- Beijing, China
🐇 Boilerplate for Unity3D WebGL builds (on WebAssembly) using basic Create React App
A bare-bones vite + react + typescript starter template with eslint + prettier, vitest + @testing-library and react-router
Babylonjs and cannonjs realize physical pickup driving(使用babylonjs和cannonjs实现的物理引擎皮卡车模拟驾驶游戏)
Drive your favorite 3D car in your threejs world just by uploading the GLTF Model and generating code all on the browser itself!
A Light Vue 3.0 Web UI Framework build with JavaScript and Typescript.
苹果商店上架项目, on app store, for MacOS, mac开源, mac open source
LSTPopView iOS万能弹窗 (QQ群:1045568246 微信:a_LSTKit)
A lightweight and easy-to-use deep learning framework with neural architecture search.
covid-19 ncov realtime 3d globe maps and position data api 新冠病毒疫情实时3可视化和疫情数据api Coronavirus API http://pyact.com/ncov-globe/by-state.html
CGA 3D 计算几何算法库 | 3D Compute Geometry Algorithm Library webgl three.js babylon.js等任何库都可以使用
Flutter_Mall是一款Flutter开源在线商城应用程序,是基于litemall基础上进行开发,litemall包含了Spring Boot后端 + Vue管理员前端 + 微信小程序用户前端 + Vue用户移动端感兴趣的同学可以自行研究部署,Flutter_Mall基本上包含了litemall中小程序的功能。
Vue2.0 UI framework, reference element, vant, etc., for developing demos if you like to welcome star
小白入坑vue三部曲,关于 vue 在工作的使用问题总结,请看博客 https://sunseekers.github.io/ 一直保持更新