3580)
- [3632: New DateTimeFormatter Filter (zendframework#3617)](zendframework#3632)
- [3646: Zend\I18n\View\Helper\NumberFormat param to set the number of decimals](zendframework#3646)
- [3693: Add RBAC support for navigation helper.](zendframework#3693)
- [3709: Redis cache storage](zendframework#3709)
- [3710: Allow to remove delimiters for DateSelect and fix bugs with some locales](zendframework#3710)
- [3747: Add getFilename() to Zend\Cache\Pattern\CaptureCache](zendframework#3747)
- [3754: Update library/Zend/Stdlib/Hydrator/ClassMethods.php](zendframework#3754)
- [3792: Sets specific attributes (as class,title...) to "Zend\Form\Select" options](zendframework#3792)
- [3812: Zend\Form\FormInterface causes Di to attempt to instantiate Interface](zendframework#3812)
- [3814: Improve module manager to accept instance](zendframework#3814)
- [3818: Invalid instantiator of type “NULL” for “Zend\Form\FormInterface”](zendframework#3818)
- [3844: Added new option to fix a little issue originated from last PR](zendframework#3844)
- [3876: Implementing and re-utilizing an abstract aggregate listener](zendframework#3876)
- [3877: HeadTitle renderTitle returns rendered title without title tags](zendframework#3877)
- [3878: Created an adapter Zend Paginator instance using TableGateway](zendframework#3878)
- [3879: Feature CollectionInputFilter](zendframework#3879)
- [3896: Added ability to ignore namespaces to classmap generator](zendframework#3896)
- [3919: WSDL Generation rewrite (with new tests also) as a base for future changes.](zendframework#3919)
- [3922: Added the ability to disable the getValidator input specification on Select Elements](zendframework#3922)
- [3930: Added abstract service factory for logger component to provide several loggers for application.](zendframework#3930)
- [3931: Added ability to configure MvcEvent listeners.](zendframework#3931)
- [3933: Added database adapter abstract service factory.](zendframework#3933)
- [3942: Feature/zend test load module](zendframework#3942)
- [3944: Enable ExceptionStrategy to return json](zendframework#3944)
- [3949: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()](zendframework#3949)
- [3951: Deprecate Zend\Stdlib\DateTime and use \DateTime constructor internally instead](zendframework#3951)
- [3958: Oci8 Driver generating "Fetch out of sequence warning"](zendframework#3958)
- [3965: Add removeMethod method in ClassGenerator](zendframework#3965)
- [3979: Fixes zendframework#3978](zendframework#3979)
- [3990: Zend\Filter\File\RenameUpload - Added possibility to maintain original file extension](zendframework#3990)
- [3999: Chain route](zendframework#3999)
- [4011: extend HeadMeta view helper to allow microdata zendframework#3751](zendframework#4011)
- [4016: Hydrator aware interface](zendframework#4016)
- [4032: Class was supporting limit + offset or limit, but only offset does not support](zendframework#4032)
- [4048: Moved ext-intl to suggest instead of require to avoid silent fallback.](zendframework#4048)
- [4050: Translable routing segments](zendframework#4050)
- [4073: Fixed issue zendframework#3064](zendframework#4073)
- [4098: fix php docblock : boolean should be bool](zendframework#4098)
- [4099: fix (bool) casting : add space and use (bool) instead of (boolean) to cast](zendframework#4099)
- [4104: Allow to change option creations for plugin manager](zendframework#4104)
- [4120: (Validator) Only return unique messages](zendframework#4120)
- [4127: Added I18n PhoneNumber validator based off of country](zendframework#4127)
- [4137: View helpers cleanup](zendframework#4137)
- [4139: Service manager performance optimized](zendframework#4139)
- [4145: Delegate factories](zendframework#4145)
- [4146: Lazy services](zendframework#4146)
- [4155: Move Identity closure to separate factory](zendframework#4155)
- [4165: Validate empty with context](zendframework#4165)
- [4169: Fixed error in adapter paginator DbTableGateway](zendframework#4169)
- [4170: Hydrator aware interface](zendframework#4170)
- [4175: AbstractRestfulController uses wrong action for id=0](zendframework#4175)
- [4178: Allow passing objects to the url helper](zendframework#4178)
- [4181: Make identifier name configurable for AbstractRestfulController](zendframework#4181)
- [4187: Add event manager as soft dependency to translator](zendframework#4187)
- [4202: Zend\Log has dependency on Zend\ServiceManager](zendframework#4202)
- [4204: Hotfix for zendframework#4202](zendframework#4204)
- [4206: Added sequence name for PostgreSQL](zendframework#4206)
- [4215: Bugfix for redirection handling in Zend\Http\Client](zendframework#4215)
- [4219: Custom validators registered through ValidatorProviderInterface not found](zendframework#4219)
- [4231: (Form) Get Elements for Collection](zendframework#4231)
- [4238: ValueGenerator constant detection](zendframework#4238)
- [4247: Added Brazilian IBAN format to IBAN validation](zendframework#4247)
- [4250: (zendframework#4249) Override 'ServiceManager::has' to do not use peering service managers](zendframework#4250)
- [4251: Create factories for selected view collaborators](zendframework#4251)
- [4252: Auto-upgrading and then displaying composer version](zendframework#4252)
- [4253: Create AbstractFactory for Cache](zendframework#4253)
- [4254: Use prefix in Logger abstract factory](zendframework#4254)
- [4259: Hotfix: Changed array\_walk to foreach in Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ArraySerializable](zendframework#4259)
- [4260: Validator\Explode can take option validator as array](zendframework#4260)
- [4262: Fixed console routes when using same name for group and parameter](zendframework#4262)
- [4263: Remove superfluous indentation from one line of code](zendframework#4263)
- [4268: Session service factories](zendframework#4268)
- [4269: Hotfix: cs fixer check](zendframework#4269)
- [4276: allow default http responses to be sent in mvc stack](zendframework#4276)
- [4279: Remove needless is\_object check](zendframework#4279)
- [4282: fix getHref strategy in PageMvc](zendframework#4282)
- [4284: Main framework composer.json is incorrectly configured](zendframework#4284)
- [4285: Fix for a problem with Service Manager and Abstract Factories](zendframework#4285)
- [4288: Reset URI parts before parse](zendframework#4288)
- [4289: Minor CS fix](zendframework#4289)
- [4293: Better fix for zendframework#4284](zendframework#4293)
- [4294: BaseInputFilter not populating InputFilters of Element\Collection](zendframework#4294)
- [4295: Console route defaults should be overridden by entered values](zendframework#4295)
- [4296: illegal usage of array\_walk in ObjectProperty, ClassMapAutoloader](zendframework#4296)
- [4298: View\Helper\Navigation\Menu: add flag to set page class to <li>](zendframework#4298)
- [4299: Suggestion: Don't render empty module console information](zendframework#4299)
- [4300: Maestro detection improvements in Zend\Validator\CreditCard](zendframework#4300)
- [4301: remove extra semicolon](zendframework#4301)
- [4303: Method annotations of Zend\Validator\Hostname constructor](zendframework#4303)
- [4311: DDL support for Zend\Db](zendframework#4311)
- [4312: POP3 protocol "return;" is needed after APOP request](zendframework#4312)
- [4313: update docblock for ZendTest : /Db/, /Code/ , /Di/, /Log/, Mvc/](zendframework#4313)
- [4317: Fix zendframework#4315 - Console routes with dashes are not understood.](zendframework#4317)
- [4319: Add various plugin manager](zendframework#4319)
- [4321: Hotfix/cs fixer installation](zendframework#4321)
- [4326: Add zh\_TW translations ](zendframework#4326)
- [4328: Fix 4294](zendframework#4328)
- [4330: Remove SM-Aware requirement from Forward plugin](zendframework#4330)
- [4331: Changed default version service to Zend.](zendframework#4331)
- [4336: Use is\_int() instead of is\_integer()](zendframework#4336)
- [4337: Fix alignment of values, add trailing comma](zendframework#4337)
- [4339: Remove @return annotation from constructor doc-block](zendframework#4339)
- [4341: Docblocks do not match](zendframework#4341)
- [4344: Add missing file level doc-block](zendframework#4344)
- [4347: Add empty line after namespace declaration](zendframework#4347)
- [4349: Alphabetically order use statements (related to zendframework#4338)](zendframework#4349)
- [4350: Remove comma before value in array initialization](zendframework#4350)
- [4351: fix the constructor's type-autodetection accepts wrong parameters](zendframework#4351)
- [4352: Fix doc blocks consistency and coding standards PSR2](zendframework#4352)
- [4353: Glob::glob() should throw an exception on error](zendframework#4353)
- [4354: Corrected wrong year](zendframework#4354)
- [4355: fix docblock : @throw should be @throws](zendframework#4355)
- [4356: FormSelect translate optgroup label fix](zendframework#4356)
- [4358: Form abstract factory](zendframework#4358)
- [4361: Ldap Ldif Decoder bug fix](zendframework#4361)
- [4364: AbstractFactory consistency](zendframework#4364)
- [4365: Use InputFilterPluginManager in InputFilter\Factory](zendframework#4365)
- [4366: Fix for issue zendframework#3945, and fix for PUT with request content](zendframework#4366)
- [4367: Remove reference to root namespace (fixes zendframework#4363)](zendframework#4367)
- [4372: Ability to load custom form classes from FormElementManager in Mvc.](zendframework#4372)
- [4373: PHP Warning:  call\_user\_func() expects…when Weakref enabled](zendframework#4373)
- [4374: CollectionInputFilter returns always valid for empty collections](zendframework#4374)
- [4376: Fix get with body in ClientStatic](zendframework#4376)
- [4378: Add patchList method to AbstractRestfulController](zendframework#4378)
- [4379: Fix for zendframework#4175](zendframework#4379)
- [4380: Decouple I18n\View\Helper\AbstractTranslatorHelper from ext\intl](zendframework#4380)
- [4382: Fix conflict InputFilter::type with Input::name in InputFilter factory](zendframework#4382)
- [4383: ensure the wrapElements option in Zend\Form\Form::prepareElement](zendframework#4383)
- [4389: Remove cache and log abstract factories from MVC](zendframework#4389)
- [4391: Segregated interfaces for Translator dependency of Validator component](zendframework#4391)
- [4392: Remove Version dependency from Feed component](zendframework#4392)
- [4393: 2.2RC1 BC Break: DateTimeFormatter sets blank data to today's date](zendframework#4393)
- [4394: Ensure that DateTimeFormatter doesn't format an empty string](zendframework#4394)
- [4396: Make ServiceManager dependency optional in Feed component](zendframework#4396)
- [4398: Allow DateTimeFormatter to format zero.](zendframework#4398)
- [4405: 2.2.0RC1 Form\View\Helper\FormRow "partial view" messed up](zendframework#4405)
- [4408: Optimize MutableCreationOptionsInterface capability](zendframework#4408)
- [4410: Fix conflict between translator service in ZF2 and skeleton app](zendframework#4410)
- [4411: Fix BC break in HTTP client resetParameters signature](zendframework#4411)
- [4412: FormRow: enable partial rendering](zendframework#4412)
- [4415: Remove URI dependency and make HTTP dependency optional in Feed](zendframework#4415)
- [4417: add docblock to I18n\Validator\PhoneNumber\{Code\}.php](zendframework#4417)
- [4418: remove @Package docblock from demos files](zendframework#4418)
- [4420: sync svn r23693 - (ZF-11002) ehancement implemented as proposed](zendframework#4420)
- [4423: Minor param overflow](zendframework#4423)
- [4424: Edit config composer.json](zendframework#4424)
- [4425: Fix FormElementManagerFactory breaks csrf validation (in Mvc)](zendframework#4425)
- [4431: sync svn r24702 - support application/x-zip in Validator\File\IsCompressed](zendframework#4431)
- [4432: code concistency : update Zend\Mvc\Application::bootstrap](zendframework#4432)
- [4435: Di compatibility (zendframework#4434)](zendframework#4435)
- [4437: I18n currencyFormat helper: add the currencyPattern attribute and extend the unittest](zendframework#4437)
- [4441: Fixed unnecessary error rendering in form row helper.](zendframework#4441)
- [4444: Issues found by hphp static analysis](zendframework#4444)
- [4447: typo fixes](zendframework#4447)
- [4448: Aggregate hydrator ](zendframework#4448)
- [4450: Fix iterating over empty result set with buffering enabled](zendframework#4450)
- [4451: Form InputFilterSpecification: incorrect propagation](zendframework#4451)
- [4454: Fix for expiration value](zendframework#4454)


Toggle release-2.2.0rc2's commit message
Zend Framework 2.2.0rc2

- [2865: (Enhancement) Add an easier way to use i18n view helpers.](zendframework#2865)
- [2903: add AdapterManager in to Zend\Db\Adapter namespace](zendframework#2903)
- [2984: Add full stop at end of validator messages (fixes zendframework#2966)](zendframework#2984)
- [3490: Added support for callable credential validator](zendframework#3490)
- [3580: Feature/context aware hydrator strategies](zendframework#3580)
- [3632: New DateTimeFormatter Filter (zendframework#3617)](zendframework#3632)
- [3646: Zend\I18n\View\Helper\NumberFormat param to set the number of decimals](zendframework#3646)
- [3693: Add RBAC support for navigation helper.](zendframework#3693)
- [3709: Redis cache storage](zendframework#3709)
- [3710: Allow to remove delimiters for DateSelect and fix bugs with some locales](zendframework#3710)
- [3747: Add getFilename() to Zend\Cache\Pattern\CaptureCache](zendframework#3747)
- [3754: Update library/Zend/Stdlib/Hydrator/ClassMethods.php](zendframework#3754)
- [3792: Sets specific attributes (as class,title...) to "Zend\Form\Select" options](zendframework#3792)
- [3812: Zend\Form\FormInterface causes Di to attempt to instantiate Interface](zendframework#3812)
- [3814: Improve module manager to accept instance](zendframework#3814)
- [3818: Invalid instantiator of type “NULL” for “Zend\Form\FormInterface”](zendframework#3818)
- [3844: Added new option to fix a little issue originated from last PR](zendframework#3844)
- [3876: Implementing and re-utilizing an abstract aggregate listener](zendframework#3876)
- [3877: HeadTitle renderTitle returns rendered title without title tags](zendframework#3877)
- [3878: Created an adapter Zend Paginator instance using TableGateway](zendframework#3878)
- [3879: Feature CollectionInputFilter](zendframework#3879)
- [3896: Added ability to ignore namespaces to classmap generator](zendframework#3896)
- [3919: WSDL Generation rewrite (with new tests also) as a base for future changes.](zendframework#3919)
- [3922: Added the ability to disable the getValidator input specification on Select Elements](zendframework#3922)
- [3930: Added abstract service factory for logger component to provide several loggers for application.](zendframework#3930)
- [3931: Added ability to configure MvcEvent listeners.](zendframework#3931)
- [3933: Added database adapter abstract service factory.](zendframework#3933)
- [3942: Feature/zend test load module](zendframework#3942)
- [3944: Enable ExceptionStrategy to return json](zendframework#3944)
- [3949: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()](zendframework#3949)
- [3951: Deprecate Zend\Stdlib\DateTime and use \DateTime constructor internally instead](zendframework#3951)
- [3965: Add removeMethod method in ClassGenerator](zendframework#3965)
- [3979: Fixes zendframework#3978](zendframework#3979)
- [3990: Zend\Filter\File\RenameUpload - Added possibility to maintain original file extension](zendframework#3990)
- [3999: Chain route](zendframework#3999)
- [4011: extend HeadMeta view helper to allow microdata zendframework#3751](zendframework#4011)
- [4016: Hydrator aware interface](zendframework#4016)
- [4032: Class was supporting limit + offset or limit, but only offset does not support](zendframework#4032)
- [4048: Moved ext-intl to suggest instead of require to avoid silent fallback.](zendframework#4048)
- [4050: Translable routing segments](zendframework#4050)
- [4073: Fixed issue zendframework#3064](zendframework#4073)
- [4098: fix php docblock : boolean should be bool](zendframework#4098)
- [4099: fix (bool) casting : add space and use (bool) instead of (boolean) to cast](zendframework#4099)
- [4104: Allow to change option creations for plugin manager](zendframework#4104)
- [4120: (Validator) Only return unique messages](zendframework#4120)
- [4127: Added I18n PhoneNumber validator based off of country](zendframework#4127)
- [4137: View helpers cleanup](zendframework#4137)
- [4139: Service manager performance optimized](zendframework#4139)
- [4145: Delegate factories](zendframework#4145)
- [4146: Lazy services](zendframework#4146)
- [4155: Move Identity closure to separate factory](zendframework#4155)
- [4165: Validate empty with context](zendframework#4165)
- [4169: Fixed error in adapter paginator DbTableGateway](zendframework#4169)
- [4170: Hydrator aware interface](zendframework#4170)
- [4175: AbstractRestfulController uses wrong action for id=0](zendframework#4175)
- [4178: Allow passing objects to the url helper](zendframework#4178)
- [4181: Make identifier name configurable for AbstractRestfulController](zendframework#4181)
- [4187: Add event manager as soft dependency to translator](zendframework#4187)
- [4202: Zend\Log has dependency on Zend\ServiceManager](zendframework#4202)
- [4204: Hotfix for zendframework#4202](zendframework#4204)
- [4206: Added sequence name for PostgreSQL](zendframework#4206)
- [4215: Bugfix for redirection handling in Zend\Http\Client](zendframework#4215)
- [4219: Custom validators registered through ValidatorProviderInterface not found](zendframework#4219)
- [4231: (Form) (Hotfix) Get Elements for Collection](zendframework#4231)
- [4238: ValueGenerator constant detection](zendframework#4238)
- [4247: Added Brazilian IBAN format to IBAN validation](zendframework#4247)
- [4250: (zendframework#4249) Override 'ServiceManager::has' to do not use peering service managers](zendframework#4250)
- [4251: Create factories for selected view collaborators](zendframework#4251)
- [4252: Auto-upgrading and then displaying composer version](zendframework#4252)
- [4253: Create AbstractFactory for Cache](zendframework#4253)
- [4254: Use prefix in Logger abstract factory](zendframework#4254)
- [4259: Hotfix: Changed array\_walk to foreach in Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ArraySerializable](zendframework#4259)
- [4260: Validator\Explode can take option validator as array](zendframework#4260)
- [4262: Fixed console routes when using same name for group and parameter](zendframework#4262)
- [4263: Remove superfluous indentation from one line of code](zendframework#4263)
- [4268: Session service factories](zendframework#4268)
- [4269: Hotfix: cs fixer check](zendframework#4269)
- [4276: allow default http responses to be sent in mvc stack](zendframework#4276)
- [4279: Remove needless is\_object check](zendframework#4279)
- [4282: fix getHref strategy in PageMvc](zendframework#4282)
- [4284: Main framework composer.json is incorrectly configured](zendframework#4284)
- [4285: Fix for a problem with Service Manager and Abstract Factories](zendframework#4285)
- [4288: Reset URI parts before parse](zendframework#4288)
- [4289: Minor CS fix](zendframework#4289)
- [4293: Better fix for zendframework#4284](zendframework#4293)
- [4294: BaseInputFilter not populating InputFilters of Element\Collection](zendframework#4294)
- [4295: Console route defaults should be overridden by entered values](zendframework#4295)
- [4296: illegal usage of array\_walk in ObjectProperty, ClassMapAutoloader](zendframework#4296)
- [4298: View\Helper\Navigation\Menu: add flag to set page class to ](zendframework#4298)
- [4299: Suggestion: Don't render empty module console information](zendframework#4299)
- [4300: Maestro detection improvements in Zend\Validator\CreditCard](zendframework#4300)
- [4301: remove extra semicolon](zendframework#4301)
- [4303: Method annotations of Zend\Validator\Hostname constructor](zendframework#4303)
- [4311: DDL support for Zend\Db](zendframework#4311)
- [4312: POP3 protocol "return;" is needed after APOP request](zendframework#4312)
- [4313: update docblock for ZendTest : /Db/, /Code/ , /Di/, /Log/, Mvc/](zendframework#4313)
- [4317: Fix zendframework#4315 - Console routes with dashes are not understood.](zendframework#4317)
- [4319: Add various plugin manager](zendframework#4319)
- [4321: Hotfix/cs fixer installation](zendframework#4321)
- [4326: Add zh\_TW translations ](zendframework#4326)
- [4328: Fix 4294](zendframework#4328)
- [4330: Remove SM-Aware requirement from Forward plugin](zendframework#4330)
- [4331: Changed default version service to Zend.](zendframework#4331)
- [4336: Use is\_int() instead of is\_integer()](zendframework#4336)
- [4337: Fix alignment of values, add trailing comma](zendframework#4337)
- [4339: Remove @return annotation from constructor doc-block](zendframework#4339)
- [4341: Docblocks do not match](zendframework#4341)
- [4344: Add missing file level doc-block](zendframework#4344)
- [4347: Add empty line after namespace declaration](zendframework#4347)
- [4349: Alphabetically order use statements (related to zendframework#4338)](zendframework#4349)
- [4350: Remove comma before value in array initialization](zendframework#4350)
- [4351: fix the constructor's type-autodetection accepts wrong parameters](zendframework#4351)
- [4352: Fix doc blocks consistency and coding standards PSR2](zendframework#4352)
- [4353: Glob::glob() should throw an exception on error](zendframework#4353)
- [4354: Corrected wrong year](zendframework#4354)
- [4355: fix docblock : @throw should be @throws](zendframework#4355)
- [4356: FormSelect translate optgroup label fix](zendframework#4356)
- [4358: Form abstract factory](zendframework#4358)
- [4361: Ldap Ldif Decoder bug fix](zendframework#4361)
- [4364: AbstractFactory consistency](zendframework#4364)
- [4365: Use InputFilterPluginManager in InputFilter\Factory](zendframework#4365)
- [4366: Fix for issue zendframework#3945, and fix for PUT with request content](zendframework#4366)
- [4367: Remove reference to root namespace (fixes zendframework#4363)](zendframework#4367)
- [4372: Ability to load custom form classes from FormElementManager in Mvc.](zendframework#4372)
- [4374: CollectionInputFilter returns always valid for empty collections](zendframework#4374)
- [4376: Fix get with body in ClientStatic](zendframework#4376)
- [4378: Add patchList method to AbstractRestfulController](zendframework#4378)
- [4379: Fix for zendframework#4175](zendframework#4379)
- [4380: Decouple I18n\View\Helper\AbstractTranslatorHelper from ext\intl](zendframework#4380)
- [4382: Fix conflict InputFilter::type with Input::name in InputFilter factory](zendframework#4382)
- [4383: ensure the wrapElements option in Zend\Form\Form::prepareElement](zendframework#4383)
- [4389: Remove cache and log abstract factories from MVC](zendframework#4389)
- [4391: Segregated interfaces for Translator dependency of Validator component](zendframework#4391)
- [4392: Remove Version dependency from Feed component](zendframework#4392)
- [4393: 2.2RC1 BC Break: DateTimeFormatter sets blank data to today's date](zendframework#4393)
- [4394: Ensure that DateTimeFormatter doesn't format an empty string](zendframework#4394)
- [4396: Make ServiceManager dependency optional in Feed component](zendframework#4396)
- [4398: Allow DateTimeFormatter to format zero.](zendframework#4398)
- [4405: 2.2.0RC1 Form\View\Helper\FormRow "partial view" messed up](zendframework#4405)
- [4408: Optimize MutableCreationOptionsInterface capability](zendframework#4408)
- [4410: Fix conflict between translator service in ZF2 and skeleton app](zendframework#4410)
- [4411: Fix BC break in HTTP client resetParameters signature](zendframework#4411)
- [4412: FormRow: enable partial rendering](zendframework#4412)
- [4415: Remove URI dependency and make HTTP dependency optional in Feed](zendframework#4415)
- [4417: add docblock to I18n\Validator\PhoneNumber\{Code}.php](zendframework#4417)
- [4418: remove @Package docblock from demos files](zendframework#4418)
- [4420: sync svn r23693 - (ZF-11002) ehancement implemented as proposed](zendframework#4420)
- [4423: Minor param overflow](zendframework#4423)
- [4424: Edit config composer.json](zendframework#4424)
- [4425: Fix FormElementManagerFactory breaks csrf validation (in Mvc)](zendframework#4425)
- [4432: code concistency : update Zend\Mvc\Application::bootstrap](zendframework#4432)


Toggle release-2.2.0rc1's commit message
Zend Framework 2.2.0rc1

- [2865: (Enhancement) Add an easier way to use i18n view helpers.](zendframework#2865)
- [2903: add AdapterManager in to Zend\Db\Adapter namespace](zendframework#2903)
- [2984: Add full stop at end of validator messages (fixes zendframework#2966)](zendframework#2984)
- [3490: Added support for callable credential validator](zendframework#3490)
- [3580: Feature/context aware hydrator strategies](zendframework#3580)
- [3632: New DateTimeFormatter Filter (zendframework#3617)](zendframework#3632)
- [3646: Zend\I18n\View\Helper\NumberFormat param to set the number of decimals](zendframework#3646)
- [3693: Add RBAC support for navigation helper.](zendframework#3693)
- [3709: Redis cache storage](zendframework#3709)
- [3710: Allow to remove delimiters for DateSelect and fix bugs with some locales](zendframework#3710)
- [3747: Add getFilename() to Zend\Cache\Pattern\CaptureCache](zendframework#3747)
- [3754: Update library/Zend/Stdlib/Hydrator/ClassMethods.php](zendframework#3754)
- [3792: Sets specific attributes (as class,title...) to "Zend\Form\Select" options](zendframework#3792)
- [3812: Zend\Form\FormInterface causes Di to attempt to instantiate Interface](zendframework#3812)
- [3814: Improve module manager to accept instance](zendframework#3814)
- [3818: Invalid instantiator of type “NULL” for “Zend\Form\FormInterface”](zendframework#3818)
- [3844: Added new option to fix a little issue originated from last PR](zendframework#3844)
- [3876: Implementing and re-utilizing an abstract aggregate listener](zendframework#3876)
- [3877: HeadTitle renderTitle returns rendered title without title tags](zendframework#3877)
- [3878: Created an adapter Zend Paginator instance using TableGateway](zendframework#3878)
- [3879: Feature CollectionInputFilter](zendframework#3879)
- [3896: Added ability to ignore namespaces to classmap generator](zendframework#3896)
- [3919: WSDL Generation rewrite (with new tests also) as a base for future changes.](zendframework#3919)
- [3922: Added the ability to disable the getValidator input specification on Select Elements](zendframework#3922)
- [3930: Added abstract service factory for logger component to provide several loggers for application.](zendframework#3930)
- [3931: Added ability to configure MvcEvent listeners.](zendframework#3931)
- [3933: Added database adapter abstract service factory.](zendframework#3933)
- [3942: Feature/zend test load module](zendframework#3942)
- [3944: Enable ExceptionStrategy to return json](zendframework#3944)
- [3949: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()](zendframework#3949)
- [3951: Deprecate Zend\Stdlib\DateTime and use \DateTime constructor internally instead](zendframework#3951)
- [3965: Add removeMethod method in ClassGenerator](zendframework#3965)
- [3979: Fixes zendframework#3978](zendframework#3979)
- [3990: Zend\Filter\File\RenameUpload - Added possibility to maintain original file extension](zendframework#3990)
- [3999: Chain route](zendframework#3999)
- [4011: extend HeadMeta view helper to allow microdata zendframework#3751](zendframework#4011)
- [4016: Hydrator aware interface](zendframework#4016)
- [4032: Class was supporting limit + offset or limit, but only offset does not support](zendframework#4032)
- [4048: Moved ext-intl to suggest instead of require to avoid silent fallback.](zendframework#4048)
- [4050: Translable routing segments](zendframework#4050)
- [4073: Fixed issue zendframework#3064](zendframework#4073)
- [4098: fix php docblock : boolean should be bool](zendframework#4098)
- [4099: fix (bool) casting : add space and use (bool) instead of (boolean) to cast](zendframework#4099)
- [4104: Allow to change option creations for plugin manager](zendframework#4104)
- [4120: (Validator) Only return unique messages](zendframework#4120)
- [4127: Added I18n PhoneNumber validator based off of country](zendframework#4127)
- [4137: View helpers cleanup](zendframework#4137)
- [4139: Service manager performance optimized](zendframework#4139)
- [4145: Delegate factories](zendframework#4145)
- [4146: Lazy services](zendframework#4146)
- [4155: Move Identity closure to separate factory](zendframework#4155)
- [4165: Validate empty with context](zendframework#4165)
- [4169: Fixed error in adapter paginator DbTableGateway](zendframework#4169)
- [4170: Hydrator aware interface](zendframework#4170)
- [4178: Allow passing objects to the url helper](zendframework#4178)
- [4181: Make identifier name configurable for AbstractRestfulController](zendframework#4181)
- [4187: Add event manager as soft dependency to translator](zendframework#4187)
- [4202: Zend\Log has dependency on Zend\ServiceManager](zendframework#4202)
- [4204: Hotfix for zendframework#4202](zendframework#4204)
- [4206: Added sequence name for PostgreSQL](zendframework#4206)
- [4215: Bugfix for redirection handling in Zend\Http\Client](zendframework#4215)
- [4231: (Form) (Hotfix) Get Elements for Collection](zendframework#4231)
- [4238: ValueGenerator constant detection](zendframework#4238)
- [4247: Added Brazilian IBAN format to IBAN validation](zendframework#4247)
- [4250: (zendframework#4249) Override 'ServiceManager::has' to do not use peering service managers](zendframework#4250)
- [4251: Create factories for selected view collaborators](zendframework#4251)
- [4252: Auto-upgrading and then displaying composer version](zendframework#4252)
- [4253: Create AbstractFactory for Cache](zendframework#4253)
- [4254: Use prefix in Logger abstract factory](zendframework#4254)
- [4259: Hotfix: Changed array\_walk to foreach in Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ArraySerializable](zendframework#4259)
- [4260: Validator\Explode can take option validator as array](zendframework#4260)
- [4262: Fixed console routes when using same name for group and parameter](zendframework#4262)
- [4263: Remove superfluous indentation from one line of code](zendframework#4263)
- [4268: Session service factories](zendframework#4268)
- [4269: Hotfix: cs fixer check](zendframework#4269)
- [4276: allow default http responses to be sent in mvc stack](zendframework#4276)
- [4279: Remove needless is\_object check](zendframework#4279)
- [4282: fix getHref strategy in PageMvc](zendframework#4282)
- [4284: Main framework composer.json is incorrectly configured](zendframework#4284)
- [4285: Fix for a problem with Service Manager and Abstract Factories](zendframework#4285)
- [4288: Reset URI parts before parse](zendframework#4288)
- [4289: Minor CS fix](zendframework#4289)
- [4293: Better fix for zendframework#4284](zendframework#4293)
- [4294: BaseInputFilter not populating InputFilters of Element\Collection](zendframework#4294)
- [4295: Console route defaults should be overridden by entered values](zendframework#4295)
- [4296: illegal usage of array\_walk in ObjectProperty, ClassMapAutoloader](zendframework#4296)
- [4298: View\Helper\Navigation\Menu: add flag to set page class to <li>](zendframework#4298)
- [4299: Suggestion: Don't render empty module console information](zendframework#4299)
- [4300: Maestro detection improvements in Zend\Validator\CreditCard](zendframework#4300)
- [4301: remove extra semicolon](zendframework#4301)
- [4303: Method annotations of Zend\Validator\Hostname constructor](zendframework#4303)
- [4311: DDL support for Zend\Db](zendframework#4311)
- [4312: POP3 protocol "return;" is needed after APOP request](zendframework#4312)
- [4313: update docblock for ZendTest : /Db/, /Code/ , /Di/, /Log/, Mvc/](zendframework#4313)
- [4317: Fix zendframework#4315 - Console routes with dashes are not understood.](zendframework#4317)
- [4319: Add various plugin manager](zendframework#4319)
- [4321: Hotfix/cs fixer installation](zendframework#4321)
- [4326: Add zh\_TW translations ](zendframework#4326)
- [4328: Fix 4294](zendframework#4328)
- [4330: Remove SM-Aware requirement from Forward plugin](zendframework#4330)
- [4331: Changed default version service to Zend.](zendframework#4331)
- [4336: Use is\_int() instead of is\_integer()](zendframework#4336)
- [4337: Fix alignment of values, add trailing comma](zendframework#4337)
- [4339: Remove @return annotation from constructor doc-block](zendframework#4339)
- [4341: Docblocks do not match](zendframework#4341)
- [4344: Add missing file level doc-block](zendframework#4344)
- [4347: Add empty line after namespace declaration](zendframework#4347)
- [4349: Alphabetically order use statements (related to zendframework#4338)](zendframework#4349)
- [4350: Remove comma before value in array initialization](zendframework#4350)
- [4351: fix the constructor's type-autodetection accepts wrong parameters](zendframework#4351)
- [4352: Fix doc blocks consistency and coding standards PSR2](zendframework#4352)
- [4353: Glob::glob() should throw an exception on error](zendframework#4353)
- [4354: Corrected wrong year](zendframework#4354)
- [4355: fix docblock : @throw should be @throws](zendframework#4355)
- [4356: FormSelect translate optgroup label fix](zendframework#4356)
- [4358: Form abstract factory](zendframework#4358)
- [4361: Ldap Ldif Decoder bug fix](zendframework#4361)
- [4364: AbstractFactory consistency](zendframework#4364)
- [4365: Use InputFilterPluginManager in InputFilter\Factory](zendframework#4365)
- [4367: Remove reference to root namespace (fixes zendframework#4363)](zendframework#4367)
- [4372: Ability to load custom form classes from FormElementManager in Mvc.](zendframework#4372)


Toggle release-2.1.5's commit message
Zend Framework 2.1.5

Issues fixed in this release:

- 2536: `Zend\Validate` translations out of date
- 2898: `ConstructedNavigationFactory` does not inject components
- 3373: `Collection` in `Form` not binds values when form has no object and hydrator set
- 3534: ZF2 2.0.6 Authentication and postgres database
- 3626: `Zend\Form\View\Helper\FormRow`: labels are appended by default
- 3685: Problem on appending new identifier on `EventManager`
- 3695: Adapter name and sequence problems
- 3719: `Zend\Db\Metadata\Source\AbstractSource` Notice: Undefined index
- 3731: Console banners are all shown consecutively
- 3882: `EventManager` or `Stdlib\CallbackHandler` can't handle `WeakRef` enough.
- 3898: `Zend\Navigation\Service\ConstructedNavigationFactory` not inject
  dependences (router, action and etc)
- 3912: Ajustment `SequenceFeature` generic drivers
- 3934: `Acl` allow role access on all resources not honoured if added after resources
- 3983: Update `BaseInputFilter`
- 4002: Update `DocBlockScanner`
- 4013: Fix PHP Notice in `Translator` class
- 4014: update to `FlashMessenger` view helper to allow for classes on separator
- 4020: Add parent roles with traversable object
- 4026: `Zend\Validator` Test Suite Fix
- 4027: Move deprecation notice inside constructor of `Query` class
- 4035: [Router] non existent child route during assembly doesn't throw exception
- 4037: Remove unnecessary `autoload.php` from composer config.
- 4047: Update `InArray.php`
- 4049: removed unused cache test assets from test suite
- 4051: `writeLine()` with console is (literally) breaking when the string is "too long"?
- 4053: Implement better text domain merging support
- 4054: 2.1.4: `Zend/Stdlib/composer.json` requires  "Zend/Stdlib/compatibility/autoload.php"
- 4055: Fix zendframework#4051 `console::writeLine()`
- 4061: Normalize console usage
- 4063: Resolved Issue zendframework#2898
- 4064: Fixed issue with invalid `@cover` annotations, pointed to not existed class
- 4066: `HttpControllerTestCase` gives wrong messages for `assertRedirect`/`assertNotRedirect`
- 4070: Hotfix for issue zendframework#4069
- 4074: fix typos
- 4075: `Form\Collection`: allow create new objects
- 4077: Fix `Collection` form element replacing bound objects with dummies upon form validation
- 4079: Some fixes for phpDoc in `Zend\Mvc`
- 4084: Introduce query parameter for `Navigation\Page\Mvc`
- 4085: Fix loading of a text domain from different sources, fixes issue zendframework#4045
- 4089: Zend\Test - set the request's `requestUri` to the dispatched url
- 4095: `Zend\Navigation\Page\Mvc::getHref` does not use `RouteMatch` parameters
- 4102: simplify constant usage. `FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE` is available since PHP 5.3.0
- 4103: `FormDateTimeSelect` - minutes delimiter always shown
- 4111: Updated translations
- 4117: [InputFilter] Allow specification of error message via `Factory`
- 4118: Fix name of variable used for capturing output when executing shell command
- 4119: Fix weird verbalization
- 4123: Fix#3373
- 4129: Update to `ServiceManager` to provide more precise error messages
- 4133: Fix#4103
- 4134: Zend\Mvc\Router\Console\Simple not compatible with older versions of pcre (and therefore CentOS)
- 4135: Update Czech validator messages
- 4138: Modified Router to use backwards compatible regex expression Issue: 4134
- 4140: When displaying navigations three times last navigation has data of prev...
- 4143: Fixed issue zendframework#3626
- 4144: feature / `quoteTrustedValueList`
- 4147: Reset stop-propagation flag when triggering event
- 4148: Filters priority setting when populating filters in inputfilter factory and not losing it when merging filter chains
- 4150: Hotfix - `callable` type introspection for method parameters
- 4152: Fixed some EMail Validation Strings - German
- 4153: [Feed] sync svn r24842 - Fix ZF-4491
- 4154: Catch `LogicException` for Rewind and fix CP errors
- 4157: end autoload classmap generated file with EOL
- 4161: servicemanager is a requirement
- 4164: Fetch model from event parameter
- 4167: `Console` posix adapter `writeLine()` background color bleeding through to the next line.
- 4168: Fix zendframework#4167 - Console posix adapter `writeLine()` background color bleeding through to the next line.
- 4171: Fix BC break in 2.1.5dev - Revert to previous `isRequired` behavior for file upload inputs
- 4172: [Form] Remove after Add doesn't restore initial state
- 4180: Radio & Multicheckbox Problem with selected & disabled attributes
- 4182: Issue zendframework#3358 - Fix for console router not accepting controller word as part of a route
- 4183: Update `Zend_Validate.php` resource
- 4184: Updated `Page\Mvc::getHref` to grab correct controller name from `routeMatch`
- 4191: `Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ClassMethods::hydrate()` - support for `__call()` magic method
- 4198: fixed typo in french `Zend_Validator_StringLength`
- 4199:  Issue zendframework#4172 - Fixed empty priority queue state
- 4201: Issue zendframework#4172 - Added tests for add/remove sequence in `Zend\Form`
- 4203: Allow an instance of `Zend\Stdlib\AbstractOptions` to set configuration properties of the same class
- 4207: Fixed default plural rule.
- 4210: Fixed failure when implementing custom rbac roles
- 4213: [Curl] `setOptions` should merge config items that can be arrays
- 4216: Require `Zend\Config` in `Zend\Mvc`
- 4224: `Mail\Headers.php`: Adjust regex for field name to RFC 5322
- 4225: change variable naming
- 4226: ZF2 ACL full access
- 4227: Updated `Zend_Captcha` and `Zend_Validate` for catalan language
- 4232: Correct tests for group multicheckbox & radio attributes
- 4233: remove mistake doc for `Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request::detectBaseUrl()`
- 4235: fixed `setEventManager`
- 4236: Update `ProvidesEvents.php`
- 4237: Update `ModuleManager.php`
- 4239: Remove annotation in `Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterAwareTrait`
- 4240: A Better fix for zendframework#3912
- 4241: `Zend\Db\Metadata` - remove quoting of known scalars, use `quoteTrustedValue()` for provided values
- 4242: fix `Zend\Json` doc and little typo
- 4243: remove `if` `else` for same return
- 4244: remove unused `require_once __DIR__ . '/SplAutoloader.php';`
- 4246: replaced `get_called_class()` with `get_class($this)` in non-static context


Toggle release-2.1.4's commit message
Zend Framework 2.1.4

- ZF2013-01: Query route (
- ZF2013-02: RNG support (
- ZF2013-03: DB platform quoting (
- 2752: `Zend_Json_Server` to accept null parameters
- 3696: `Zend\Json\Server\Server` should allow parameters with NULL values
- 3767: Allow NULL parameter values in `Zend/Json/Server`
- 3827: Fix mismatches between the PHPDoc and the method signatures
- 3840: allow a null page in pages array, to compensate for ZF issue zendframework#3823
- 3842: Hotfix/zend test improve console usage
- 3849: Check if values are set in `Zend\Db\Sql\Insert.php` for prepared
- 3867: `FileGenerator::setUses()` MUST can take arguments from
- 3868: `ClassGenerator::fromReflection` not generate class properties
- 3869: Remove BC break in `Identical` validator
- 3871: The method delete on the `RowGateway` now returns the affected rows
- 3873: Fixes an issue when binding a model to a form collection element
- 3885: Hotfix/add tests console adapter
- 3886: Add tests console prompt
- 3888: `DefinitionList` `hasMethod` fix
- 3907: Add tests console request response
- 3916: Fix PUT HTTP method usage with params
- 3917: Clean the Console abstract adapter
- 3921: [+BUGFIX] Fixed column names bug `Zend\Db\Sql\Select`
- 3925: Added view and validator dependency
- 3936: Improve the remove of `SendResponseListener`
- 3946: Adding config to `openssl_pkey_export()`
- 3947: fix exception %s passed variable of 'A service by the name or alias %s'  should be $name
- 3948: Bug/merging translator textdomains
- 3950: Fix zero value in argument
- 3957: [Hotfix] Fixed incorrect `PDO_Oci` platform recognition
- 3960: Update toString() to use late static binding for encoding methods
- 3964: Fix fluent interface
- 3966: Better polyfill support for `Stdlib` and `Session`
- 3968: fixed `Exception\InvalidArgumentException` messages in `Zend\Log`
- 3971: SessionArrayStorage doesn't preserve `_REQUEST_ACCESS_TIME`
- 3973: Documentation improvement `Zend\View\Stream`
- 3980: change `HOST_DNS_OR_IPV4_OR_IPV6` to `0x13` for `$validHostTypes`
- 3981: Improve exception messages
- 3982: Fix `\Zend\Soap\AutoDiscover` constructor
- 3984: Update `ArrayStack.php`
- 3987: Fix ChromePhp logger interface and debug level
- 3988: Fix & Unit test for `preparestatement` notices
- 3991: Hotfix/3858 - `findHelper` problem in Navigation Helper
- 3993: `SessionArrayStorage` Request Access Time and Storage Initialization
- 3997: Allow https on scheme without a hostname
- 4001: Fix `ViewFeedStrategyFactory` comment
- 4005: Hotfix/case sensitive console
- 4007: Pass `ClassGenerator` instance instead of boolean
- 4009: Minor if to else if improvement
- 4010: Hotfix/zend test with console route


Toggle release-2.0.8's commit message
Zend Framework 2.0.8

- ZF2013-01: Query route (
- ZF2013-02: RNG support (
- ZF2013-03: DB platform quoting (


Toggle release-2.1.3's commit message
Zend Framework 2.1.3

- 3714: Zend\Stdlib\ArrayObject::offsetExists() returning by reference
- 3855: Fix zendframework#3852
- 3856: Simple route case insensitive


Toggle release-2.1.2's commit message
Zend Framework 2.1.2

- 3085: create controller via Zend\Mvc\Controller\ControllerManager
- 3469: ConnectionInterface docblock is wrong or implementation is wrong..
- 3506: [WIP] [zendframework#3113] Fix spelling in error validation messages
- 3636: If route has child routes and in URL has arbitrary query like "?lang=de"
  it does not work
- 3652: Query parameter ?action=somevalue will get 404 error
- 3683: Fix to make sure NotEmpty validator is not already set
- 3691: Fix for GitHub issue 3469
- 3698: Openssl error string
- 3699: Certain servers may not set a whitespace after a colon
  (Set-Cookie: header)
- 3701: Synced pt\_BR\Zend\_Validate.php with en\Zend\_Validate.php
- 3702: added new file: resources\languages\pt\_BR\Zend\_Captcha.php
- 3703: [WIP] Adding parallel testing ANT build configuration and related files
- 3705: Recent composer.json update of stdlib package
- 3706: clear joins and create without columns
- 3707: quoteIdentifier problem in sequence
- 3708: Filter\File\RenameUpload: wrap move\_uploaded\_file to be easly mocked
- 3712: Fix for URIs with a query string not matching
- 3713: Session Container Mismatch & Version Compare fixes for 5.3.3
- 3715: [zendframework#3705] Fix autoload.files setting in composer.json
- 3716: Added the Zend\Form decepence in composer.json for Zend\Mvc
- 3721: Created files for each component
- 3722: [Form] [DateTimeSelect] Filter, manager, and view helper fixes
- 3725: Use built-in php constants
- 3729: Zend\Barcode (Fixes zendframework#2862)
- 3732: Fix for zendframework#2531 - Multiplie navigation don't work
- 3733: Fix/select where
- 3735: [Form] [FormElementManager] don't overwrite form factory if already set
- 3742: Object+hydrator element annotation fix
- 3743: [zendframework#3739 & zendframework#3740] Using version-compare in accept header handler params.
- 3746: Fix bugs for some locales!
- 3757: Fixed a bug where mail messages were malformed when using the Sendmail
- 3764: Validator File MimeType (IsImage & IsCompressed)
- 3771: Zend\File\Transfer\Adapter\Http on receive : error "File was not found"  in ZF 2.1
- 3778: [zendframework#3711] Fix regression in query string matching
- 3782: [WIP] Zend\Di\Di::get() with call parameters ignored shared instances.
- 3783: Provide branch-alias entries for each component composer.json
- 3785: Zend\Db\Sql\Literal Fix when % is used in string
- 3786: Inject shared event manager in initializer
- 3789: Update library/Zend/Mail/Header/AbstractAddressList.php
- 3793: Resolved Issue: zendframework#3748 - offsetGet and __get should do a direct proxy to
- 3794: Implement query and fragment assembling into the HTTP router itself
- 3797: remove @category, @Package, and @subpackage docblocks
- 3798: Remove extra semicolons
- 3803: Fix identical validator
- 3806: Remove obsolete catch statement
- 3807: Resolve undefined classes in phpDoc
- 3808: Add missing @return annotations
- 3813: Bug fix for GlobIterator extending service
- 3817: Add failing tests for Simple console route
- 3819: Allow form element filter to convert a string to array
- 3828: Cannot validate form when keys of collection in data are non consecutive
- 3831: Non-matching argument type for ArrayObject
- 3832: Zend\Db\Sql\Predicate\Predicate->literal() does not work with integer 0
  as $expressionParameters
- 3836: Zend\Db\Sql\Predicate\Predicate Fix for literal() usage
- 3837: Fix for legacy Transfer usage of File Validators
- 3838: Stdlib\ArrayObject & Zend\Session\Container Compatibility with ArrayObject
- 3839: Fixes zendframework#2477 - Implemented optional subdomains using regex